New Pics**Please Help Me Decide Which Should Be My New Avatar

Wow Layla! You're beautiful! Do you visit Austin at all?

So ar, pick number is in the lead with 4 votes
i think the unnumbered pic plus #13 just make me want to jump right into the computer with you! just call me tron.
  • Paven
  • 01-24-2011, 07:37 PM
I think the main one is lovely, but you look great in all of them!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
which ever one you have as your showcase "main pic" with the red robe and you turned to your side.......damn.
oh just got me all excited...
I like 5 as well!
I like 5 as well! Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Did I ever tell you that your avatar is exceptional?
gman44's Avatar
I like #6

the less skin the better
Maxeen - They ALL look great!!! You could just rotate them as your avatar.
austin_191967's Avatar
They are all spectacular, but my vote would be #3.
Mature Companion's Avatar
If your photos are in set order. Then my vote is photo #6 (6-jan2k11) Very sexy & beautiful! It captures your sexy legs,breasts, your beautiful smile & eyes.....the complete package!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day I have taken some new pics using pink and red colors. I think these pics came out great and can't decide which one to use as my new avatar. I uploaded them into my showcase. Take a look and let me know

I think my favorite one is the fifth one. The red fuzzy tassels and the thong slightly pulled down Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
Centexlicker's Avatar
The main pic, 36199, love your smile!
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Maxeen, just goes to show that you don't take a bad picture!!! I second the rotate vote. I want to see them all!!!
Picture 3 highlights your pretty face and leaves a little mystery. Pictures 11 and 12 and nice too. Pic 12 is honey to me.
arthur_s's Avatar
I like #5
3 and 7.

Very well done photo shoot.