Question about canceling and 1 hour and 20 mins early

FishGuy13's Avatar
I love it when a guy lets me know when he is on is way. :-) Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I agree with the rest, that early is just creepy. I like to be a little bit early in case I get lost and if she is ready great, if not no big deal.
I just wanted to be under Kaylee again.
theshadow00's Avatar
maybe his watch was set to the wrong time zone? Just kidding you did the right thing
BluesMan's Avatar
As far is him arriving early and already being there has no bearing on the situation. You were cancelling the appointment with plenty of notice and as far as you knew, he should've been preparing for the visit. The fact that he showed up so early is all on him, and is quite weird IMO.
I'm def with everyone else. You were in the right. Always go with your gut. The fact that he showed up way early was a def flag. Pretty much validates your bad feeling from the jump. Never feel bad for trusting your instincts. They are 99.5% always correct.
Be safe out there.
I wouldn't show up 15 minutes early let alone an hour and twenty???...geez. Must have been a newbie thinking you are all about him...ha ha.
Pedrosia's Avatar
Either he is very naive, a dumbass, or there is more to this story.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Don't sweat this sexy. He should have been courteous enough to say he was on his way and no way should he have been so freaking early. Just creepy.

He was probably just so worked up by your hott ass. ;-)
  • Colby
  • 01-04-2015, 07:57 AM
I have a two call system. One when he is on the way to give him general directions (or I give him my block number and street) and one when he gets to my street. NEVER do I give them the address until he is ON my street.

If someone is an hour and 15 mins early, he will have to wait. I do not shower that far in advance for a guy. That is so I am at my freshest.
I am with colby! It is one thing to be 5 to 10 min early. That's ok..sometimes I'll be ready sometimes I won't. Either way. As a woman in this business screening can do a lot for your safety. But that gut feeling can mean everything.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-04-2015, 08:18 AM
Your first post said you were going to cancel on him for personal reasons. Then later you said something about his communication style seemed off and pushy and that's why you were going to cancel. So not sure if your personal reasons you first mentioned are the same personal reasons that he made you feel nervous.

So to answer your question about is an hour and 20 minutes enough notice I'd say it depends.
Was it personal reasons that couldn't be avoided? Was it because you thought about his communication style from the last contact and felt uneasy? I don't really know the answer if it was enough time or not. What if he was coming from 2 hours away? What if he worked or lived really close? So depends.

You guys are focusing on him being an hour and 20 minutes early. Kaylee and the client are the only ones that know what that meant. Had she already given him the exact location more than an hour before the appointment and he's sitting there looking at her window? That's not standard for a first time meeting to give out an exact location so I doubt he even knew her exact incall location.

It depends on what being early means and we don't know from this post. Was he letting her know he got off work early and was simply available whenever she was? Was he parked outside and expecting her to answer the door that early? I know there have been times I got off work early and told whoever I was seeing that I could see her sooner if she was available. I even remember one time the appointment couldn't be changed so I sat in a restaurant parking lot and watched a DVD for an hour or two.

The question in this post wasn't whether or not you should have cancelled but was that enough time. Nobody can really answer that.
Awww thanks Eva. To be honest, that was one of the reasons why I was going to cancel on him. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I was getting because his communication style just seemed off and pushy. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
You're quite welcome!

I already figured you had your spider senses working...
boydcrow's Avatar
In my profession, people communicate to each other if they're running late or have to cancel a meeting - it's understood etiquette. Why should this hobby be any different? It's just common courtesy. However, for him to be that early, and then pissed, seems very strange. Kaylee, I agree with the others that you did nothing wrong and probably avoided a nasty situation.
I had a client show up extremely early recently. Definitely over an hour early. Its not like he was parked at my incall because I don't give my exact location until its time.. But he did let me know he was very early and ready when I was. It threw me off a sec but when I asked him why he showed up so early his explanation made sense. But ya its an uneasy feeling knowing someone is waiting on you to be ready nearby when you still have to do your hair and make up.

Was he at your incall or just in the area? Did he give a reason for being so early?
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I don't give out my location either. Hell, I hadn't even given him cross streets at that time. All he knew was the general area.

I'm glad I didn't either.

LA part of the reason why I canceled is I was getting a VERY uneasy feeling about the situation.

Second is personal which is just that...personal.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-04-2015, 04:23 PM

LA part of the reason why I canceled is I was getting a VERY uneasy feeling about the situation.

Second is personal which is just that...personal. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
You're the one asking the board if it was enough notice to cancel. You said cancel for personal reasons and I stand by my answer that it depends on the personal reason. I don't need to know what your personal reason was. Maybe it was enough time but maybe it wasn't. It just depends on your reason for cancelling on short notice and what he had to do to see you.

I realize that personal means personal...not sure why you would even say that.