Hey providers...how about a "Top Client" list?

steverino50's Avatar
It's better this way. I just go along believing I am on somebody's top five list. Don't shatter the illusion.
Judge Smails's Avatar
LOL, I am with Steverino on this one! This is a land of illusion and make believe. If I wanted realism, I can get it in the real world. Plus I assume it is bad for business and would fill up the PM buffers...
Chevalier's Avatar
Nothing wrong with wanting to be liked, valued, and appreciated. It seems a bit strange to make a competition out of it; to want to be liked, valued, and appreciated more than all but 4 of her other clients.

Besides, if a lady lists her "Top 5 Clients," I can always assume that I must have ranked as number 6. On the other hand, if she lists her "Top 280 Clients" . . .
LOL. Majority of posts to this thread have been by the guys.
I guess the ladies won't budge on this one.
1. Lurker
2. Lurker
3. Lurker
4. Lurker
5. Lurker

On the last name your fav clients thread, I recall several ladies including myself TOFTT and naming a few. Unfortunately some of my favs got the boot. :-( . I got to start a new list.
I can't remember any names but I bet if we did a dick line-up I could pick my top five. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ

Couldn't we all?
ONEXKID's Avatar
FUBAR ~ My topdog chorizo!! Originally Posted by JessicaCaliente
Lana Warren's Avatar
1. A nice drama free gentleman
2. A nice drama free gentleman
3. A nice drama free gentleman
4. A nice drama free gentleman
5. A nice drama free gentleman

Unless your name starts with T and E please don't put me on any list
Copier :-)
pmdelites's Avatar
Works well for managers dealing with employees; less well with businesses dealing with customers. Most customers don't worry about being favorites of most businesses they patronize, but in P4P? Particularly when praise for Joe can be interpreted as damning Bill with faint praise. Originally Posted by Chevalier
Long ago, on a board far, far away. . . there was a section set aside for doing just that. I don't think it got used that much though.

I agree with SoftPlace on this. Sure most of the client base are comfortable enough with themselves to not be bothered, but certainly not all. Everyone needs some sort of validation, I'm just not sure it needs to be obtained publicly.


Being a greedy sort, I'd prefer any lady who considered me a "favorite" to express it privately, perhaps with a discount etc. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
i agree, but was just throwing that out in case anyone needed cover.

i dont know if i'm on or off anyone's favorite list, but several of the women i visited in the 2nd half of 2010 said i was "fun" [some were my favs, some were after the 1st visit]. one, after saying that, even wondered out loud what she would need to do to get me to return. btw, i did and it was even funner.

let me check the eccieDude email and see if anyone has replied.
that inbox is empty.

ladies, i swear on my heart and lil delites and promise that i WILL NOT REVEAL YOUR NAME OR ANY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION should you decide to email your favs [1, 5, 10, 280, whomever you want] to eccieDude@yahoo.com. if i screw up and id you, then i will submit and let all of you women lash me with a wet noodle or more.
novacain's Avatar
Ladies can't list a top 5 clients due to hurt feelings and lost of business from that but seems there is one name they can and do list and not get any flack over...........SURGE.......... ..guess he really is special.
CenterLock's Avatar
1. A nice drama free gentleman
2. A nice drama free gentleman
3. A nice drama free gentleman
4. A nice drama free gentleman
5. A nice drama free gentleman

DUH? Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Yay! I made another list!!!!! (even if I am only #5)

if i screw up and id you, then i will submit and let all of you women lash me with a wet noodle or more. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Wait... you screw up and then get a free fetish session with all the women? Damn big cahones, doode!
I like PMdelites idea...post the names to his (or/and mine) PM box and when we get enough we will anonymously (WE PROMISE!) list them here. If one guy's name keeps popping up, you know us guys will fill up his PM asking what his secret (BIG "TIP") is!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I know one provider who called me ONE of her atf's. Another sent a follow-up email that hit my inbox before I could make it home just 5 minutes from her incall. I have had one young lady text me in the middle of the night telling me she was thinking about me kissing her lips (I really enjoy our oral delights )