Question I have a bucket list

TreeBark's Avatar
Not what you told me, rather tried to show me last weekend, big boy! Lol

Yeah my ball bag list is to visit every ML Ball Park Originally Posted by Mtnliving
57fubar's Avatar
and your bucket list. So here is the current "chick with a stick" ad.

...and don't even think of asking me anything at all about shim.
TreeBark's Avatar
Save yourself the search and see Bianca Saint James.
What I've been told.
Google is your friend!
I hear kira now does pegging and strapon play you can pm me if you don't want to answer hear understand
I hear kira will do pegging and strapon play anybody take her up on it you can pm if you find want to answer here thanks
I here kira does pegging and strapon play you can pm me if you dont want to reply here thanks still no luck
i hear kira does strap on play and other fetish anyone know first hqnd you can pm me if you like
57fubar's Avatar
.....give it a rest will you