No One?

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I didn't see anything in the newspapers about a hostage situation. Where is it? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Why would left wing media outlets like the newspapers you read, want to inform the public that the hostage taker was a enviro-nutcase who took on the progressive platform of eugenics? And where did he get his ideas, none other than algore and his fraudulant film.
CNN had the same live camera shot of the Discovery Channel Building taken from a circling helicopter for AT LEAST an hour with nothing new to report. Fox had the good sense to cut away. I was at the gym yesterday - it carries both.

Anyone else besides me hoping it was algore? Don't be shy.

It confirms my suspicion that these eviro-nazis are just using Climate Change/Global Warming as a cover for (sub) Zero Population Growth. Originally Posted by gnadfly
they want everyone to die and go away except themselves and people they know and love. YOU need to go away.

by the way, did you see the dance the cnn news guy did in trying to soften the fact it was a left winger? totally disgusting. im sure its on you tube by now, rick sanchez
they want everyone to die and go away except themselves and people they know and love. YOU need to go away.

by the way, did you see the dance the cnn news guy did in trying to soften the fact it was a left winger? totally disgusting. im sure its on you tube by now, rick sanchez Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Too bad the useful idiot didn't go off during the Copenhagen Summit. Remember that BHO had Hillary pledge 100 Billion a year to get their agenda passed.
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  • 09-03-2010, 02:09 PM
And where did he get his ideas, none other than algore and his fraudulant film. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Did you just make that up or did you hear it on Fox?

He got his impetus from Daniel Quinn's novel , 'My Ishmeal'.

, rick sanchez Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That guy is an idiot.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Did you just make that up or did you hear it on Fox?

He got his impetus from Daniel Quinn's novel , 'My Ishmeal'.

That guy is an idiot. Originally Posted by WTF

I w i l l s p e a k s l o w l y f o r y o u . I t ' s c a l l e d a l i b r a r y c a r d .

Don't believe everything you hear, most people have an agenda and why do you think global warming is so hyped? Because scientist make their money from grants given by the govt. They have to make everything a crisis or they eat at the soup kitchens.

If you are old enough, you should remember just 30 years ago they were shouting GLOBAL COOLING, OZONE DEPLETION. Maybe if they stopped seeding clouds for some rich asshole who wants a green yard during a drought, the weather cycles would return to normal.

Get with the program... it's all about the Benjamin's, on the left and the right and of course in the hobby.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Maybe if they stopped seeding clouds for some rich asshole who wants a green yard during a drought, the weather cycles would return to normal. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Hey dude, don't sweat the cloud seeding. Your tin foil hat will keep the rain off your head.

Sa_artman's Avatar
Don't believe everything you hear, most people have an agenda and why do you think global warming is so hyped? Because scientist make their money from grants given by the govt. They have to make everything a crisis or they eat at the soup kitchens.

If you are old enough, you should remember just 30 years ago they were shouting GLOBAL COOLING, OZONE DEPLETION. Maybe if they stopped seeding clouds for some rich asshole who wants a green yard during a drought, the weather cycles would return to normal.

Get with the program... it's all about the Benjamin's, on the left and the right and of course in the hobby. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I find you troubling. I won't get into the scores of scientists who are on steady checks and have no need to hype anything for money (Tom Slicks excellent foundation) nor the doubters who in the face of facts have done an about face ( but a more basic fact. It's not about you. If you get off your couch and travel a bit (maybe I'm assuming, but even though you tout the Marines I get the feeling of desk job) you see real effects of how we've fucked up our earth. Just like serving your country has little or no immediate gratification other than the satisfaction of knowing your doing something for future generations, so is it with environment. I really don't give a flying pigs ass that some scientists are making money off Al Gore, what I care about is this and previous generations pissing on the land our sons and daughters have to grow up in. Just do you part and shut up.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Hey dude, don't sweat the cloud seeding. Your tin foil hat will keep the rain off your head.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Todays word of the day is sarcasm, that's sarcasm. Say it with me now, s a r c a s m.

Definition of SARCASM
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm

I find you troubling. I won't get into the scores of scientists who are on steady checks and have no need to hype anything for money (Tom Slicks excellent foundation) nor the doubters who in the face of facts have done an about face ( but a more basic fact. It's not about you. If you get off your couch and travel a bit (maybe I'm assuming, but even though you tout the Marines I get the feeling of desk job) you see real effects of how we've fucked up our earth. Just like serving your country has little or no immediate gratification other than the satisfaction of knowing your doing something for future generations, so is it with environment. I really don't give a flying pigs ass that some scientists are making money off Al Gore, what I care about is this and previous generations pissing on the land our sons and daughters have to grow up in. Just do you part and shut up. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
I didn't make this a personal attack against you and if your personal attack on me is your way of coping with sarcasm or facts, I feel sorry for you. BTW, blogs are not imperical data.

Investigative reporters Christopher Booker and Richard North have documented that since being elected to the IPCC chairmanship five years earlier, Pachauri has been appointed to more than 20 positions, including directorships and advisory roles to major banks and investment firms.

NDISC just one institution 5250 Benjamins

WSJ Follow the Benjamins; 100 Billion Dollars

Times.UK Hide the Decline, destroy imperical raw data...

Washington Times The red-hot scam unravels...

Phill Jones, "...for the past 15 years there has been no 'statistically significant' warming." Dailymail.UK

Copenhagen descenting scientists with an open letter to the UN.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-04-2010, 10:21 AM
I w i l l s p e a k s l o w l y f o r y o u . I t ' s c a l l e d a l i b r a r y c a r d . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler

. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Quit crying about somebody making fun of an idiotic thing you say. You don't see me crying about your personal attack BS. Fire away Sa_artman. This cat is a hypocrite. Come on DFW grow some balls , if you are going to sling some shit get ready for a little thrown back at ya.

Don't believe everything you hear, . Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Well I will provide a link to where I 'heard' it. I doubt that you can provide anything stating that this guy got his inspiration from al gore's movie. That is what you said. Back it up.

? Because scientist make their money from grants given by the govt. They have to make everything a crisis or they eat at the soup kitchens.

Get with the program... it's all about the Benjamin's, on the left and the right and of course in the hobby. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Yes everyone make things a crisis for funding their pet projects. You remember WMD's and Iraq? I doubt you criticize that waste of money much. I'm with the program, its you half ass people that are with the program that I worry about. No need to talk slowly for me btw.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Definition of SARCASM
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
None of which changes the fact that you walk around wearing a tin foil hat to stop the liberal media from bombarding you with radio waves that will take over your brain and drown out the voices of Joseph McCarthy and John Birch that you constantly hear in your head.

Just calling it as I sees it.

The guy was right about "Kate plus eight" being worthless. Now if he could have gotten his hands on the master tapes and the file servers that hold that PoS show for air and done blowed them up (in NASCAR speak).
..'s Avatar
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  • 09-04-2010, 01:01 PM
Don't believe everything you hear, most people have an agenda and why do you think global warming is so hyped? Because scientist make their money from grants given by the govt. They have to make everything a crisis or they eat at the soup kitchens. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
So in your opinion the Keeling Curve is hype propaganda made by hungry scientists so that they don't have to eat at the soup kitchens??
Todays word of the day is sarcasm, that's sarcasm. Say it with me now, s a r c a s m.

Definition of SARCASM
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm

I didn't make this a personal attack against you and if your personal attack on me is your way of coping with sarcasm or facts, I feel sorry for you. BTW, blogs are not imperical data.

Investigative reporters Christopher Booker and Richard North have documented that since being elected to the IPCC chairmanship five years earlier, Pachauri has been appointed to more than 20 positions, including directorships and advisory roles to major banks and investment firms.

NDISC just one institution 5250 Benjamins

WSJ Follow the Benjamins; 100 Billion Dollars

Times.UK Hide the Decline, destroy imperical raw data...

Washington Times The red-hot scam unravels...

Phill Jones, "...for the past 15 years there has been no 'statistically significant' warming." Dailymail.UK

Copenhagen descenting scientists with an open letter to the UN. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Good post DFW. Don't sweat the liberal useful idiots on this board. Present a well constructed argument complete with appropriate references, like you did, and they resort to name calling and whining. Typical.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...Fire away Sa_artman. This cat is a hypocrite. Come on DFW grow some balls , if you are going to sling some shit get ready for a little thrown back at ya...

Well I will provide a link to where I 'heard' it. I doubt that you can provide anything stating that this guy got his inspiration from al gore's movie. That is what you said. Back it up.

Yes everyone make things a crisis for funding their pet projects. You remember WMD's and Iraq? I doubt you criticize that waste of money much. I'm with the program, its you half ass people that are with the program that I worry about. No need to talk slowly for me btw.
Originally Posted by WTF
What's the matter WTF, can't handle your own fights and you need to call in your daddy? So you automatically assume I'm a bush supporter... Interesting! Some people still can't look beyond the paradigm.

You can't handle the truth even when support for that truth is cited.

James Lee <hearts> Al Gore

Accuracy In Media

News busters

Canada Free Press

MSNBC isn't going to tell you that one of their heros influenced his actions and I'd bet that the phone interview James Lee gave MSNBC will never be broadcast in it's entirity. They'll cite priviledge. Oh and one of the leaflets James Lee was handing out prior to the incident had screen shots of algores convenient lie.

Are you done frothing at the mouth yet or shall a grab a sponge? BTW Quinn received an award from Ted Turner, who has publically said that we need population control and believes in china's one child only policy. As long as you appear to be defend this type of behavior from the left, you will never be taken seriously.

"The simplest answer is that the world's population should be about two billion, and we've got about six billion now. I haven't done the actuarial tables, but if every woman in the world voluntarily stepped up and said, 'I'll only have one child,' and if we did that for the next 80 to 100 years, that would reduce the kind of suffering we're having. ... We could have 10 billion people living below the poverty line, or we could have two billion people living well, and having color TVs and an automobile. The planet can support that number of people, and that's the way it was in 1930. You didn't have the global warming problem then, or all these problems that have occurred since the population has built up. And how you get there is very complicated. It's going to take a lot of education and improvements in health care. Personally, I think the population should be closer to when we had indigenous populations, back before the advent of farming. Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. But [population researchers] Paul and Anne Ehrlich have convinced me that if we're going to have a modern infrastructure, with commercial airlines and interstate highways around the world, we're going to need about two billion people to support it." - Tracey C. Rembert, "Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul ... And Environmentalist" (Interview), E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10

Good post DFW. Don't sweat the liberal useful idiots on this board. Present a well constructed argument complete with appropriate references, like you did, and they resort to name calling and whining. Typical. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't sweat the small stuff. Although, liberal ideology is more scary to me than religious idolotry. What's really amazing is that they don't understand religious "faith" but they have a faith in liberalism that is truly more faithful than any religious person. I call them sheep.

Should we ask them to look up "useless eaters" to see what the elite leftists think about people in general? And then follow their money to the planned parenthood killing fields. It's sad that someone would bring emotional weapons to a fact fight.
Good post DFW. Don't sweat the liberal useful idiots on this board. Present a well constructed argument complete with appropriate references, like you did, and they resort to name calling and whining. Typical. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm a little confused here. Why is it ok for you to call them idiots, but when they do it, it's name calling?