The *short & tall* issues we encounter

Mature Companion's Avatar

Interesting topic, Wicked Milf. I just like to have fun with whomever I'm with. I have been with a few ladies that have been taller than me and all was good.
Humm, maybe they had wished that I was 6'4" and I would have had a better time?

Oh well, I am what I am. Still having fun.

CSI Originally Posted by CSI

I hope I didn't offend anyone as I didn't mean to imply that one shouldn't have fun with those they meet. Regardless of height.

However, I chuckle at times when men contact me & compliment me yet they decline seeing me because I'm too tall for them.
I'm contacted more by men of shorter stature than taller men. However, I do not discount anyone of any height.
I was just curious as to *why* shorter men have an issue with taller women & Taller men have an issue with shorter women.
That way I have a better understanding the next time someone compliments me yet turns me down for *my* height.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-20-2009, 04:02 PM
Okay, now, I understand why you did not have any interest in me at the socials. That's okay as we all have are likes and dislikes, fawn. I know I'm not your "teddy bear". Sorry, I don't measure up cause I think your'e hot.

Interesting topic, Wicked Milf. I just like to have fun with whomever I'm with. I have been with a few ladies that have been taller than me and all was good.
Humm, maybe they had wished that I was 6'4" and I would have had a better time?

Oh well, I am what I am. Still having fun.

CSI Originally Posted by CSI
CSI, I love all men... the true beauty is inside....I'm not saying I dont find all sizes attractive.... I just prefer this In my personal relationship....My husband was 6'1 and 225.........and If I remember correctly CSI every time I see you at the HH and other places you always have this beautiful blonde attached to you...
sparks4you's Avatar
Ladies I think qualify for this club 6'-4" 255lbs.

Fawn I'm glad you like big ol' teddy bears cause I've had my sights on you beautiful. Will be in touch sometime after the first of the year.
Are there "any" ladies on here that like guys that are skinny?
I feel so left out, I am 6'1, 175lbs. Oh well.
JackNapier's Avatar
There is a practical issue here that everyone is missing. I am short (5' 9") and while I find tall women attractive, it's really hard to "69" very well. I have to settle for taking turns.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Okay, now, I understand why you did not have any interest in me at the socials. That's okay as we all have are likes and dislikes, fawn. I know I'm not your "teddy bear". Sorry, I don't measure up cause I think your'e hot.

Interesting topic, Wicked Milf. I just like to have fun with whomever I'm with. I have been with a few ladies that have been taller than me and all was good.
Humm, maybe they had wished that I was 6'4" and I would have had a better time?

Oh well, I am what I am. Still having fun.

CSI Originally Posted by CSI
Interesting point! Knowing a providers personal preference may shatter the fantasy.

I'm 5'9 and knowing that some providers get giddy about a tall hobbiest will prevent me from initiating contact, because I don't want them to be dissappointed when they have to look down at me.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Strangely enough, at 6'7" I do not like tall gals. I have always been drawn to gals under 5'5" for some reason. Perhaps it is the contrast in size. I just pick the gal up and she is my height and eye level. Never had an issue with any logistics in the horozontal position, everything seems to fit quite well with a little maneuvering.

Gals I have been with don't seem to mind my being tall...
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I'm 6'2 and just busted the under 300 mark! I'm 298 now...WOO HOO!!

While I don't discriminate I prefer 5'7 or taller. Recently I spent time with a 6'0 lady and I have to admit I like the tall womenz.
sparks4you's Avatar
At 6'-4" I am not at the higher level where my height could be a disadvantage so I am fortunate. I can enjoy the company of just about any lady regardless of their height. I love the petite spinners, the tall beautiful amazons, and all that fall in between. Another advantage I enjoy is my age. I am at the age where the choices are fantastic, young cutie, hot MILF, or even sexy senior.

My experience has been that there is always going to be compromises and adjustments made during the course of "enjoying each others company". Whatever those have been, it's still worth it in the end. Physical differences are less of a problem than the incompatibility of personalities, but that's another thread.
I'm going to offer a different perspective... being 6'2" and all (lol). About 90% of men I meet are shorter than I. But I think that's mainly because men who contact me, do so because they are intrigued by the idea of having to look up at me. For some, I think it is a fetish (ok quite a few of them).

In my experience, though, some of the things that men enjoy doing can prove a little difficult when the roles are reversed and the woman is taller than the man. When someone is particularly short, I have to say "maybe you should stand on a couple of telephone books" lol.

But being tall definitely does have its advantages. Particularly where ever I go, almost always, all eyes are drawn to me (well, that can be good and bad depending lol). If someone is a leg man... I have a 36" inseam, so they're particularly excited. And furthermore if a man is into seeing a lady in dresses and skirts, have no worry--- they don't make pants long enough for me, so I'm almost always be in skirts and dresses lol.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-22-2009, 11:57 AM
My experience has been that there is always going to be compromises and adjustments made during the course of "enjoying each others company". Whatever those have been, it's still worth it in the end. Physical differences are less of a problem than the incompatibility of personalities, but that's another thread. Originally Posted by sparks4you
Thank you and well said....I dont care if you are big, short, tall or thin...
its all good...the connection and the chemistry is the most important
thing here guys...dont read to much into personal preferences....and to
keep you from seeing anyone that youre attracted matter
what you look like if the chemistry is there, it is on baby.....fawn
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Thank you and well said....I dont care if you are big, short, tall or thin...
its all good...the connection and the chemistry is the most important
thing here guys...dont read to much into personal preferences....and to
keep you from seeing anyone that youre attracted matter
what you look like if the chemistry is there, it is on baby.....fawn Originally Posted by fawn
I can agree that if someone is attractive and a fantasy is born, there will most likely be chemistry. However, a hobbiest knowing that a provider they have fantasized about finds someone elses physical properties more attractive ( height, weight, length, girth, or color ) ruins the illusion.

I'll be honest here and tell you all that I am in the hobby because of self-esteem issues. I'm short compared to most men and I've gained 25# over my ideal weight. I've been told by women they only date tall men. Also, even though this isn't a penis size thread I have been told I couldn't satisfy someone with my penis size. I've even been told by a woman that they don't date white guys. I've been cheated on twice by women I would have married and have always had those thoughts going on after the fact.

I've seen women of all types, in and out of the hobby, but in the hobby, IMHO, it's all a fantasy. Any good illusion can be shattered when the prestige is revealed.
Mature Companion's Avatar
There is a practical issue here that everyone is missing. I am short (5' 9") and while I find tall women attractive, it's really hard to "69" very well. I have to settle for taking turns. Originally Posted by JackNapier

I disagree. If the man lays on the bed and the woman is atop. That's makes for perfect *69* for any height.
xperiment's Avatar
Short so I can carry them in my pocket, tall I'll just get a ladder. They definitely have all their advantages. I am confident enough in my masculinity to stand tall next to a tall beautiful women. I am 5'8" and 170lbs, I play sports mainly soccer so I can jump up or squat down to kiss any women.
Guest020610's Avatar
hey xperiment, atta boy, I like your analysis! Some of my best times in the hobby a few years ago was with a 6'1" all legs, skinny gal (me at 5'9"). Nothing quite like having those long gams wrapped around your neck! lol