Tipping providers

If it's one you plan on seeing her again. Tipping at the first visit may not make her like you, but might very well get her to fit you into her busy schedule, get her to not be a clock watcher, expand the menu next time. If you are going to be a regular, tipping often gets you better service in the future. Like overpaying a baby sitter, when you need her on a Friday night, she will make time for you. I think it can be a smart way to go. That's why for some providers, "ymmv" applies.
... That's why for some providers, "ymmv" applies. Originally Posted by dave1dave
All providers are YMMV - every single one of them. We are all different, have different tastes and different experiences.
bella0203's Avatar
We do make sure our costs are covered in rates, so unlike a waitress it is not expected. That said many do still tip. I've had 20$ tips n I've had much larger tips...all depends. If I go above n beyond for you then I expect a tip. Like extra time bc you can't finish. Accomadating out of ordinary requests, etc. If I go above usual services n am not tipped then I'm not going to see you again without charging more or setting specific limits upfront.

Dave, is correct though. A tip is worth much more than it's monetary amount. If I'm tipped then I'm going to fit you in before someone else, n treat you better overall (even though I treat everyone great to begin with), be more lax if an app runs over, etc. It just shows that you're thoughtful n appreciate great service.

Bottomline, it's not expected but it's very appreciated. If you liked a lady n are going to repeat, tipping will get you far.
Do you tip your lawyer on first visit? Plumber? Wouldn't you want them to clear their calendar for you? She does not like you, see? You pay a provider for a release, only the fools think it is more. She calls her friends after your session and laughs about you, more money does not make her like you. Once you tip she starts to expect it, do not be foolish.

Providers love repeat clients, not because of tip, but no screening, knows what to expect, and she makes more per hour than any other job. Do you realize she makes over $250,000 annually and tax free. She needs a tip like Trump needs a salary.

I think this business operates on fools. Men can be so stupid and desperate for intimacy, perfect target for predator to pounce. She does not even orgasm until she counts the cash. She preys on old, lonely men. Do not be foolish, give that tip money to your grandchildren they need it more than she does, bet they are not making $250k a year.
I like to have some Victoria Secret gift cards of about $50 and if I like a lady and want her to remember me I give her one and ask her to buy something that will remind her of me. With travel schedule sometimes I never see her again, but other times I have had ladies send me pics of her in the item and wear it when she sees me again, as long as a year or more later. Help them remember you positively. Can only help your experience next time.
bamscram's Avatar
Providers who demand a tip I only see once.
FLReWrite's Avatar
To the OP: As I mentioned, the feelings are all over the board. And, quite literally, threads about it are all over the board and have been since the earliest days.

I'll add to my own thoughts state previously. I never paid a repeat visit to the lady who asked for a tip. Actually what happened was I tipped $50 (and contrary to what other posters might suggest, you're never an idiot when you're kind to someone who has gone beyond expectations in something they've done for you) and she commented, "I use my tip money to go out to eat after the session so don't let me go hungry." I wasn't offended because I gave her the benefit of the doubt but I never returned because the whole discussion was just outside the boundary of decency. She was very well-compensated to begin with (and deserved it) but the ladies I enjoy the most never ask for it.

Tipping. Does it buy you anything? Unlikely. Does it buy the lady something? Yes. It's never wrong but I suggest , as @bamscram said above, you never go somewhere where it is expected.
It's the minority...only idiots tip, and most of you are fucking idiots... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Jeeze....I would hate to be a waiter serving you at a restaurant. Or, maybe not. I bet you get served tons of spit with a big ol' smile!

It is my money that I earned. I can spend it any way I like.

This is a service industry, and tipping is a way to say thank you in service industries. As a human being, I have a right to say 'thank you' to someone else if I so desire. After seeing clients like you all day long, I would not doubt that a lady would appreciate a thank you. When I give it to them, they smile. Regardless of the reason or motive behind the smile, I am content.
Do you tip your mail deliverer? Service industry. How about electrician fixing lines outside do you stop your car and hand him a 20? Service industry. Do you tip the garbage man? Service industry. Leave a dollar on mailbox with a note daily to postal employee, put a $5 bill on garbage can with note saying thank you.

You all are so full of crap. You tip providers because she sucks your dick not because service industry, she needs it, better service, all BS replies. You tip her because you want to be remembered or the special guy that day out of 6. She does not remember you, you are not special, she does not care, so you are throwing your money away. I propose giving it to family members, they will appreciate more and remember you as well. Like someone said do something nice for someone but do the nice thing for someone that cares us good too.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Like someone said do something nice for someone but do the nice thing for someone that cares us good too. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
If only a parent had tipped your English teacher.
FLReWrite's Avatar

You all are so full of crap. You tip providers because she sucks your dick not because service industry, she needs it, better service, all BS replies. You tip her because you want to be remembered or the special guy that day out of 6. ... Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
No sir. That's not correct. Some people tip to be kind. Believe it or not, that attitude still does exist in the world. Even in this business.
Wakeup's Avatar
If only a parent had tipped your English teacher. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Do you tip your bus driver? Do you tip some guy who comes to your house and tries to sell you a vacuum cleaner? Do you tip a life guard? How about a stripper? Do you tip a waiter? How about the mail man? Do you tip yourself? How about a commercial airline pilot? Do you tip your doctor? Do you tip your tip? How about a tip?
Kindness, in the hobby world?! Please! How kind are you beinby, by taking advantage of woman and using her body as a material sex toy? Kind to your wife by being with providers? Kindness by partaking in illegal activities. Kindness by lying and BS about who you are? Oh, all that is overlooked so long as you leave an extra $20?

That was a good one Johnny, lol.
Why do you have to be so negative? Let's pretend that we like each other, please.