ED Issues

I deal with ED by scheduling longer visits- at least an hour. Be up front with the girl. Starting slowly and building up will help. Find a girl who will kiss or take a shower with you to get things started. Whatever floats your boat. Then, realize you can't go through 15 positions before you explode. When you feel you are ready, don't hold back. Strike while it is hot.Above all, you can't go to a clock watcher. Nothing kills an erection faster than rushing. If your girl goes into overtime to be sure you have a happy ending, make sure she gets something $$ extra- even if it just doesn't happen. Give her credit for trying.
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I sort of specialize in this area. It takes patience from both sides. You need to relax 1st & foremost. Keep in mind even if you dont get hard or pop you can still enjoy the session. I've got a few who deal with this but always enjoy as if they popped.
So many reasons for it...

Perhaps you aren't really feeling that great but prescheduled and don't want to back out on the provider, especially if this is a first time.

Perhaps the little pill hasn't clicked in

Perhaps the lady, even if you have clicked before, just isn't doing it for you that day

Had an occasion recently where I got to the room, the provider took the donation and then proceeded to "sanitize" the small couch and wanted to do it there. Asked to use the bathroom first and it was through a set of doors that were closed and she said her doubles partner was in there sleeping, and then she told me I could use the one down the hall (like she would really let me back in)...so anxiety over that strike 1, had to urinate strike 2, was it really a doubles partner or a BF or mgmt strike 3. One of my worst encounters anytime and any place...

Somedays it just doesn't happen, not very often, but when it does, it is embarrassing, no matter what the provider says...unless it is a long time relationship and then you just do other things for the hour that are just as satisfying to both.

BTW, anyone looking for generic V or C, Costco has by far the best price...