Eccie members that have served in the military

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I can always count on you for crazy, wdf

I find it incredibly fascinating those that have served are all democrats. That's something to think about. Maybe you all really are right. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Word. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I guess I don't count. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Independent. I am, and always have been a Republican.

I will say though that the older I get, the more socially liberal I become, but the more fiscal conservative i become.
I B Hankering's Avatar
U.S. Army.
alex_reece's Avatar
US Navy here. Stationed overseas. Served during Operation Enduring Freedom & Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Served during peacetime. Thanks to all the vets and especially the ones who served during wars. As a nation we can not thank you enough, God bless every one of you!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-24-2012, 04:01 PM
I will say though that the older I get, the more socially liberal I become, but the more fiscal conservative i become. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Describes my views as I age. Sadly that combination is difficul--not impossible--to find in candidates.
I can always count on you for crazy, wdf

I find it incredibly fascinating those that have served are all democrats. That's something to think about. Maybe you all really are right. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

some of us aren't ,,,,
tttalinky's Avatar
Cpl. USMC 1972 to 1976

Navy Air Station-Memphis Tenn
USMC Air Station New River North Carolina
USMC Air Station Cherry Ponit North Carolina
USMC Air Station Iwakuni Japan
8 month Med-Cruise on USS Iwo Jima LPH-2

Those were four of the best......and......worst years of my life!
US Navy Submarines from 1993 to 2011
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
US Navy. 1980-1984. Republican leaning toward Libertarian.

U.S.S. Tarawa LHA-1 Semper Fi, jarheads!
U.S.S. America CVA-66 "We did the Ditch, Bitch!"
U.S.S. Mckee AS-41 The "Love Boat's" Sister ship.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
based on my handle, you might have guessed I served but only lightly

A DMG 1972 I had one weeks vacation before I reported to Officer's Basic to do my 90 days in Indianapolis. Vietnam was over and there were way too many 2nd Lt's so I came back and joined a local reserve unit

however, being a Distinguished Military Grad, I was offered a West Point equivalent commission; however, my now ex did not want to see the world. To this day I wonder what if. I could have been along side Collin Powell who also was a DMG
Well, I wasn't quite so noble. I will admitt to this day that when I got my draft notice, they took me "kicking and screaming'. If I would have had a choice, I doubt I would have went.

But like thousands, I went. And if you think about it, we "draftees" are a dying breed. I will be 66 soon, the draft ended about 5-6 years after I was inducted, (or "abducted"), so one day we will read a headline that says, "last draftee dies".

I hope it's me.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Army 1976-1984, Navy 1984-1994, Desert Shield/Storm, Restore Hope
18th Airborne, 75-78. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
US Navy. 1980-1984. Republican leaning toward Libertarian.

U.S.S. Tarawa LHA-1 Semper Fi, jarheads!
U.S.S. America CVA-66 "We did the Ditch, Bitch!"
U.S.S. Mckee AS-41 The "Love Boat's" Sister ship.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid