Oh, the drama

DarthMaul's Avatar
Frankly..I could do without it. But then again..I do like sleep!?
proper's Avatar
A lot of useful information does seem to get buried in all the drama. Something should be done so one does not have to read volumes before finding slivers of useful information.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
If there was any more drama on this board, we'd all be given tickets to the Academy Awards.

Yes, it would be nice (and probably miraculous) if there was more respect and less cat-and-dog fighting and monkey-doo slinging, but heck, aren't we here for entertainment purposes "only?" "As the Hobby Turns" is many members' favorite soap opera. Take it with a grain of salt and a pitcher of beer, as my grandma used to say.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-10-2010, 06:49 AM
I just like to fuck.

(I'm jus sayin.......)
boardman's Avatar
I take it Blow Pop doesn't appreciate the humor in the "Slap your Mamma" thread.

If he only knew how many offers of free pussy I get from providers because I'm so funny he would change his tune.

Well, one girl said she couldn't stop laughing at me. I thinck she was telling me I was funny.

The rest tell me that they'll give me free pussy if I'll just shut the fuck up.
Even worse than the guys who participate in the drama are the guys who piss and moan about the drama, whining about how we're not in high school anymore.

Get real. Has there EVER been a SHMB that was drama-free? You're yearning for something that has never existed and likely never will. Just deal with it -- better yet, jump in and have some fun.
dearhunter's Avatar
If such a place DID exist........and I'm not saying such a place DOES exist.........."crickets" comes to mind.......I'm just saying.
Timk48's Avatar
LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK AT ME!!!...Actually I don't need that much attention. The drama does get tedious at times. However, drama comes with the forum. There are all types of personalities on the board...just like any gathering of people.

(Still chuckling at Fancy's "Monkey-Doo" comment)
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 09-10-2010, 08:31 AM
Let see tomorrow is 9/11. Let's burn some top 10 bbbj lists!
blowpop's Avatar
I take it Blow Pop doesn't appreciate the humor in the "Slap your Mamma" thread. Originally Posted by boardman
I love humor. But it gets tiring when every informative thread devolves into a few folks entertaining each other about unrelated topics.

You've got The Sandbox for this sort of stuff; why not leave the coed forum for hobby-related discussions?
cuz we had to hijack the "Ava Long" hooktard thread somehow....and now its just plain funny....we cant just have one thread???

I personally love that thread....but i really love crazy pictures???

with all this drama in co-ed...its nice to see a thread were there isnt no drama on anymore and has been turned into pure fun!!!!
blowpop's Avatar
cuz we had to hijack the "Ava Long" hooktard thread somehow....and now its just plain funny....we cant just have one thread???

I personally love that thread....but i really love crazy pictures???

with all this drama in co-ed...its nice to see a thread were there isnt no drama on anymore and has been turned into pure fun!!!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
One thread isn't a big deal. It's when numerous threads get hijacked that it gets irritating.

I've always said that if you don't like the content of a thread, just read a different one. But I can't follow my own advice when they seemingly all get hijacked.
lizardking's Avatar
I just like to fuck.

(I'm jus sayin.......) Originally Posted by bbkid
In the words of the most sage provider I know, "You can either post or you can fuck. There is an inverse relationship between the two."
dearhunter's Avatar
When you see a threAD worth putting back on track, feel free to post a masterpiece to swerve back on the right path
dearhunter's Avatar
In the words of the most sage provider I know, "You can either post or you can fuck. There is an inverse relationship between the two." Originally Posted by lizardking
bad is when you disappear for a while to do some fucking........you start getting all of the "where have you been lately"............uhhhhhh working