What does "Fetish Friendly" mean?

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Fetishes are a very personal thing, but if you are wanting them in a session then you need to see a VP that is open minded and has the skills. I agree that just cause a VP post she is fetish friendly, dosent mean she really is. Many fetishes require equipment and toys and these items are not cheap by any means, my suite case has over a thousand dollars in toys in it, and I have several thousand more at home, plus I am always ordering more toys or replacing the great ones. Besides the extra cost, there is a lot of skill involved and extra effort to make a role play scene flow............How do you know you dont like it tell you try it??? Have fun!
I would suggest the reviews. Find a girl that you think might be up your fetish alley and book a session with her. If you think she is open minded and might be receptive then ask. If not, try again. Someone has to be into it.