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  • WTF
  • 05-14-2013, 10:18 AM



Just number their screeds as number 1, 2, 3, 4... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, surely somewhere there is a sailors dick you forgot to suck.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is what is wrong with the country!!!!!! We are so rapped up in conservative and Liberal, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Until this country can objectively observe and discuss any situation, then we are doomed to failure.

Obama has failed is some areas and succeeded in others. My biggest complaint is "THE BLAME GAME"!!!! Everything that has gone wrong or any investigation that is being done is conservatives fault or Bush's fault. If you are this countries leader then, Maybe you should be a leader. Leaders get praised for success and blamed for failure.

Until we as a country unit and realize that what is best for one is not best for all. Until we learn to compromise and find common ground. Until we learn that different ideas, culture, and religious beliefs doesn't make someone ignorant/radical/a bigot. Until we do these things we will fail and soon we will spiral into anger/hate that may lead this country demise. Originally Posted by bigdaddyred
Gawd. What a lot of self serving drivel. There is no compromise between liberty and tyranny. Of course, different religions, cultures, etc. should be accepted and tolerated by all, except when they want to infringe on the rights of others. Liberals and conservatives are all about control. They are not about freedom. A compromise between liberals and conservatives is only determining who will control what. Democrats and Republicans? Don't make me laugh! Dammit, you made me laugh. There is not one difference between them when it comes to controlling the people.

I leave you with this: "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." |*Atlas Shrugged
Former New York Times reporter, Steve Rattner, thinks Benghazi is the most important scandal on Obama's watch !
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's too early to tell. As it stands, the IRS scandal is the worst.

Benghazi appears to be a failure of leadership related to cowardly politicians who have actively lied and sought to deflect blame onto others, e.g. a Coptic Christian.

If the charges leveled at the IRS or the DOJ for the AP affair prove true and more substantial, then there is an institutional failure. Should either of those allegations be proved more substantial than what is presently known, then it or those would be substantially worse than Benghazi. What is known about the IRS scandal is already pretty damning. The IRS has already admitted that it actively targeted groups professing conservative and/or pro-Jewish agendas; thus, someone deserves to lose his/her job, at the very least.
If the GOP leadership grows some balls; they can take the IRS scandal much farther than Benghazi IMO..............especially if they threaten jail time against any of the actors; then they begin to flip and investigators work their way up the food chain.....

I don't think the IRS scandal is an isolated thing at one department; someone from Team Obama may have had a meeting with that group,giving them the green light to get nasty against conservative TP opponents !

But heck, i say make it a 2-fer; Benghazi and IRS investigations til we get all the facts and all the players under oath and in jail.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-15-2013, 09:14 AM
Any bets on Obama getting impeached? Remember you boys are crying 'Worse than Watergate'. I'll take any amount, small or large, doesn't matter to me....put your money where your mouth is. In COG's case that would be on JD's ass!
There is no John Dean in the Obama White House; without a similar man of integrity, Nixon would have served out his 2nd term..............

So you are right WTF; ain't gonna happen...................but hell, the GOP can cripple Obama...that is good enough to slow down his "transformation of America."
I agree with I.B.'s point that it's too early to make a definitive decision as to which is the worse of the two problems until the onion is peeled back a bit more.

But I will say this:

The IRS debacle probably makes the Benghazi issue more damaging to the administration than if the latter existed in a vacuum.


Because a combination of scandals sometimes produces a synergistic effect. If the aura of a toxic combination of corruption and incompetence begins to attach to a president, the public's confidence in his ability to govern effectively is likely to start circling the drain very quickly.

Any bets on Obama getting impeached? Originally Posted by WTF
I don't think it's very likely that Obama will be impeached over any of this -- although given congressional propensities to overreach, there's always that chance. But, of course, the probability of conviction in the Senate is approximately zero. (Unless, of course, some sort of shocking new information comes to light.)

And I think the effort would backfire and redound to the clear benefit of Democrats.
The Carney lie on the Benghazi edits was perfect timing in creating the scandal snowball..............the WH press corps didn't like being mislead by Carney, and then the IRS apology, and the AP scandal...

The press corps woke up - hopefully.
Careful you piss ants will start arguing among yourselves on which scandal is #1
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-15-2013, 12:42 PM
read a poll last night said 41% of republicans thought Benghazi was the worst scandal EVER
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-15-2013, 12:59 PM
I agree with I.B.'s point that it's too early to make a definitive decision as to which is the worse of the two problems until the onion is peeled back a bit more.

But I will say this:

The IRS debacle probably makes the Benghazi issue more damaging to the administration than if the latter existed in a vacuum.


Because a combination of scandals sometimes produces a synergistic effect. If the aura of a toxic combination of corruption and incompetence begins to attach to a president, the public's confidence in his ability to govern effectively is likely to start circling the drain very quickly.

I don't think it's very likely that Obama will be impeached over any of this -- although given congressional propensities to overreach, there's always that chance. But, of course, the probability of conviction in the Senate is approximately zero. (Unless, of course, some sort of shocking new information comes to light.)

And I think the effort would backfire and redound to the clear benefit of Democrats. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Ive been telling them that for days
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Stale old argument. Since Bush lied and got away with it, we have to let Obama lie and get away with it.

I think they BOTH should stand trial.