Whats up with all the crowns tattoo's

Eisley Valentine's Avatar
Standard Brainwashing technique used by cults and... Pimps. Also considered as defacing of property to his pimp predecessors. I'm guessing she got the sweet tatt right after she gave away all her worldly belongings but you know, like, before she drank the kool aid.
But really ladies..really? Down ass bitch or foolish female. It's like a magnet for other pimps too. And them pimps are smart I tell you what!

Once they see you've been branded they cant help but want to put their own brand on it. Its like dogs pissing over each other on the same tree. Not that I am calling anyone bitches I am simply stating to be careful or else the next thing you now your stuck with the likes of your man "Baltimore","ShawnTheDawn" or "BabySpider" Across your neck chest and thighs... I guess while you're at it don't forget to rep you set with a tattoo next to your pimps name bearing of name of the city he took you from.One word folks SATIRE. But on a serious note I am SOSOSo So glad I missed that realm of the counter culture! I'll take the Mormons anyday!