Going Clear

rioseco's Avatar
You obviously don't know shit about Freemasonry or the Shriners. Don't be fooled by their humanitarian efforts. It's a secretive group.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I am wondering if your opinion of freemasonry is based from the inside looking out, or from the outside peering inward ?
When looking in from the outside, how can you be certain that your view is not obstructed by bias or hearsay ?
The stance from which you view things can effect your perception.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Read that back to yourself out loud (do you read any other way?) and see if it makes sense to you, Cornholio.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Haven't watched it yet.

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more plausible scientology seems to me. Of course it's all bullshit, but when you actually look for the difference between mainstream religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc, and Scientology, all it boils down to is simply a couple thousand years. The feats mentioned in the bible are no more implausible than the ones in L. Ron Hubbard's books. People have just become so used to the old religions that the new one seems ludicrous. In a couple hundred years, who knows, scientology might be the religion of choice for the brain dead. Originally Posted by shanm
I think you've just discredited the entire "religion" of scientology with your willing acceptance and equivalence of it. Go, do some research about how and why Hubbard created this. It was because of a drunken bet with some top of the line (which Hubbard never was) science fiction writers at a convention. He bet he could create a religion and he did. Morons!
I am wondering if your opinion of freemasonry is based from the inside looking out, or from the outside peering inward ?
When looking in from the outside, how can you be certain that your view is not obstructed by bias or hearsay ?
The stance from which you view things can effect your perception.
Originally Posted by rioseco
You don't have to accept my opinion at all. Do your own research. Read about it, talk to former members, existing members, attend a Blue Lodge meeting if you can get in. That's what I've done.

  • shanm
  • 04-03-2015, 04:01 PM
He bet he could create a religion and he did. Morons! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can you post a link as to when Jesus "didn't"?

What I have known of Scientology is this. When you first join, new members go through a series of indoctrination. The way I've heard it described resembles an elaborate self help program. Nothing like a religion or a cult at first. As a member progresses through the various stages of Scientology more of it's core beliefs are revealed and a member actually has to pay to advance through the program. It reminds me of Freemasonry which is pretty much a cult. It's very secretive and higher order members don't interact with new recruits. It's nothing like Christianity, Islam or Judaism. L. Ron Hubbard is nothing but a quack. He's made more money and screwed up more lives than he is worth.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I saw it and have to disagree with you, shanm. The feeling I got from the document,notary was that This cult is all about harshly imprisoning the minds of its followers through fear, pain and suffering. Although the same could be said for other religions -- to one degree or another -- there doesn't seem to be anything much in the teachings of LRH or the principles and practices of Scientoogy based on kindness or humanity. Never mind all the crazy shit. This group is plain evil.

It makes the Mormon cult look more plausible imho.

Some creepy shit.

But a very well-made documentary.

BTW, Whir-LIE-turd, I believe ALL churches should be taxed, retroactive to the adoption of the fucking constitution. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, I agree. I'm not saying that there is any truth to it whatsoever. From what I heard, they indoctrinate you into the "church" slowly. The evil lord Xenu and alien stuff is only for advanced members. Before you get to that level you will have spent close to a 100k and most likely alienated all of your family and friends. At that point, you've just invested too much of your time, money and persona into Scientology to ever look back. You can see it in Tom Cruise's eyes every time he does his hysterical laugh.

What I was actually saying is this: are the beliefs of Scientology really that much more far fetched than Christianity's? Most critics like to argue the inconceivability of aliens and Xenu etc as the main reason why Scientology is such a scam. Well, they shouldn't. The only thing we should be criticizing about Scientology is the way it treats its followers and it's overall cult like mentality. It's beliefs, about lord Xenu or what-the-hell-ever, should be completely off the table for criticism if we can not apply the same standard to Christianity, Islam or any of the other mainstream religions. So next time a Christian says "Scientology is stupid", ask him why. IJS

Jesus walked on water. I think science has proven that aliens are much more likely to exist than a man being able to walk on water 2000 years ago.

What are the principles that Scientology is organized around?

The world's oldest religions, are organized around teachings on how to treat others, how to live a moral life.

What is the equivalent of the 10 commandments in Scientology?

You should know since you have formed the judgement that there is no difference between mainstream religion and Scientology,,,so I am curious. A response would be appreciated.
Can you post a link as to when Jesus "didn't"?

No, I agree. I'm not saying that there is any truth to it whatsoever. From what I heard, they indoctrinate you into the "church" slowly. The evil lord Xenu and alien stuff is only for advanced members. Before you get to that level you will have spent close to a 100k and most likely alienated all of your family and friends. At that point, you've just invested too much of your time, money and persona into Scientology to ever look back. You can see it in Tom Cruise's eyes every time he does his hysterical laugh.

What I was actually saying is this: are the beliefs of Scientology really that much more far fetched than Christianity's? Most critics like to argue the inconceivability of aliens and Xenu etc as the main reason why Scientology is such a scam. Well, they shouldn't. The only thing we should be criticizing about Scientology is the way it treats its followers and it's overall cult like mentality. It's beliefs, about lord Xenu or what-the-hell-ever, should be completely off the table for criticism if we can not apply the same standard to Christianity, Islam or any of the other mainstream religions. So next time a Christian says "Scientology is stupid", ask him why. IJS

Jesus walked on water. I think science has proven that aliens are much more likely to exist than a man being able to walk on water 2000 years ago. Originally Posted by shanm
Christianity is essentially about mankind, as is Islam and Judaism. Scientology is about some alien crock of shit no one really can relate to. Christianity, Islam and Judaism have documented validation. Scientology is just phony baloney religious quackery.

  • DSK
  • 04-03-2015, 05:40 PM
I saw it and have to disagree with you, shanm. The feeling I got from the document,notary was that This cult is all about harshly imprisoning the minds of its followers through fear, pain and suffering. Although the same could be said for other religions -- to one degree or another -- there doesn't seem to be anything much in the teachings of LRH or the principles and practices of Scientoogy based on kindness or humanity. Never mind all the crazy shit. This group is plain evil.

It makes the Mormon cult look more plausible imho.

Some creepy shit.

But a very well-made documentary.

BTW, Whir-LIE-turd, I believe ALL churches should be taxed, retroactive to the adoption of the fucking constitution. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree with you, but in fairness, every 501(c)(3) gets taxed like the churches, and should be treated the same way on this "ex post facto" tax.
rioseco's Avatar

Read that back to yourself out loud (do you read any other way?) and see if it makes sense to you, Cornholio. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hi there UC.
So you are saying that you are too stupid to understand it !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hate to keep beating up on Sha-na-na but he keeps his face in the way of logic.

Jesus had nothing to do with the Bible other than being a character in it. If you believe the Bible then Jesus was the son of god and could walk on water. You say man, did any MAN in the Bible walk on water?
L.Ron Hubbard took the idea of science and turned it into a religion on a bet. Why science? At the turn of the last century (circa 1900) everything started revolving around science and the scientific method. Hubbard took this which he knew was a winner. No one wants to argue against "science" (see global warming). So the idea is to make something into science that is not. Add some self fulfilling interests (what little kid didn't like to think that maybe he was more than everyone else around him by birth), a few "wise" words and you have a religion. Like Kwanzaa, Scientology was created to snare suckers. HELLO SUCKER!

From wikipedia
It is widely believed that the creation of Scientology was the result of a bar bet between L. Ron Hubbard and Robert A. Heinlein. The story says L. Ron Hubbard dared that he could create a religion all by himself. According to Scientology critic Lindsay[4] this is "definitely not true", no such bet was ever made, it would have been "uncharacteristic of Heinlein" to make such a bet, and "there's no supporting evidence". However, several of Heinlein's autobiographical pieces, as well as biographical pieces written by his wife, claim repeatedly that the bet did indeed occur. Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land is sometimes claimed to be his attempt at winning the bet.

Here is something for others to chew on; newspaper publishers are usually rich, CNN's Ted Turner is rich....so why do people think that Murdock being rich is a legitimate attack on the people (yes, you're attacking his people, not him) who work for him. Sheer stupidity.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Look up Lisa McPherson.

Then, everyone will guess what I think of Scientology. I just cannot stand the group and think of them as even gross murderers, some of them.

I'm almost surprised that her life, and death, wasn't brought up in the documentary.
rioseco's Avatar
You don't have to accept my opinion at all. Do your own research. Read about it, talk to former members, existing members, attend a Blue Lodge meeting if you can get in. That's what I've done.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I was simply asking about your views. Did not intend to question your word. I am just curious as to how you arrived with that perception. Now I know how your thoughts were formulated. I have talked to a few Freemasons because I am curious about the organization.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hi there UC.
So you are saying that you are too stupid to understand it !
Originally Posted by rioseco
Thus spake the Great CORNHOLIO, who doesn't know his ear hole from his BUNGHOLE!

I was simply asking about your views. Did not intend to question your word. I am just curious as to how you arrived with that perception. Now I know how your thoughts were formulated. I have talked to a few Freemasons because I am curious about the organization. Originally Posted by rioseco
On the surface I don't think anyone will see much wrong with the Masons. The individuals that seem to advance to the 32nd and 33rd degree Masons for some reason are people of power, Judges, CEO's , Politicians, several of our presidents have been Freemasons most of the founding fathers were freemasons, George Washington was a freemason. There is something notorious about the modern day high ranking mason. I haven't read all the information that is out there. The reason that I have looked into the Masons as it applies to government is because they are a big influence on our government. Like I stated the high ranking Freemason are usually people of power so they are influential in the media and the entertainment industry as well as the banking industry, and our government is becoming increasingly intertwined with these groups. The local lodges are referred to as Blue Lodges. If you're interested in joining a local lodge you will most likely not find anything wrong or seedy about the meetings or it's members on that level. It's the more advanced levels where one might find some unusual cultist type of activity. Do your own research it's a very complicated group. You have to decipher between what is smear and what is actually factual. Our government is controlled and influenced by a conglomerate of very powerful wealthy people outside of government, some of which are Freemasons of the 32nd and 33rd degree.

rioseco's Avatar
Thus spake the Great CORNHOLIO, who doesn't know his ear hole from his BUNGHOLE!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Still clinging to that obsession of men and their buttholes, Assup ?
Or am I to address you as UnderConstruction these days ???????
Which handle do you prefer maggot ?