
Kara, first off I’m happy you are on your feet and getting at a better place in life! Keep it up! Your mental health is your number 1 priority. Second, your running a business essentially so your going to get some unsavory criticism from time to time. Just ignore them. Also it doesn’t help you have plenty of white knights on this forum that back you up wholeheartedly on everything and cut other reviewers heads off for simply having their own opinion about their experience with you. It’s more like reviewers are bullying each other because you as the provider are not supposed to see those comments. I have an honest review on you but for my experience was no fault to you I still recommended you because of how fast, easy, and got the job done. It was more your past reviewers fault for hyping their experiences up making us question the integrity of the past reviews. So expectations were VERY HIGH before the meet. But I can honestly say you have a good amount of regulars on here that will definitely keep business thriving in your favor! Good luck out there and if you ever want to get your name higher on my search for the panhandles greatest 👄 let me know if you’ve stepped your game up! The search continues….
Spinner. And v1 dude again I didn’t say u were making hateful comments yourself., here we go again… And that person also didn’t tell you how they made me feel when they came over to my house. I remember exactly who he was. He made me feel uncomfortable for the second he came into my house but instead of sending him away after already coming all the way over instead I did my job the best I could.
Swoll me as a provider should absolutely be able to see the reviews and comments, how am I supposed to better myself as a provider if I csnt? Ppl don’t like to tell me what they want in person they like to wait till after service is over then go on the internet and start talking crap so the only way for me to do my job right and be able to fix things is if I know what people are saying..but thank you for everything else I do appreciate the kind the words for sure. I’m working very hard to better myself not just for me but also for my clients.
One last thing I’d like to talk about this “enthusiasm “ stuff. Y’all do realize I live in a rv correct? Rv walls are very very thin and you can hear everything through them and the ppl who live right behind me live in a pop up camper that has tent zip up walls.. I have to be very quiet as where my bedroom in my camper is located it’s right next to the front door of the camper behind me. So out of respect for my neighbors I choose to not be loud and moan. I know damn well if I didn’t live in this rv and I was able to make more noise for you guys y’all would say totally different things. I’m sorry I have to be quiet right now. One of these days I’ll have enough to buy my own home but for now this is what works for me. I’ll still make this camper rock and those toes curl I just have to be a little quiet myself. It’s not being unenthusiastic. I’ve always loved what I do it’s got nothing to do with that. I haven’t ever heard anyone say “she’s unenthusiastic when sucking dick” hell no bcus I’m damn good at it lol I just can’t be loud guys. Big difference. If I was able to yell y’all would be saying “oh she’s extremely enthusiastic”
And also one more thing, this whole “dead lay” thing isn’t true. Just hit me up earlier in the day you’re guaranteed to get a more energetic me.. The only thing y’all are seeing are the ones every here and there who get me when I’m a bit tired, I have ppl who come in and are really big and everyone who knows me knows I’m tight down there and I’ve been hurt several times before but instead of canceling your apt that you already made with me and some ppl drive hours to come see me, I still see them anyways and those few that say “dead lay” the 10 other ppl who I saw first didnt get that experience sometimes when I get hurt by someone the next person I see might get the affects of it but again instead of canceling them after driving over to me I stilll chose to see them. So next time someone says something like that it’s more than likely they got to me at the end of a very long day and someone had just hurt me down there right before they came over but I chose not to cancel them and see them and tried my best anyways. Y’all gotta think about this type of stuff, I don’t sit around all day i work hard to please everyone. Sometimes I might not be feeling the best but I still chose not to cancel as ppl get very upset when I cancel especially last minute,
'I haven’t ever heard anyone say “she’s unenthusiastic when sucking dick” hell no bcus I’m damn good at it lol...'
That wasn't my experience...
I found you to be totally unenthusiastic in all aspects of my only encounter with you, granted, I didn't stop to consider if you might be having a bad day, I only knew that I was having
one ... ymmv of course, this is a review board and that was my honest opinion based on my personal experience , many others have offered their own
experiences and again, ymmv ... I gave my opinion to help others to make their own decision, my time and $$ were already long gone...
Exactly you only thought about you and your day and didn’t think about who I may have saw before you. That tells me everything I need to hear right there.
Spinner I’ll just say this, I don’t know who you are what you look like what your phone number is none of that so if you ever wanna come back and try again I wouldn’t have the slightest clue it was you if showed up at my house. I would eventually like the chance to change your mind, and I would like to apologize if my last service with you was any less than par. I hope in the future to change your mind, hope you have a great day.
Right or wrong, that's kinda how I normally do it, lol...
You normally go around only caring about yourself and not the feelings of others around you? I’m very sorry to hear that that’s a very sad way to live
Mabey that’s what makes me good at this job is that I do in fact care about people. I’m sorry for anyone who may have met me when I was having a bad day day or might have had a very bad client prior to your visit. We’re all human and we all have our days good and bad. But 99% of my reviews recommend yes that I am indeed a good reliable and real provider. I’m not perfect and I will never claim to be perfect. But I am doing my best
  • V31L
  • 10-22-2024, 08:03 AM
enthusiasm is different for everyone me personally over the top moaning is just as bad as being silent. Soft moans dirty talk etc can be done. Just wanna throw that out for you to consider. Also if you are having a bad day or had someone that was an a hole or whatever just call it a day I would rather you text me back to reschedule then still come and get subpar time together
Hey darling that is actually what I do I will call it an early day if I’m having a bad day but there’s been several instances where my next client was already pulling up as my other one was pulling away and these people drive hours to come see me I can’t just cancel last second like that. The only time I have ever done that is if I absolutely had to because my son was being brought home early but I try not to cancel very last second. But as for all the rest of the clients for the day I do actually call it a day every time that happens.
V I do also appreciate the constructive criticism, anything I can do to make myself a better provider I will..
  • V31L
  • 10-22-2024, 08:20 AM
That is good,.