Should you, or should you not?

dearhunter's Avatar
Desperate times call for desperate measures
chicagoboy's Avatar
... and disparate times call for disparate measures.
MrClark's Avatar
I'm like Tbone I'm OK with a PM. If I don't respond don't be mad. I do most things outside of the hobby so a reminder or a reminder with a special is sometime just what I need .
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Contacting me with specials if I've already seen you before is fine and actually appreciated, contacting me out of the blue when we've never met before is not fine.

Contacting me with stories of personal drama in your life reeks of desperation and frankly unless you are only telling me so that you can explain why you are offering me 2 hours for the price of 1 then I'm likely to be scared off.

Contacting me for a loan or anything else not involving services before payment is going to fall on deaf ears. Neither party is in this for charity after all, no offense intended.
It's funny you posted this because last week my best guy friend called me for advice. The stripper he bangs sometimes called him and asked for $800 (some sob story about rent, blah blah blah) and said "she'd make it up to him with ______ (the appropriate amount of services for $800). He wanted my advice.

My response was simple. Was she the type of girl you could call up a couple times and tell her you didn't have any cash but would in a few weeks? And if you did, would she do you a couple times on "credit." If yes, then give her the cash. If she'd think you were crazy for even asking her to do her on credit, then politely decline.

He declined. Originally Posted by LilMynx69

That's what I'm talking about. She tried to strong arm him with a heart felt sob story.Can't stand chicks like that! Good for him for not falling into that trap!
blowpop's Avatar
I completely understand the desire when times are tough to contact a regular client and try to drum up business, or even ask for a "loan". Asking a client to be flexible isn't a bad thing, as long as the provider herself offers flexibility.

LilMynx said exactly what I was thinking. Does this work both ways? If the guy she's calling were to call her, in need of attention but is short on funds, will she see him and be OK getting payment later, or offering some other special arrangement? If the answer is "Hell no, this is a business!" then she'd be a hypocrite to ask for what she's not willing to give.

If a provider views any behavior on the part of the client beyond a strictly business arrangement as unacceptable, it should be unacceptable for her as well. If she's more flexible in how she deals with her clients, it's reasonable for her to inquire if a bit of flexibility is available on their parts as well.

I don't think either scenario is wrong or right. But I do have a problem with those who expect more from others than they themselves are willing to give.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
It's obvious to me Ms Amy that you have never found yourself in a position to ask for help, I pray you never will.

PS...Some people see threads like this as desperate, so you should check yourself when casting out stones. You know that I have always have had your back here, but I've got to wonder what your motivation is? If you need help...ask, you may be surprised at the amount of people who would come forward showing their love and this goes to everyone out there.

PS...Anyone else look up and notice that Wakeup has posted a paid (who knows how he paid) ad for Victoria's Secret? Thanks for the reminder Wakeup, I love VS and am so happy you are promoting something we can all get behind! XOXO

Just to clarify, I was 100% serious when I asked the question of my friend. I DO believe there are girls who would help my friend out if he needed a quick fuck and couldn't pay until later. It just happened that this ill was not one of them.

Plus, I truly believe there's a difference in someone having a true emergency and someone being a poor planner. As a rule, I don't lend people money for things that are expected (rent, etc.). But I have no problem giving a gift to someone who needs it (sudden death in family, accident, etc.).

Lexie is correct that we all need help sometimes and I consider it an honor when a true friend trusts me enough to ask for help. However, too many girls have abused too many people and they are the ones to blame when people are suspicious.

Overall, I think the consensus is it's ok to contact an existing client to offer a special, but be careful as to not come off as a cyber panhandler.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Does this work both ways? If the guy she's calling were to call her, in need of attention but is short on funds, will she see him and be OK getting payment later, or offering some other special arrangement? Originally Posted by blowpop
It's obvious to me Ms Amy that you have never found yourself in a position to ask for help, I pray you never will.

PS...Some people see threads like this as desperate, so you should check yourself when casting out stones. You know that I have always have had your back here, but I've got to wonder what your motivation is? If you need help...ask, you may be surprised at the amount of people who would come forward showing their love and this goes to everyone out there.

PS...Anyone else look up and notice that Wakeup has posted a paid (who knows how he paid) ad for Victoria's Secret? Thanks for the reminder Wakeup, I love VS and am so happy you are promoting something we can all get behind! XOXO

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

Not true. I run specials and try to give good service. I have even ran 120 hour specials for the hour. So I am not high and mighty, I just thought it a interesting subject. I have even extended my 80 qq to half hour. When times are tough, gotta do what you gotta do.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Believe me, I understand, but this post makes it appear like you are trashing the ladies who have needed to ask for help, which I am certain are many, including myself. Personally, I think you should raise your rates, you seem to have a great following. xoxo

tbone77494's Avatar
I loan plenty of hot latin agency chicks $.6. They get the loan after I fuck them twice. Not one has paid me back though.
Believe me, I understand, but this post makes it appear like you are trashing the ladies who have needed to ask for help, which I am certain are many, including myself. Personally, I think you should raise your rates, you seem to have a great following. xoxo

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I think the thread is a good one, we are getting feedback from guys who don't mind. And I plan to raise my rates, but due to the time of year ill run my specials through January. And might run a special on a special if needed lol. I'm sure you Lexi would only contact clients if you know they wouldn't mind, I'm talking about strong arming guys with bs. I don't and wouldn't put you in that category. I just thought it a good subject and have received great intel. And guys comment your preference so others know.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Unless you are offering him something special (and you've met before) I don't think it to be a problem (email or pm him vs call or text) .... asking for a handout (money without working for it) is wrong though.
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
If a lady needed help I see no problem with her contacting me (if we have dated before) to get a special. I really think if she started giving me the old poor me bit I may or may not help her. But that would be the last time I ever would want to see her.
But say we have done one or two hour meets and she knows I would like more time but don't like how she adds. (1hr $300 2hr $600 3hr $900.....) So she pms me to say that she would love to do an over night (10-12hr) but will only charge me $1500 instead of normal $3000 I would not have to think about it and I would not think she was begging for help.