coconut oil vs massage oil

redbeard42's Avatar
Coconut erl makes poonnanny taste aw'some! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Gotta love a piņa colada pussy.
Warm, unscented in the hands of a Sensual woman who knows how to tease
An organic, clean, unscented coconut oil, is an essential ingredient in any full body sensual massage. It possesses a viscous unlike any other oil available. When warmed through the fingers of a well trained hand, then applied to wanting skin, it elicits primal instincts...
GneissGuy's Avatar
Omelets taste like shit cooked in massage oil, so don't try it the other way around.
I like the coconut oil as long as its FRESH. I've had one experience where it smelled a little off - not rancid or anything - just old. But I'll confess, you could use Mobil One on me and I'd still be smiling.

I use coconut oil for everything.

• As a safe lubricant for all types of sex whether vaginal, anal, oral etc.. Especially safe for women in that regard as well. Only lubricant I use anymore.

• I use it daily for oil swishing as a tooth whitener.

• I've used it exclusively for shaving for two years. Haven't had one single nick or cut since I switched. I have 10 cans of unused Gillette if anyone wants them.

• I use MCT oil (concentrated coconut oil)l for making bullet coffee which satiates in addition to the caffeine boost before a workout.

• My latest discovery which I love is making almond butter with coconut oil and honey. Once you've tried that you'll never touch peanut butter again. Apple slices dipped in almond butter with coconut oil are my new favorite healthy snack.
Go to whole foods and get fresh ground almond butter in the bulk section. Add MCT oil and honey.
You end up with three times the almond butter at half the price of store bought and it taste far better.
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 06-01-2015, 11:27 PM
That's awesome Windinhishair. Thanks for the tips.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Gotta love a piņa colada pussy. Originally Posted by redbeard42
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
I really prefer almond oil but coconut oil is great too.
Coconut is my go to, for massage. I usually have a teaspoon everyday too, great in coffee and makes your lips smooth. Melts with body heat, but I prefer heated, very sensual.
I agree coconut oil works best, but it has to be fresh and pure.
It possesses a viscous unlike any other oil available. Originally Posted by Mia Christine
"viscous" of my favorite words. I like saying it. Gonna make all of you say it all day long now.
sue_nami's Avatar
ahhh the vicissitudes of viscosity, the vacillating vagaries of various oils....shall we all alliterate all day?
Mr Peabody's Avatar
The units of viscosity are also fun: Poise, Stokes, Seybolts, and Reyns.

Liquids can be characterized with a viscometer.

Pina Coladas have viscocities of about 4 centiPoise (cP); Coconut oil has a viscosity around 70 cP, while for mayonnaise it is about 5000 cP.
"viscous" of my favorite words. I like saying it. Gonna make all of you say it all day long now. Originally Posted by Zhivago52