Happy National Coming Out Day

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
pan .. without the sexual

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
did she look stylist in her meat dress? or just like raw steak?

Always thought that meat suit went nicely with her butter face.
tinypenis's Avatar
I'm sexually attracted to alive, animate, adult humans regardless of their gender.

Here is an adorable infographic detailing the bi+ umbrella and what are commonly understood meanings of bisexual, pansexual, etc.


The Human Rights Campaign also has a useful glossary of terms.
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

You and GLAAD are mistaken. You are bisexual, not pansexual.
Honestly, who gives a damn. To make something special out of any person's sexual preference attempts to minimize others. No one cares who I fuck, and I don't care who you fuck. I don't expect you to throw a party every time I wet my willy. Don't expect me to give a rat's ass when you get laid.

You do you. Leave me out of it. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
That's the spirit!

....and/or eat! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Hear, hear! It's fascinating the lengths some who break rules go to shade others who break different rules. I'm all down for what consenting adults who aren't causing harm want to get up to, even if it doesn't personally interest me. In the BDSM community, there's a saying: "Don't yuck my yum."

We as a group of social misfits when viewed from "societal norms" need to be more accepting of others who are also out side of "societal norms"... Be kind and show a little love. Originally Posted by Alpine

I empathize with your experience. The spirit of coming out is meant to be celebratory, defiant, fierce, and unapologetic. But the most important aspect is it's not obligatory. If telling other people in your life would be more derailing than you care to deal with, knowing for yourself is more than enough.

Wish I could come out... Hidden bi for many years. Originally Posted by Frontier2002