Ok I am venting a little

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Are you saying expectation of decent behavior by johns is conditional? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
While I think Whispers missed Maci's point, that this thread is about things that mostly happened to other providers, I think you're also jumping to a conclusion he never stated. While decent behavior should be expected from everyone, we know that is not the case in the world, and there are things we can do to mitigate the risk of running into people who do not play by baseline standard.
What is the saying....

"You are who you hang out with...."

Your option which direction you or anyone takes...

The hobby is no different really than anything else in life, there is the good and the not so good, how you address that game is the answer, if you don't want trouble don't go asking for trouble.

Maci I have been playing the game many many years, it has always been present and always will be present, no matter what city or time period, again my previous paragraph is my way of handling the circumstance....

just saying.....
Whispers's Avatar
Are you saying expectation of decent behavior by johns is conditional? Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

Her statement regarding....."haggling prices and doing some very risky activities to stealing panties"..... while it may not be what she is looking for in a client..... does not automatically rise to behavior less than decent......

I don't "haggle" with providers..... I don't engage very risky activities...... and I don't steal panties.....

But to categorize haggling or certain activities as not being decent behavior is not right.,...

I think the panty thing is kind of funny actually.... Call it a cost of doing business I guess....

This board covers everything from $20 street walkers to HDHs and brings a wide range of clients as well as providers into the mix....

You can't lump all that variety into one behavior class and complain when someone reaches out and tries to book a session with a gal out of his price range or goes looking for BB....

It happens....

I just dislike seeing this kind of whining about a clientele that is so varied as well as any business trying to tell their potential clients how to act....

If a guy on here wants to haggle with a girl for BB..... That's his right....

My point in my post is that certain TYPES of behaviors as well as marketing will draw THAT kind of attnetion........
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
While I think Whispers missed Maci's point, that this thread is about things that mostly happened to other providers, I think you're also jumping to a conclusion he never stated. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
It was a question, not a conclusion.

While decent behavior should be expected from everyone, we know that is not the case in the world. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
A firm grasp of the obvious!

there are things we can do to mitigate the risk of running into people who do not play by baseline standard. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I completely agree with this. Gavin de Becker described some of the more primitive biological warnings in Gift of Fear; I wondered if price-haggling might be a higher order warning of more misery down the line.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Maci, you know the men here on ECCIE that adore you and will treat you right. Just stick with them and only add new ones you get to know non BCD as necessary. Youre to sweet to take any shit from anyone. Take care of yourself first and as Whispers said, maybe tone down the hard core partying a bit?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
It was a question, not a conclusion. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Of course it was.

A firm grasp of the obvious!
Obviously, yet you seemed to need it pointed out, or you ignored the obvious to ask a question you knew the answer to.

I wondered if price-haggling might be a higher order warning of more misery down the line.
It is a possibility.
Whispers's Avatar
While I think Whispers missed Maci's point, that this thread is about things that mostly happened to other providers........ Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Perhaps Maci was talking for or about other ladies.....

If so I misread it and responded accordingly......

I do tend to get a bit wound up when a lady suggests that a guy shouldn't be allowed to ask for what he wants or spend his money in the way he wants to... I may not agree with a lot of practices of others but I do believe in the rights of prospective clients to explore the marketplace.

Let me clear something else up....

I like Maci.... She has my number... I have hers... we talk at times....

Maybe I should have called her and asked her what she really meant with the post....

I can't go back and change what I wrote....

I thought she was talking about things happening to her and I really felt it had to do with the recent environment she has been in.....

But I DO like Maci....

There is something about her...... knowing her..... and the Avatar combined with the tats on the back of her thighs that causes me to want her to drop by the office so I can bend her over my desk in the middle of a work day.....

She honestly gets a rise out of me.....

I guess until another new board villainess takes the stage I'm spoiling for an altercation with some of the wrong ladies......

Anyway..... Nuff Said......