Obama's Summer of Recovery........HA !

wellendowed1911's Avatar
It's been almost three years and it is still Bush's fault. Hmmm . . . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep-it is- Did you expect him to fix it overnight? Also, just go back in history- how long did it take Reagan to prosper based on the shit Carter left him? I will tell you 6 years- if you don't believe pull Reagan's inflation, UE, and deficit numbers his 1st term- I rest my case!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Link please, WE. I'm not supporting Reagan, I just don't believe you. One thing Reagan didn't do was complain about Carter all the way through his first term.
WE needs to provide us a link; I am not going to fact check his post.

But I do know that COG is right; Reagan didn't complain about what his predecessor left him. He just went right to work to solve America's problems. And Regan's optimistic message along with pro growth economic agenda worked !

Obama on the other hand complains about Bush; and sets out on a Socialist agenda of expanded government, more entitlements, more regulations, higher taxes, more debt, and class warfare ! All wraped up in messages that makes me wonder what planet this guy came from:

"America Is Soft"
"America Is Expectional like Jamaica Thinks They Are Expectional"
"First Time I Have Been Proud Of My Country"
"God Damn America"
yada ...yada...
I am still waiting on an explaination of Where Is Obama's "Summer of Recovery" that he promised in the summer of 2010 !


wellendowed1911's Avatar
WE needs to provide us a link; I am not going to fact check his post.

But I do know that COG is right; Reagan didn't complain about what his predecessor left him. He just went right to work to solve America's problems. And Regan's optimistic message along with pro growth economic agenda worked !

Obama on the other hand complains about Bush; and sets out on a Socialist agenda of expanded government, more entitlements, more regulations, higher taxes, more debt, and class warfare ! All wraped up in messages that makes me wonder what planet this guy came from:

"America Is Soft"
"America Is Expectional like Jamaica Thinks They Are Expectional"
"First Time I Have Been Proud Of My Country"
"God Damn America"
yada ...yada... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlway this link http://www.gallup.com/poll/11887/Ron...ll-Review.aspx supports what I said to the point it even shows graphs where Reagan's approval rate got as low as 43% and guess what the reason for Reagan's low approval ratings?- you guessed it high UE and the economy- both of which was left by Carter that Reagan had no control over- and the UE rate stayed high for a number of years it didn't get fixed over night nor did it get fixed in Reagan's 1st term. Reagan raised taxes- inflation went up and Reagan spent during his term more money than all other Presidents(39 of them) before him combined- in fact after Reagan's term is when America really had huge deficit and spending issues- but on the contrary Reagan did what he felt he needed to do to fix Carter's shit.
In Regan's first term with high UE rate, high inflation, Oil embargo- you surely don't think Reagan would have said "yeah I caused all this crap.." do you?
That link is to polling data; not UE, inflation, debt, and other misery statistics that you claim but can't substantiate.

Where is Obama's Summer of Recovery????

I assume you admit it didn't happen?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No you produce data to dispute what I just posted above Whirlway
wellendowed1911's Avatar
That link is to polling data; not UE, inflation, debt, and other misery statistics that you claim but can't substantiate.

Where is Obama's Summer of Recovery????

I assume you admit it didn't happen? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
just for you whirlway
Here's my sources Whirlway and I pulled them both from conservative and liberal website- but numbers don't lie

http://mjbehindthecurtain.wordpress.. ..nt-first-term/
  • Laz
  • 10-02-2011, 05:07 PM
In 3rd year of Reagans first term the economy started a rapid recovery. That is why he won reelection in a landslide. That is a mojor difference in what we are facing in Obama's 3rd year. Slow to no growth with a strong possibility of a second recession.

Comparing Reagan to Obama to justify Obama's situation is a fools game.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
In 3rd year of Reagans first term the economy started a rapid recovery. That is why he won reelection in a landslide. That is a mojor difference in what we are facing in Obama's 3rd year. Slow to no growth with a strong possibility of a second recession.

Comparing Reagan to Obama to justify Obama's situation is a fools game. Originally Posted by Laz
Show the data that says Reagan produced record recovery in his 3rd year- at their current pace the UE rate was higher during Reagan's 3rd year than when he took office. Also, these are two different economic times- there wasn't a world recession or a global financial meltdown- so actually Obama's situation is tougher- the oil embargo was Opec's idea of getting even at the U.S- not because there was an oil shortage.
So laz shouldn't the leaders of Canada, Japan, France, England, Italy, Greece and Germany all not be re-elected??? Last time I check those countries are having financial issues as well.
  • Laz
  • 10-02-2011, 06:07 PM
Show the data that says Reagan produced record recovery in his 3rd year- at their current pace the UE rate was higher during Reagan's 3rd year than when he took office. Also, these are two different economic times- there wasn't a world recession or a global financial meltdown- so actually Obama's situation is tougher- the oil embargo was Opec's idea of getting even at the U.S- not because there was an oil shortage.
So laz shouldn't the leaders of Canada, Japan, France, England, Italy, Greece and Germany all not be re-elected??? Last time I check those countries are having financial issues as well. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I said the recovery began in his third year and the trends were obvious by the time reelection came around. The problem Obama has is that the current trends are bad and not improving.

I suspect that there are several leaders of other nations that should be replaced. I have not payed enough attention to foreign politics to have a reasonable opinion on which ones. However, Canada's economy is doing well. They cut spending and embraced oil production.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I said the recovery began in his third year and the trends were obvious by the time reelection came around. The problem Obama has is that the current trends are bad and not improving.

I suspect that there are several leaders of other nations that should be replaced. I have not payed enough attention to foreign politics to have a reasonable opinion on which ones. However, Canada's economy is doing well. They cut spending and embraced oil production. Originally Posted by Laz
I respectively disagree "bad" would be the UE rate continuing to rise- it has come down since he took office the big issue is that it's remaining stagnant and not dropping much- but to say it's bad would only be true if the numbers were going up every. The issue that is going to help Obama is the GOP or should I say congress refusal to take action- Obama presented his package what nearly 4 weeks and Congress has yet to vote on it?
It would be a different story if Obamas recovery plan went into effect and they all failed- I think most Americans see that their is huge gridlock in congress and people like Boehener I think main job is to make sure Obama gets nothing passed and it will backfire on the GOP you watch what I tell you.
  • Laz
  • 10-02-2011, 07:22 PM
Until recently his plans were put in effect and they failed. Now he wants more of the same failed policies and you are upset that people are saying no. Not even the democrats want his proposal. If he would propose something that actually would help he would get support but his economic beliefs are flawed and he is unwilling to change.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Until recently his plans were put in effect and they failed. Now he wants more of the same failed policies and you are upset that people are saying no. Not even the democrats want his proposal. If he would propose something that actually would help he would get support but his economic beliefs are flawed and he is unwilling to change. Originally Posted by Laz
tell me which specific policies failed???? Are you saying his jobs acts will fail too when he has many items that have been proposed by Republicans? Are you talking about TARP or the stimulus package? Ask Rick Perry how he balanced his states budget(Stimulus money)- iff the Banks weren't bailed out and the Auto Industry don''t you agree that the UE would easily be 15% or higher????
Wellendowed won't give you the facts; so here are the unemployment numbers of Regan Vs. Obama's first term...........

Clearly Regan's economic polciies and message of optimism kept things from getting worse. America had a for-real "Summer of Recovery" while Obama's plan is to conduct class warfare and make things worse with messages of "America is Soft".

Again, where is Obama's Summer of Recovery???????????

There isn't a Summer of Recovery with Obama; just 2 summers of more misery !

Regan Legacy (first term):
Inaugurated January 1981 and unemployment rate = 7.5%; by August 1984 unemplmyment rate was down slightly 7.4%..

Obama Legacy (only term):
Inaugurated January 2009 and unemployment rate was 7.8%; by August 2011 the rate was up signficantly to 9.1% !

Also, just go back in history- how long did it take Reagan to prosper based on the shit Carter left him? I will tell you 6 years- if you don't believe pull Reagan's inflation, UE, and deficit numbers his 1st term- I rest my case! HA. you never made a case and the unemployment stats show otherwise ! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The Obama zombies continue to delude themselves.................... following their leader into the twilight zone......