BP advertisements??

Super Head 713's Avatar
BP has more reasonable prices with sexy women as well. You might just win and get your money worth, but then again maybe not lol
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-28-2011, 06:10 AM
ever heard the old adage you get what you pay for? I have a friend who advertises solely on bp and her rate remains a pretty constant $80, or thats what it says on her ad. but for $80, you're getting 10 to 15 minutes no bj at all and only one position. K9. You want more? You pay more. I personally dont have time to upsell on each date because not only will i have a slew of unsatisfied consumers, my return rate would probably be low. It works for her. Not how I'd like to do business. BP is more of a foot in the door tactic. You get the guy there, hoping he brings enough cash for you two to really have fun. Sounds like a pain in the ass. I like to preplan things and know what to expect so there aren't any unpleasant surprises.

Also, I can imagine it would be rather uncomfortable for me to have someone choose to spend their time with me and every request they make I have to tell them its extra. That would be a HUGE turnoff for me if I was in the guys shoes. Originally Posted by exoticentyce
I have had this happen to me as well. But 90% of the time for 100 per 30 mins I get CBJ and mpcfs, and have no problems. I have seen reviews where the dude drops 3 bills and had a bad time so spending more does not mean for sure you get more. My main point for BP is new talent the younger ladies tend to start on BP, as well as out of town visitors who us BP a lot. I do like this site for the sure thing and pay more for proven good service I won't break off more then a bill on BP. On the board and p411 I pay the going rate for girls that have the looks and services I want.
You can find some gems on BP. You can also get busted. Girls here will advertise on BP as well.....so long as they have a track record that isn't a problem. Most of the NC/NS from there are clearly buyer beware. But, because they are cheap and post a cute pic...guys looking for a bargain will always go in and then come here to complain when they are taken.......When all that could have been avoided by finding someone here or legit.

For some there is an excitement in finding someone new on BP. I avoid BP all together....totally beyond TOFTT......I let others do the mining...............
@Soulmanike you have been around long enough and have probably done some mining in the past.. now it is someone else's turn....

Way I see it is that BP will have the B&S girls merely it is easy to post fake ads.. of the ladies I have seen from BP I do not merely jump at their 1st posting.. usually I see if they run their ads consistently then I set up a meeting... have found some real gems and have run across some that need to hone their craft a bit.

The ones that are Gems I usually put into my cell phone and those are the ones I call on first...and the pattern I see with the "Gems" are they do not saturate BP with ads.. you see their ad 1-3 times a week.. not 4-7 times in 2 hours
I had just posted my thread and then I noticed this post. I guess great minds do think a like.

I hear COUNTLESS men complain about how dreadful BP is.... then I look at the reviews and a good percentage of them come from girls they met on bp. What's the deal with that?

Some guy say they dont want to deal with flakes, no shows, bait and switch, upsells.... but they run to BP and call girls who they cant verify. Is it because they like the price point vs a venue like eccie or p411?? Is it more convenient for quick sessions? Is there an appeal to not really having to be verified?

Im not saying eccie doesnt have some of the same issues, just wondering why talk crap about a site like BP... yet still call the girls that post on there Originally Posted by exoticentyce
London Rayne's Avatar
It's now "where" you advertise, it's who you are. If a guy is stupid enough to see some random girl with zero or shady reviews, he deserves what he gets. They are too d*ck stupid to realize that a young hottie who has flawless pics of professional caliber with a cheap rate and no reviews, is not legit bwahahahah. What more can I say?

I am on the high end for my market and even I use BP in certain areas. Sad to say, that there are more men on BP willing to spend xxxx than on Eccie in many states lol. I have met countless professional men from BP who never heard of a review board because they were new. A simple google search will bring a guy to my 3 year review history, and a hell of a lot more lol. One only needs to click a button to be safe.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-28-2011, 09:02 AM
If everyone sits around scared to toftt all the time we will be stuck with old bags in the years to come. Every single chick in this thread has posted on BP so it can't be that bad. Yes with the ease to entry more risk is taken. Someone took that risk with each of us we were all new at some point. Best thing to do with BP girls is Google the number check out her ads see if pics are consistent. Still not a for sure but gets some of the b&s out of the way, only some. Like I said the board is great for the sure thing but I will step off it from time to time. I have had bad time with board girls too so this thing ain't a for sure thing either.
You all have great points. Somebody already said a lot of ladies post on bp because they don't know about eccie or p411 and that is definitely true! I started on bp only because that is what I knew! You can't unleash your true potential on a site filled with bullcrap though! Many providers on there are not legit, so that causes hobbyists to assume they're all the same, which they’re not. Many “clients” will call providers on there all day long to book appointments they never intended on showing up to! I am somebody who tries to stay positive, but when you’re posting on a site like bp it is hard to do so! It’s filled with both providers and hobbyist just messing around! A provider’s mood tends to change when they get a bunch of time wasting phone calls all day long. I’m sure the same goes for you legit hobbyists as well! You can’t look at one and judge all, but I do think for the most part that bp has turned into bs.
I always come well prepared and there is only one thing better than a man that is well prepared A man that is both well prepared and well endowed I am both Contact me if u want prof
I always come well prepared and there is only one thing better than a man that is well prepared A man that is both well prepared and well endowed I am both Contact me if u want proof
EE, I used to be one of the guys that always trolled BP back in the ASPD days. Truthfully, I did it to try to budget. While I would have loved to be able to see all ladies from that site and this one, it just wasn't in my budget to do so. In my trolling quest I did manage to find a few diamonds in the rough. I also managed to find some girls to stay the hell away from. Back before CL was done away with, most of the crappy chicks used to post there. But now that CL is gone most of them have migrated to BP. But I'm one that won't let one bad apple spoil the bunch.

BP is an ok site. But you have to really be on top of your game to choose wisely. If I do see a BP girl now it's usually because I've seen someone post a review who most of us would deem has credibility as a reviewer.
With hp its like a box of chocolate really you don't who or what your going to get. Just because theirs a photo don't mean its her been their done that never again. You get what you pay for for. You pay little get little. You pay more get less. Where's the happy medium. Why cant we all just get alone be happy, stop being greedy. Average man makes 600 week take out for kids. Then think how much is. Your donation. Where does he gobp or eccie?
Okay, I can see your points here. And Gabrielle Lace you are RIGHT! My attitude changes big time when my phone is ringing all day with emails and calls from ppl wasting time. Happens far too often with bp. For every 20 calls there may be ONE that wasn't NC/NS. I think it can be used as a good advertising tool, but only if used appropriately fully acknowledging all its pitfalls....
London Rayne's Avatar
If you are going to use BP, I suggest NOT using a phone. Emails are so much easier to ignore...no refs, no date. End of Story...next.
First its all about thrill in search. Finding the diamond in the rough. Secondly the price point is encouraging and worth ones mindful budget. Some providers think their stuff is made of gold and that this is a booming economy.

Besides some ladies offer way more pics and ads that we can get a better representation.