tat as Moved from coed

so does Tatas spit or swallow????
Couldn't agree more and it's not all tats. Originally Posted by travelnman0129
I would like to apologize to you guys for making this site shitier while he is here. I will try and control my dislike for his posts.
Agreed. Now even the reviews...-why not start this is the Litterbox? Or even not at all? Originally Posted by cabot
I did say I miss hit and did intend for this to be in the litterbox. Not intended as a review.
Tats the cockroach uses our replies as food. For a month, please disregard his drivel. He can eat off the words on TOS.
He is wrong about 40% of the time. He guesses about 50% of the time. He adds value 10% of first posts.
He has to have a personality disorder that is characterized by not being able to take on the frame of reference of another human being.
He might be nice to roaches, who knows?
tatasddd's Avatar
Tats the cockroach uses our replies as food. For a month, please disregard his drivel. He can eat off the words on TOS.
He is wrong about 40% of the time. He guesses about 50% of the time. He adds value 10% of first posts.
He has to have a personality disorder that is characterized by not being able to take on the frame of reference of another human being.
He might be nice to roaches, who knows? Originally Posted by noginworking
Are you dames4u? Or Bambino? With an account with one post and no reviews, please do not try to belittle my contribution on eccie. How many accounts do you have Bambino?
Are you dames4u? Or Bambino? With an account with one post and no reviews, please do not try to belittle my contribution on eccie. How many accounts do you have Bambino? Originally Posted by tatasddd
The topic is you sucking leftover cum off of a set of big tits, could you please stay on topic

Thank you
TheEccie214's Avatar
The topic is you sucking leftover cum off of a set of big tits, could you please stay on topic

Thank you Originally Posted by bigguyt
No kidding, his highjacking is out of control and needs to be stopped.
Hematoma's Avatar
Are you dames4u? Or Bambino? With an account with one post and no reviews, please do not try to belittle my contribution on eccie. How many accounts do you have Bambino? Originally Posted by tatasddd
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You fellows sure do have an obsession with Tatas.
I can, if all want it, strictly enforce the guidelines of this site on every forum in this area and start handing out the points sans warnings.
Of course almost every one of you will think that you are not the one that is the problem and will be, or will act, surprised that you got points. When you start a thread about another member you are the provoker and not an innocent party to the game.

If you do not like another member, their posting style, or what they have to say, just let it go or post without the insults and rudeness. I have been very lenient in how this forum is moderated up to this point. This is because I understand that yoinz are a bunch of misfits that never got out of the schoolyard mentality of behavior. It seems that the word gentlemen is something you read at the top of a letter with no clue what a gentleman is. I have a real world job that requires my attention and the easiest way for me to deal with that is for all of you to behave like gentlemen rather than having to scrutinize every post. The second easiest way is for me to point each and everyone of you to the oblivion that is the world of the BANNED.

Enough is enough so tell me, in this thread, how you would like for me to moderate this forum other than to tell me who I should ban. I will bet very few of you could do that. If you bait a troll expecting a trolls response and get it; it is not the trolls fault. Don't go fishing and you will not catch a thing.
tatasddd's Avatar
I totally agree with the2dogs. And in particular, I couldn't agree more that these individuals are obsessed with me, which they soooooooooooo don't have to be. It is a good idea in moderating the site when former employers are mentioned like BK (even though it was an employer for just 10 days total) in between getting a better job, any association with BK, webcamming, anything that has to do with gays (which I am not) those persons definitely need to be given punitive points and BANNED. If they would stop that, I am sure everything will calm down. For example Bambino should have been banned numerous times as he has started threads on me not once, but because of some modtard called Bullshitter he was always spared and I had to bear the brunt. I am glad to see that Bullshitter is gone and that the 2 dogs is going to enforce better moderation. Also, it was the 2 dogs who warned you guys to stop making references to BK or any former employers. Anything on my former employers will be reported to the 2 dogs attention as well as any insults or thread targeting me. We do need better moderation on this site and I will be glad to see the 2 dogs utilize any indispensable tool to impose peace and quiet. Thank you the 2 dogs. The personal attacks must stop and the best thing to do is really get rid of this whole fucking pointless thread. The only purpose this shit serves is take up space on the site.
Don't go fishing and you will not catch a thing. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You had to use a fishing reference???

I cannot NOT fish.

I however, will try/attempt/proceed to behave myself with regards to my posts.
I can be a gentleman.
tatasddd's Avatar
Just for the record it ought to be noted that this was moved from REVIEWS to the Litter box, rather than from coed. It does belong here because it is nothing but mere horseshit.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
See, you could not tell me how to moderate without telling me who I should ban. the inability to comprehend simple instructions is lost on you and most of the rest of you except for that sweet lady that knows how to act like a gentleman.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Yes Dogs they all have been warned, enough is enough.
Thanks Jinny for understanding darlin
2dogs, H64, I'm quite confident you've been very lenient all around because I've been in similar situations as a mod and professionally. You've shown way more restraint than I would have.

I think there's room for leniency until it's taken advantage of. I feel we've crossed that point. I appreciate that there's not been heavy handed discipline because it chokes out some of the fun, but the situations have been getting tedious to read so I imagine it's like an exposed nerve for a mod, who are dreading logging back in to see what new clusterfuck developed since you last logged in.

I expect that the vast majority of the points, warnings and discipline have been doled out behind the scenes. This is necessary, but gives the impression that nothing is being done because it's ouside of the public eye. And when someone crosses a line and gets away with it or are perceived to have gotten away with it, they read that as the mods agreeing with or approving of the behavior.

I'm willing to accept points that come my way if I cross a line. I'm probably due some.

I don't expect the staff to police every post 24/7. I do expect rules being enforced based on the outcomes of investigating reports and actual observed violations.

That said, given the continuing escalation, I would recommend a sticky in all Pgh boards citing the specific behaviors staff feel are causing the majority of the current problems and reiterating what the expectations from staff are. Also, I would make effective immediately that penalties for violations in those areas are doubled for the next 3 months. Those who can't behave like adults should get double points for infractions and double the downtime if they hit the magic number. This drives bad behavior toward faster time outs and recognizes that there are specific behaviors that need to be knocked the fuck off.

I say sticky because warnings posted in threads like this can be buried and more easily missed. Now, that said, it does assume people actually pay attention to stickies which isn't a given, but it makes the info more easily accessible than buried at the bottom of this kind of crap.

Those who are habitual, repeat offenders should have a significantly more aggressive points table leading more quickly to longer bans. Those who are clearly trying to take advantage of that system to egg on others and goad them into bans by fishing for confrontations should get just as harsh a punishment.

Just my thoughts since you asked. I realize it's possible some of this may already be in place behind the scenes or under consideration.

I know most of this shit is usually a judgement call. I'll do what I can to temper my own behavior. I expect others will as well because the kind of purge that this all can lead to can kill a board. Unfortunately, so can the lack of respect for the rules.