What do you Trump haters hope to accomplish??

... To answer the OP's question - there's NOTHING for the
"Trump Haters" to accomplish... This election will turn out
with the Republicans controlling the House of Congress
and maybe the Senate...

And then YOU KNOW who Wins in 2024... ...

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ace, how many times are you going to whine about me being off topic when I've addressed the topic? Again, just because you don't like my answer to the topic doesn't mean I ignored the topic.

I'm flattered that you are trying to point me out by saying I'm off topic all of the time lately but because I am addressing the topic, it actually makes you look rather petty IMO. And quite frankly, your not so thinly veiled insults directed at me are starting to hurt my wittle feewings. #AntiTrumpPeopleHaveFeewings
... Lucas kinda DID address the topic.
Just sayin'

#### Salty
It’s evident the man is living rent free in your brain!
Newsflash people Trump isn’t on the ballot.
Obama was a bust, but he ain’t here no more , he is history.
It’s truly sad that Mr. Trump is on your mind and in your ❤️! Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Hatred doesn't accomplish anything. Those that hate Trump are hating for the sake of hating. They think it makes their political arguments relevant. America no longer has sound leadership. Republicans are wimpy and Democrats are for the most part Mentally Ill. America needs to get back on track with sound leadership and embrace the premises this country was originally founded upon. Neither Republicans or Democrats are doing that very well anymore.
oilfieldace's Avatar
... Lucas kinda DID address the topic.
Just sayin'

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
His first sentence was the only think in that elongated rant that vaguely addressed the topic. That sentence was complete contradiction in logic. If he doesn’t hate Trump and he doesn’t want to accomplish anything, why waste the energy.

The entire rant of his was about how dumb a Trump supporter is. That’s cool he had every right to be ignorant, but I didn’t and never would ask for his opinion.
VitaMan's Avatar
Many posters in this forum (and still posting in this thread) put their hate on me constantly 3 months ago, before my siesta started. Their main complaint was why did I post many threads with Trump being the topic.

And now, 3 months later, what seems to be the main topic of this forum, with many of the same posters chiming in......Trump !

To address this thread topic, the desired accomplishment has always been to get Trump supporters to see what he really is. The past few months have revealed more and more. Plus the secondary item hoped to be accomplished has been to get the Republican party to come up with a presidential candidate that is capable of defeating Trump in the Republican primaries.

To take a phrase from the OP, Trump is not just on the mind of Trump haters living rent free. He is on the mind of millions, many of them hoping he never serves another term as President.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Many posters in this forum (and still posting in this thread) put their hate on me constantly 3 months ago, before my siesta started. Their main complaint was why did I post many threads with Trump being the topic.

And now, 3 months later, what seems to be the main topic of this forum, with many of the same posters chiming in......Trump !

To address this thread topic, the desired accomplishment has always been to get Trump supporters to see what he really is. The past few months have revealed more and more. Plus the secondary item hoped to be accomplished has been to get the Republican party to come up with a presidential candidate that is capable of defeating Trump in the Republican primaries.

To take a phrase from the OP, Trump is not just on the mind of Trump haters living rent free. He is on the mind of millions, many of them hoping he never serves another term as President. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 10-26-2022, 04:35 AM
It is really not to different from what the Trump lovers are doing by repeating election fraud, what marketers do to get you to buy their shit, keep repeating the narrative. As a reminder Trump started this shit with his inauguration attendence narrative.

We can do better than Trump.
It is really not to different from what the Trump lovers are doing by repeating election fraud, what marketers do to get you to buy their shit, keep repeating the narrative. As a reminder Trump started this shit with his inauguration attendence narrative.

We can do better than Trump. Originally Posted by Brot
That's why we have Biden, lol.
VitaMan's Avatar
Expected post by TWK

But it sounds so much like a BOT, and has been going on for months and months

Can't posters do better than that ?
winn dixie's Avatar
ace youre embarrassing yourself
ICU 812's Avatar
What do folks who had previously votged for President Trump hope to accomplish?

I voted for Mr. Trump twice. But I also voted for (and against) state and local candidates and propositions that I thought would benefit those jurisdictions.

I will do the same here in the greater Houston area in the next few days, But, as has been pointed out, Mr. Trump will not be on the ballot. It is my opinion that he will not be the Republican party's nominee in 2024. That does not alter the way I will vote in general and overall.

I will still be voting to spend money wisely and frugally. I will vote for candidates who eschew the liberal-left-progressive "Woke" agenda. I will vote as a conservative.

The hopped for accomplishment? A return to the peace and prosperity we all enjoyed during the administrations of President Trump and President Clinton. Conservative principles work regardless of party.