Looking for providers opinions....

Well I suppose everyone thinks differently, but I've done it and I wasn't paid for my whole time away. And I was perfectly fine with it... why?

1. Roundtrip airfare, 5 star hotel, meals, drinks, horseback riding, whale watching, snorkeling, hiking..... was all paid for.
2. I've never been to Maui, Hawaii... for a whole week? so of course I'm going!
3. I hadn't taken a vacation in some time, so free vacay in paradise! duh!
4. I spent nothing!

You have to be careful and put all your cards on the table. He had everything covered for me so he didn't have enough money left over to pay for my time (at that time, I was pretty pricey @ 500/hr) So our agreement was, for every time he wanted to get down and dirty, he would pay me just like regular hour session. I threw in a few free quick BJ's here and there... LOL... With that being said, we only did the deed twice that week. He was fine with it too ... so there you go. It's all about negotiating and putting all the cards on the table in my opinion.

We both had unbelievable fun! Winning!

The next year, it was Madrid.... Hells yea! But that's just me, I really liked him so it wasn't hard to spend another whole week with him away from the same ol same ol.

Also, it depends on the location... If he would have said let's go to Houston, then I'm out! haha

Just my 2cents