This January 6 Video Demonstrates Clearly The Violence That Occured and Why All J6 ers Should Be Buried Under The Jail

DNinja69's Avatar

here's some light reading on it

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States

the DC police had the sole authority to ASK for federal assistance and REFUSED IT Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am gonna just leave this here for the funk of it:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I am gonna just leave this here for the funk of it:
Originally Posted by DNinja69

so ... you is sayin' Trump actually shoulda ignored the LAW and sent in troops anyway?

would that make him an actual dictator?

you might find this interesting

DC Guard almost deployed to Capitol on Jan. 6 without permission
DNinja69's Avatar
Keep pretending I haven't read most of the same articles, watched the videos, and didn't hope like hell every day of December 2020 that there was actually a gremlin in the system and Biden would never be President.

And more red herring not taking the bait what I am saying is plain and to the point.

But I will offer this for you to chew on just give it 60 seconds of legitimate consideration.

Trump wanted mayhem.

Yes. or No?

For one minute ignore everything that took place on and after he spoke Jan 6.

Did Donald Trump want mayhem.

If your answer is seriously NO I would like to hear a thoughtful explanation of why. I will give offer the same. Serious consideration. Thoughtful response.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keep pretending I haven't read most of the same articles, watched the videos, and didn't hope like hell every day of December 2020 that there was actually a gremlin in the system and Biden would never be President.

And more red herring not taking the bait what I am saying is plain and to the point.

But I will offer this for you to chew on just give it 60 seconds of legitimate consideration.

Trump wanted mayhem.

Yes. or No?

For one minute ignore everything that took place on and after he spoke Jan 6.

Did Donald Trump want mayhem.

If your answer is seriously NO I would like to hear a thoughtful explanation of why. I will give offer the same. Serious consideration. Thoughtful response. Originally Posted by DNinja69


if he did why would he explicitly say "peaceful protest"?

there. i 'xplained it to ya
VitaMan's Avatar
shocking lack of knowledge. Trump might have been Commander in Chief but perhaps you may be aware of Posse Comitatus? that LIMITS use of US Troops on American soil?

here's some light reading on it

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States

the DC police had the sole authority to ASK for federal assistance and REFUSED IT Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
again completely ridiculous. This has been fact checked so many times it is not worth discussing.....again.

Getting back to the topic and the original post....what does the link posted have to do with the Jan 6 riot ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
again completely ridiculous. This has been fact checked so many times it is not worth discussing.....again.

Getting back to the topic and the original post....what does the link posted have to do with the Jan 6 riot ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

it has everything to do with it. it limits the Commander in Chief's authority to use Federal troops in the US.

prove that wrong
HoHound's Avatar
DNinja is surely aware that none of the J6 ers were armed, including the lady killed by a police officer. Surely DNinja is a aware of the 40 thousand hours of video tape that Pelosi and Democrats withheld from the public for 2 years, which contained exculpatory evidence. The video evidence didn't start getting released until Republicans took the house.
VitaMan's Avatar
it has everything to do with it. it limits the Commander in Chief's authority to use Federal troops in the US.

prove that wrong Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Don't be so ridiculous. The National Guard is state based...not federal troops.
DNinja69's Avatar
I am most certainly aware of 2 things based on listening to Donald Trump on some level since his and Hershel Walker's names would have first made some of the same headlines back in the USFL days.

1. Going down without a fight ain't Trumps style.

2. He believes he can Trump his way out of pretty much anything.

I mean these are not even debatable on any real level.

So this teddy bear peace lover crap ain't selling.

Not even close.

Did Trump deserve all the legal hellstorm? Nah. Much of it is partisan election year shenanigans.

Is he innocent? Without blame? A simple victim of the mighty Dems?

I mean come on... I can't even type that line without nearly blowing my beer out my nose.

VitaMan's Avatar

the democrats wanted a riot. that's all they are good for Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
another completely ridiculous statement since the Jan 6 riot was caused by Republican Trump supporters
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don't be so ridiculous. The National Guard is state based...not federal troops. Originally Posted by VitaMan
another completely ridiculous statement since the Jan 6 riot was caused by Republican Trump supporters Originally Posted by VitaMan

congrats you just proved my point but you knew that right?

show me any of you where Trump had the constitutional authority to deploy federal troops to DC WITHOUT DC's Approval?

this should be interesting
DNinja69's Avatar
If you are unaware of the protocols in place and powers of the President go educate yourself.

It does not matter.

The only reason these 'arguments' continue is that people still let Trump train riders continue to get away with saying 'stolen election' out loud without reacting like you said the earth was flat. Once you let that fairy tale go the rest of this deflection and finger pointing starts to sound pretty silly.

Its ok to support a candidate and not believe everything they say. In fact with politics that is sort of the way you actually do it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you are unaware of the protocols in place and powers of the President go educate yourself.

It does not matter.

The only reason these 'arguments' continue is that people still let Trump train riders continue to get away with saying 'stolen election' out loud without reacting like you said the earth was flat. Once you let that fairy tale go the rest of this deflection and finger pointing starts to sound pretty silly.

Its ok to support a candidate and not believe everything they say. In fact with politics that is sort of the way you actually do it. Originally Posted by DNinja69

prove it was within Trump's constitutional authority to deploy NG troops without DC's consent?

can't wait to see how you spin this
VitaMan's Avatar
Before you put up more ridiculous posts, study the presidential authority, as other members have mentioned.

By law, the D.C. National Guard serves exclusively under the command of the president.

You already embarrassed yourself talking about federal military personnel and statutes.....which have nothing to do with the deployment of the National Guard. Next thing you probably will post is Trump could not deploy the National Guard because Nancy told him not to.

Try to get back on the thread topic.
VitaMan's Avatar
For educational purposes:

The Posse Comitatus Act, is a law that prohibits the president from using federal military forces to conduct civilian law enforcement without an express statutory exception. This law reflects a core principle.

Because the Posse Comitatus Act applies only to federal military forces, National Guard personnel are not bound by it unless they have been called into federal service, or “federalized.” That means the president can use the D.C. Guard as a domestic police force at any time without invoking any statutory exception to the Posse Comitatus Act.

In June 2020, Donald Trump took advantage of this loophole, deploying the D.C. Guard—over the objections of D.C.’s mayor—in response to local protests against police brutality.