Mike Rowe, You're My New Hero

Wheretonow's Avatar
I suspect that my circle of heroes encompasses a larger group than yours does. And having served 22 years in the military, I've met and served with many of your kind. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
You don't know shit about me. Or my "kind". You don't even have the slightest clue of what "kind" I am.

Go back to your kkk meetings. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I meant your kind of heroes, and if you weren't so intent on finding racial bias in every post you would have known that. Your anger and hatred toward white people seems to poison your every post.

It might be more entertaining if you stayed on topic and/or had something clever to say, but you seem incapable of it. Have as nice a night as your miserable attitude toward life will allow.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Go back and read my original post jim crow. I stated an opinion. You cant bear it. You dont even know what race am I. And that's very entertaining. Actually, very funny. It shows your bias.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Go back and read my original post jim crow. I stated an opinion. You cant bear it. You dont even know what race am I. And that's very entertaining. Actually, very funny. It shows your bias. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Let's just say providers with an NBA policy won't be seeing you.

And Mike Rowe, for taking on political correctness carried to idiotic levels (much as you do) is one of my heroes.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Let's just say providers with an NBA policy won't be seeing you.

And Mike Rowe, for taking on political correctness carried to idiotic levels (much as you do) is one of my heroes. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
Wrong. I'm probably whiter than you.

Look at my review list boy. Plenty of girls with an NBA policy.

Racists think that way, I know. All predictable and hilarious. They lost their war for white supremacy and that makes them angry. Any display of compassion for past horrors done to innocent minorities are to be fought vigorously. A good thing though, they now are the minority, because most whites moved on. They hate that.

We can see it.

Stick to your heroes. I stick to mine. I know, that bothers you.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Wrong. I'm probably whiter than you.

Look at my review list boy. Plenty of girls with an NBA policy.

Racists think that way, I know. All predictable and hilarious. They lost their war for white supremacy and that makes them angry. Any display of compassion for past horrors done to innocent minorities are to be fought vigorously. A good thing though, they now are the minority, because most whites moved on. They hate that.

We can see it.

Stick to your heroes. I stick to mine. I know, that bothers you. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker

Nice to see you still jump whenever I pull your strings. Yeah, white guilt's a bitch, and in your case incurable.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
You bet. Most whites with a conscience feel guilty. We finally agree for a second time. The first one was that you can't keep your new years resolutions.

Guilty is not your case, though. It is just anger for becoming part of a minority: white supremacists.
Wheretonow's Avatar
You bet. Most whites with a conscience feel guilty. We finally agree for a second time. The first one was that you can't keep your new years resolutions.

Guilty is not your case, though. It is just anger for becoming part of a minority: white supremacists. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I've had my fun with you for awhile, but like always, your constant "racist, racist, racist" rants have grown tiresome.

And I'll return the thread to its original purpose before your feeble attempts at high jacking it:

Mike Rowe's a great guy who heroically took on a pinko liberal, idiotic television commentator.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
No hijacking. You called him a hero in your subject line. I just voiced my contrarian opinion. You then post condescending posts. I just keep responding to you. If anybody hijacked it, it was you that hijacked your own thread.

And yes, I do think you are a racist. This is why you consider him a hero. Because he disagrees that slaves worked hard because it wasn't their choice. Tell that to the slash wounds in their backs.

The KKK is teaching you well.
Wheretonow's Avatar
No hijacking. You called him a hero in your subject line. I just voiced my contrarian opinion. You then post condescending posts. I just keep responding to you. If anybody hijacked it, it was you that hijacked your own thread.

And yes, I do think you are a racist. This is why you consider him a hero. Because he disagrees that slaves worked hard because it wasn't their choice. Tell that to the slash wounds in their backs.

The KKK is teaching you well. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
It's sad that your daddy didn't let you play with dolls and that your mother didn't love you enough to breast feed you. Maybe with enough therapy life will start being pleasant for you again. But I doubt it - too much hate, to little compassion, not enough understanding.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Condescending answer, infantile... instead of an intellectual one. Typical of racists in the defensive... No substance, I see. You hate being exposed for what you are.

Attack the messenger.... The message is clear; you are a racist trying to disguise as an intellectual. But you are just an ignorant red neck white supremacist minority. It is pathetic. Good news is that you are part of a shrinking minority.

Keep hijacking your own threAD.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Mike Rowe, and anyone else willing to take on the idiocy that has become political correctness and the "I'm a victim" mentality (like you) have my highest regard.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I am not a victim. You forgot I am white? I am just not a racist and a white supremacist minority, unlike mike. Of course you would have him in high regard.

It's your threAD. Have fun...
Wheretonow's Avatar
Luke, as I've stated on a number of occasions, your racist ranks are tiresome, so I've placed you on my ignore list.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
The truth hurts.