Is “Reverse Jury Nullification” In Play? You Bet It Is.

eccieuser9500's Avatar 3

Why can't I post these in the cartoon thread?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The crime was falsified business records. To cover-up an alleged crime. He's guilty. The Nazi is guilty.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Why can't I post these in the cartoon thread? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Likely because that thread is a two-person right wings circle jerk that eats up so much bandwidth that it bogs down the entire system. That and nobody but those two guys read it.

What you posted was fine for this loony tunes of a thread. The crime wasn’t the hush money, but the intentional and throughly premeditated cover up. To quote Budman: “Anybody who can’t understand that is either stupid or a partisan hack…”

Hint — the Nazis are ALWAYS guilty.

Ripmany's Avatar
Maybe they can get new jury pool people but I would take my $12 and run it took the months and sent form back postage due the first time.
TDS is overflowing.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Why can't I post these in the cartoon thread? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The political cartoon thread is 12,035 posts long at the time i looked. The data in each thread is stored in a database. The data in the thread is so voluminous that the database takes longer to respond than the user’s browser is willing to wait. That’s why some people get timeout errors when trying to post to the political cartoon thread. Depending on the browser used you can get a double post because the browser attempts to submit the post twice before giving up and sending the timeout message back to the browser.

Suffice it to say that the solution is to start a new political cartoon thread from scratch.
  • Tiny
  • 05-22-2024, 11:57 AM
The crime was falsified business records. To cover-up an alleged crime. He's guilty. The Nazi is guilty. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The crime wasn’t the hush money, but the intentional and throughly premeditated cover up. To quote Budman: “Anybody who can’t understand that is either stupid or a partisan hack…” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

But you fellows had better get used to see a number of political
people being brought to charges... For at least the NEXT 4 years. Originally Posted by Salty Again
I am your retribution. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Trump has violated the law. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have too. Everyone writing in this thread has. But we shouldn't get slapped with chicken shit charges, like channeling money through a lawyer to pay off a porn star. What about the issue of mens rea? Did Trump even know he was violating New York laws about falsifying business records? It was his money and he probably didn't deduct the payment to Michael Cohen as a business expense. So if he wants to hide the nature of the payment from Melania or his employees or his kids or the world at large, why should anyone care?

And tit for tat is stupid. Trump gets prosecuted for Stormy Daniels. So the next thing you know Biden is getting prosecuted for channeling loans to his brother through his lawyer. Or Hillary for Benghazi. And we're well on our way to becoming a banana republic.

Yeah, Trump does deserve to be prosecuted for trying to steal an election. But not for this chicken shit.
VitaMan's Avatar
An appeal request is a right. If granted the judgement may be reaffirmed or overruled.

Too bad there are revengeful people in the world. Especially those that have received a fair trial
VitaMan's Avatar
TDS is overflowing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This is the new "go to". Despite Mr. Trump being deeply flawed, any criticism is met by the Trump supporters stating the critics have TDS.

When actually it is the Trump supporters that have bought into the cult
  • Tiny
  • 05-22-2024, 12:23 PM
Too bad there are revengeful people in the world. Especially those that have received a fair trial Originally Posted by VitaMan
As Jackie S pointed out in the OP, this trial, like the civil fraud and E. Jean Carroll cases, was never going to be fair. The cases were all tried in Manhattan. If they had been brought in upstate New York instead, they might have been fair.

Biden won Manhattan by 84.5% to 14.5%.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump has violated the law. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have too. Everyone writing in this thread has. But we shouldn't get slapped with chicken shit charges, like channeling money through a lawyer to pay off a porn star. What about the issue of mens rea? Did Trump even know he was violating New York laws about falsifying business records? It was his money and he probably didn't deduct the payment to Michael Cohen as a business expense. So if he wants to hide the nature of the payment from Melania or his employees or his kids or the world at large, why should anyone care?

And tit for tat is stupid. Trump gets prosecuted for Stormy Daniels. So the next thing you know Biden is getting prosecuted for channeling loans to his brother through his lawyer. Or Hillary for Benghazi. And we're well on our way to becoming a banana republic.

Yeah, Trump does deserve to be prosecuted for trying to steal an election. But not for this chicken shit. Originally Posted by Tiny
You’re not wrong tiny, However it requires a congress that has a sense of shame and real ethics. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. If Senate republicans had voted to impeach Trump after January 6th we wouldn’t be in this mess. If Trump was banned from running for office again I would bet that some of these politically motivated prosecutions would never have happened or if they did they certainly wouldn’t be news. I would also bet that Biden would not be the democratic candidate either. The only reason a number of people voted for him is because we’re all terrified of Trump being re-elected.
texassapper's Avatar
... these politically motivated prosecutions would never have happened... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Wow, that's the first accurate thing I've seen you write.

Glad you can at least admit it. And since you're admitting that these are sham trials, it follows that there isn't a reason to fear another Trump administration.

We had 4 years of peace and prosperity until JUST BY COINCIDENCE, the democrats prepared for a huge ballot collection process and mail in voting, just before a pandemic hit the US. A pandemic that is now best treated as the common

I don't know why you would choose to repeat the last 4 years with it's COVID mandates, Afghanistan withdrawal fluster cluck, inflation, and Ukraine and Israeli conflicts, border invasion and crime vs. the previous 4 with its' domestic and international peace and strong economy.

I know which one I'd choose and its not even close.
txdot-guy's Avatar
…these politically motivated prosecutions would never have happened... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Wow, that's the first accurate thing I've seen you write.

Glad you can at least admit it. And since you're admitting that these are sham trials, it follows that there isn't a reason to fear another Trump administration.

We had 4 years of peace and prosperity until JUST BY COINCIDENCE, the democrats prepared for a huge ballot collection process and mail in voting, just before a pandemic hit the US. A pandemic that is now best treated as the common

I don't know why you would choose to repeat the last 4 years with it's COVID mandates, Afghanistan withdrawal fluster cluck, inflation, and Ukraine and Israeli conflicts, border invasion and crime vs. the previous 4 with its' domestic and international peace and strong economy.

I know which one I'd choose and its not even close. Originally Posted by texassapper
First of all I never described the prosecutions of Trump as “SHAM TRIALS”.

These prosecutions are very much real and in my opinion justified. What I said is that they were politically motivated. Prosecutors have to listen not just to the law but to their constituents as well. If Trump wasn’t eligible for re-election, which he would not be if he was impeached, then there would not be as much public pressure to put him on trial for his bad behavior, i.e. crimes.

As for the rest of your post you appear to have followed the conspiracy rabbit down the rabbit hole. I also know which one I would choose as well and you are right, it’s not even close.
rooster's Avatar
I was really hoping the Classified Documents case was going to be heard this summer. That lying Orange fuck needs to go down for 10 years on that one. But the judge in that case is getting away with keeping it tied up for too long. Too bad. I think a lot of Trump supporters would be really surprised to hear the evidence in that case. Not just for taking, disclosing and mishandling the documents, but for attempting to obstruct the retrieval also. His argument that what he did was equivalent to what Biden did is funny AF. Pure desperation.

So.....Yeah, the Stormy case is weak and tenuous. But I'll take what I can get, cuz it looks like the only one that will happen before November. That fuckhead needs to be held accountable for SOMETHING, not just civil law bullshit. Jeezis. I love when he and his syncophants whine about how there are "two criminal justice systems." They are right! And he is much to benefit for it.

Alina Habba had the gall to ask last night why he is being "persecuted" for this while Hunter Biden walks around free. That's ridiculous. But she always is. Hunter's day is coming too. A Trump appointed judge granted him his latest delay. But he will go down. Trump needs to also.

texassapper's Avatar
That lying Orange fuck needs to go down for 10 years on that one. Originally Posted by rooster
Why? explain it to me.