Some Basic Facts About High Oil Prices

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Examine the circumstances during the Bush administration and you will see that inflation was only a partial reason for the spike in oil prices.
This was coupled with speculation and an extremely high demand from china leading up to the summer Olympics where China rushed and spent like hell to make their country look good in the eyes of the rest of the world.
As long as we continue to borrow money the value of the dollar will continue to drop.

If you want another marker take a look at the price of copper.
Take a look at the price of corn.

Why is the price of copper so high during a period of extremely slow growth which is more than likely still a recession. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
you make shells out of copper, alot of wars going on. My LE friends say it is hard to find
Guest123018-4's Avatar
And tankers are sitting in the gulf loaded with oil waiting until there is room to unload them.
There is no shortage in the supply.
Take a trip off shore a few miles and you will see them.

So you deny that we are in a period of inflation and that inflation is not affecting the prices of goods and services including the price of oil.

Like the old saying, denial isnt just a river in Egypt.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2012, 01:01 PM
you make shells out of copper, alot of wars going on. My LE friends say it is hard to find Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

hate to keep saying china, but


their expansion put a serious strain on copper supply .. I read where they used about 60 pounds of copper for every new (single) apartment ... wiring/plumbing etc ... build a complex of 200 apartments, poof, supply problems.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So what you are saying is that the price of goods and services is based only on supply and demand and nothing else and that the actions of the government have no bearing at all. Interesting.
I guess that is why My Burger and fries cost so much, people just cant get enough of them in China.
I suppose the same goes for cars too.
Why does my newspaper cost nearly double what it did a few yearrs ago demand in china for the Chronicle.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2012, 02:56 PM
So what you are saying is that the price of goods and services is based only on supply and demand and nothing else and that the actions of the government have no bearing at all. Interesting.
I guess that is why My Burger and fries cost so much, people just cant get enough of them in China.
I suppose the same goes for cars too.
Why does my newspaper cost nearly double what it did a few yearrs ago demand in china for the Chronicle. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

not what Im saying at all

having explained the facts about GLOBAL oil and REGIONAL gas prices several different times, I supoose all you want to do is ignore the reason and yammer about this and that.

please continue.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
re you not the one that is claiming that it is global oil prices that is driving the price of regional gasoline prices and that as a part of the global market specifically the one in which the currency is based that the global market must use to trade in oil that the price is only affected by supply and demand based on China and has nothing to do with inflation?

Is it your position that China is driving the price up and thus creating the inflation for everything associated with oil and has no basis in the value of the currency that oil is traded in?

If I was China and holding a very large amount of the US debt, I would do everything I could to maintain the value of the dollar so as to not lose the investment to inflation especially inflation that I caused.

To further that thought, if I owed a lot of money that I did not have and did not see any way to get it in the foreseeable future I would do everything I could to reduce the value of that debt by say driving down the value of the currency and increasing the cost of everything else. Thsi way when I had to sell of some of my assets I could get more $$$$ for them than what they were once worth thus making it easier to pay down the debt.

I think that if that cycle would continue that the oil producers may say that they need a more stable currency to price their product and remove the dollar as the international exchange.
I B Hankering's Avatar
re you not the one that is claiming that it is global oil prices that is driving the price of regional gasoline prices and that as a part of the global market specifically the one in which the currency is based that the global market must use to trade in oil that the price is only affected by supply and demand based on China and has nothing to do with inflation?

Is it your position that China is driving the price up and thus creating the inflation for everything associated with oil and has no basis in the value of the currency that oil is traded in?

If I was China and holding a very large amount of the US debt, I would do everything I could to maintain the value of the dollar so as to not lose the investment to inflation especially inflation that I caused.

To further that thought, if I owed a lot of money that I did not have and did not see any way to get it in the foreseeable future I would do everything I could to reduce the value of that debt by say driving down the value of the currency and increasing the cost of everything else. Thsi way when I had to sell of some of my assets I could get more $$$$ for them than what they were once worth thus making it easier to pay down the debt.

I think that if that cycle would continue that the oil producers may say that they need a more stable currency to price their product and remove the dollar as the international exchange. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
+1 That is exactly what those rats in Washington are doing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2012, 04:00 PM
re you not the one that is claiming that it is global oil prices that is driving the price of regional gasoline prices and that as a part of the global market specifically the one in which the currency is based that the global market must use to trade in oil that the price is only affected by supply and demand based on China and has nothing to do with inflation?

Is it your position that China is driving the price up and thus creating the inflation for everything associated with oil and has no basis in the value of the currency that oil is traded in?

If I was China and holding a very large amount of the US debt, I would do everything I could to maintain the value of the dollar so as to not lose the investment to inflation especially inflation that I caused.

To further that thought, if I owed a lot of money that I did not have and did not see any way to get it in the foreseeable future I would do everything I could to reduce the value of that debt by say driving down the value of the currency and increasing the cost of everything else. Thsi way when I had to sell of some of my assets I could get more $$$$ for them than what they were once worth thus making it easier to pay down the debt.

I think that if that cycle would continue that the oil producers may say that they need a more stable currency to price their product and remove the dollar as the international exchange. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

aside from global consumption rates, the unrest in the mid east all the way down to the Mississippi River flooding come to mind.
Is that what you have in mind? Neville Chamberland would be proud. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Some historians say Chamberlain has been unjustly criticized. He was buying time, knowing that he had no forces at the time to deal with Hitler.

But of course, in politics it is all perception.

Maybe I will look him up.
BigLouie's Avatar

Until we are rid of Obama and our government is returned to some semblance of sanity the prices will remain high.

Oh and of course it is Bush's fault. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The price of a gallon of gas was actually higher under Bush. So explain that away.
With all due respect essence, that is one piece of History that simply cannot be revised. It was not perception, it was pure ignorance, and gullability, concerning the pure evil that was facing the World down.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2012, 05:30 PM
The price of a gallon of gas was actually higher under Bush. So explain that away. Originally Posted by BigLouie

just because oil was $24 a barrel before we fixed Iraq, and he's ass deep in the oil industry doesnt mean $150 a barrel oil before he left Penna Ave was any of his fault .. no sir.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I find it amusing that the liberals are so defensive about how much inflation there is. It seems I keep hitting a really sore spot with them. This is generally a significant sign that this is something they are or will have a hard time defending especially in an election year.
BigLouie's Avatar
I find it amusing that the liberals are so defensive about how much inflation there is. It seems I keep hitting a really sore spot with them. This is generally a significant sign that this is something they are or will have a hard time defending especially in an election year. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Not defensive at all. Just saying that there is just about zero that any sitting president can do to lower gas prices at the pump. Any candidate that says he can doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.
Not defensive at all. Just saying that there is just about zero that any sitting president can do to lower gas prices at the pump. Any candidate that says he can doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Originally Posted by BigLouie
The POFTUS Could creat a positive enviroment for buisness, but no CLASS WARFARE is much more important to him. If we could make some money we could afford higher gas prices. What ever the fuck causes them. It's DO or DIE time for this country. I ain't going down without a fight so