Safe and effective... well except for that Myocarditis thing.

All Vaccines have some level of risk. You're introducing a foreign substance into the body to create reaction; Hopefully the reaction is better than the disease, and prevents a much higher reaction to the virus or disease it's trying to mitigate. Most cases of Myocarditis resolve on their own, or after treatment. In very limited cases, it can return, but again is treatable. The original strain of COVID showed a much higher morbidity rate in ppl who were at risk, like obesity, diabetics etc. Not sure where you were when polio shots were REQUIRED along with MMR, HIB,VAR, HepA, HepB, RV, RV1, RV5, IPV, TDAP, HPV and Meningocccal; and those are the ones required for many school districts. There are probably another 4-5 that are recommended, but yeah....there is only ONE boogyman vax. Cause conservatives don't have anything else to offer but scaremongering.

LOL. When did the GOP do anything but gaslight their constituents on everything but especially Covid? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Myocarditis is inflammation of the Heart Muscle it doesn't just go away on it's own. The source of the inflammation has to be addressed other wise the risk of heart failure is imminent. Covid is a walk in the park compare to myocarditis or periocarditis. So if a vaccine is triggering these responses I would pass and I did.