How lucrative is providing?

  • 04-19-2011, 11:40 PM
So providing could be the sole source of income in this economy? I remember one provider saying that she was only getting quickie french appointments. Originally Posted by txAustin202
It's really none of your business. Originally Posted by Booth
It isn't if you're not a provider or hobbyist!
I made a lot more money in my civie job, till the whole company was laid off! Have not been able to find a position that even comes close to what i used to make. But getting my cosmetology license now!! When i finish you can come by for a cut and a wet blow... i mean BLOW DRY lol!
txAustin202's Avatar
Wet blow please!!! lol
Wet blow please!!! lol Originally Posted by txAustin202

I know right.... a blow dry may be hot, but wets always better lol
greymouse's Avatar
Many people prefer “gut feelings to real data that might contradict strongly held beliefs but there is some actual data in the Survey of Adult Service Providers (SASP) conducted in 2008 and 2009 by Cunningham and Kendall of about 700 Internet-based female sex workers.

In “Prostitution 2.0: The Changing Face of Sex Work” ( on Table 7 on p.54 they indicate that the mean (average) number of clients “seen” per week was 5.422 while the mean weekly earnings were $2,576.69 which sounds high until you look at “Length of session (mins)” and find it is “120.786”. That works out to about $237 an hour, nationwide and before the boy geniuses of Wall Street blew up the world economy and left about one in ten Americans unemployed.

Whether that is is “enough to live on” depends, of course, on how much the person doing the living deems herself to need to do so. The mean weekly figure projected out to 50 weeks would come to $128, 834 a year or $64 per hour for standard hours or (of course) $238 an hour for the 5.4 two hour sessions per week times 50. That is almost certainly not even slightly realistic as it is pretty clear that very few ladies in the business have fifty identical working weeks in a year. And, of course, a mean figure can be distorted by outlier data like a small number of very high earners (Joke: Bill Gates walks into a bar. Now the mean wealth of everyone in the bar is $4 Billion each.) And, as is widely conceded: The facts have a well-known liberal bias.

Nothing to do with the adequacy of the income from sex work as a living but the same Table 7 (op. cit.) indicates that 82.4% of sessions contained oral on him while only 74.8% included vaginal penetration and 6.8% anal penetration. Local reports hereabouts do seem to confirm that the BJ is King of Hobby World.
In “Prostitution 2.0: The Changing Face of Sex Work” ( on Table 7 on p.54 they indicate that the mean (average) number of clients “seen” per week was 5.422 while the mean weekly earnings were $2,576.69 which sounds high until you look at “Length of session (mins)” and find it is “120.786”. That works out to about $237 an hour, nationwide and before the boy geniuses of Wall Street blew up the world economy and left about one in ten Americans unemployed. Originally Posted by greymouse
Kendall & Cunningham's survey for "Prostitution 2.0..." was distributed and collected via the Internet, and many respondents were solicited by email, with contact information painstakingly gathered from Eros, TER and a number of other hobby boards, including ASPD. (It should be noted that the average donation on Eros or TER, at first glance, was significantly higher than the average donation on ASPD or similar boards.)

In speaking with Cunningham prior to the closing date for the survey, it seemed that the majority of respondents were college educated, and in a higher donation bracket than what appears to be the average now (2 years later), and few street workers responded, probably partially due to lack of interest in and access to the survey, and partially due to external factors preventing their participation ("management"). In addition, there were a small number of higher-priced outliers whose participation in the survey certainly would have skewed the mean if outliers on both ends were not excluded.

Given the presented means, $2,576.69 earned through 5.422 clients averages out to $475.23 per client, per week. While I currently have more multi-hour appointments than single hour sessions, and the number of clients per week is about right, at the time I responded to the survey, my average income per client would have been about $250-$300, allowing for mostly hourly sessions and one or two multi-hours per week. The frequency of multihour sessions did not increase (for me) until my rates hit $300/hour, which may seem counterintuitive, but those rates also tend to attract gentlemen who are seeking entire evenings out with a provider, as opposed to a quick midday release. My own experience, combined with the data presented in the survey and personal conversations with the authors, lead me to believe that a number of respondents at the time of the survey were probably doing more multihour appointments than shorter sessions. But again, that's just my observation.
Once upon a time, in a far off and different land, I did contract work. The usual fee was $250 an hour, plus expenses. Air, hotel, food, car. The problem was, I was on the road about 35 weeks a year, and the other 17 was either sales support (no pay), writing reports (no pay) or vacation (no pay).

Most folks burned out after about a year and a half. I didn't have the chance. Half the consultants were chopped off after I had been there about a year.

It sounds like great money, but 60 hours a week sucked big time.

I don't begrudge a provider a bit of her money. I think the kind of work they do can be very stressful. And I hope to hell you aren't working 60 hours a week and spending 6 to 12 hours a week in the air (no pay, but first class).

Oh, one other thing. The $250 is what the company billed. Paid me $75 per. And the five years of unemployment doesn't quite cover that!!!

So I don't give a fuck how much they make, just as long as the good ones make enough to continue as providers.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
The problem is with most girls, the money is so easy - it comes and goes almost daily, so it can be hard to save when you know you have the opportunity to make more the next day or on the weekend. You really have to be able to budget, save and be smart about it in order for it to be lucrative. Originally Posted by JamieYoung

Howdy, Folks!

I know two ladies that are essentially my "adopted sisters"(their mother treats me and considers me her son, and I look upon her as my mom). One is 5 years older than me, one is 5 years younger(50 and 40, respectively).

The younger one got the older one into topless dancing about 20 years ago.

The younger one "gave it up," in favor of hustling some of her regular clients from those days; they still give her money(she refers to them as "meal tickets"). Her husband thinks it's funny, and is delighted that his wife can get men to give her money that he can then spend on buying things like bass boats.

The older one still dances - at 50 - in a place in Texas. She also informally provides to some of her clients(she confided this in me once; she has never told her mom).

Both of them informed me over the years about the "easy" money - the older daughter especially commented to me about the younger daughter(both women are in A-cup territory; the younger one got some Fantastic Plastic Bolt-Ons™ in the DD-cup range) and her ease of getting $500 a night by "simply waggling her appendages" at the fellows.

For BOTH ladies - those days are long gone.

the younger one is at least set up after a fashion with a husband and fellows that still give her money for nothing.

the older one lives in a un-air-conditioned shotgun shack alone, and is scared that she will spoon be homeless. At 50, those $300 to $500 a night are no longer happening.

[She told us recently that she was art the club dancing and a patron came up, put $20 in her G-string, and told her - "go get something to eat, and check into a hospital; you look terrible." The other patrons kinda wandered away, ashamed. She's actually in pretty good health - she's just 50 years old. She said it was shocking to her.]

A recent week's take home pay for the older lady was about $100.


As a counterpoint - my sister(and myself, but I'm gonna use my sis as an example) worked at shit-ass jobs, lived on ramen from time to time, watched these two ladies driving Porsches and Ferraris while she drove 10 and 20 year old beaters, scrimped and saved, made investments.

Today, my sis has a pretty tidy nest egg, and we're both discussing comfortable retirements about 20 years before most people do.

L-O-N-G story short...

It doesn't matter HOW lucrative providing is; it matters on how you treat the money from providing - or any other job.

Then again - it will probably all end kinda like this where those that don't plan ahead are concerned.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

I recently had a session with a provider who shared with me the following:

She can pay her bills by working 4 hours a week.

She loves that sort of trade off.

Remember - it's not about the money; it's about what you can do in your spare time.

Money simply allows you to do the things you like to do when you're not working.

If you can make all the money you need in a few hours to finance the rest of your life for the month - well...that beats doing the standard 8-5 any day.

[Saving for the future per the above would still be relevant as far as I'm concerned, however. The provider I spoke with has not figured that in as well with her current 4 hour a week wage. She did explain to me her retirement plan, and it's reasonably sound in a traditional sort of way.]
rrrabbit's Avatar
It's all good if you are strong enough to bear the burden of providing/stripping.

The real burden falls on the soul - for both the provider and the John.

Money is the means, and not the end result.

Everything else is the journey that feeds the soul.
Damn Marley, I've always had a hair stylist fantasy for years! There is something so relaxing and tingly about a woman cutting your hair and pressing/ leaning over in front of you with her cleavage during the process.
Damn Marley, I've always had a hair stylist fantasy for years! There is something so relaxing and tingly about a woman cutting your hair and pressing/ leaning over in front of you with her cleavage during the process. Originally Posted by Austinfunandfit
Go to Korea and get a haircut. I still think of that day in 1992 everytime I enter a barbershop.'s Avatar
Go to Korea and get a haircut. I still think of that day in 1992 everytime I enter a barbershop. Originally Posted by saj1000
stop teasing saj
tell us the story.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Go to Korea and get a haircut. I still think of that day in 1992 everytime I enter a barbershop. Originally Posted by saj1000

That's mean to tell them that without telling them what to look for.
cckid2006's Avatar
I know right.... a blow dry may be hot, but wets always better lol Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
Wet please!