Scabies help!!

Why didn't you just do a google search on Scabies where there is tons of information of symptoms and treatments.
Diana Aries guidelines are the best. If you contacted them, let the hotel you visited know what room you occupied. They will have to hire professionals to completely strip the room .

I had never heard of scabies until I visited my doctor. When I removed my shirt, my doctor literally jumped back to the door. while shouting SCABIES!!!!
Stevensegal's Avatar
Not good bro. I hope you got this under control.
Uncle_Tony's Avatar
You may have to lop it off and toss it in the microwave for a few minutes. Good Luck with this Home Remedy I read on the internet.
ManSlut's Avatar
I thought scabies was the Strip Club version of Rabies?...Glad I have never gotten either version.
xlgirlxoxo's Avatar
Is a pretty good resource for these kinds of questions along with just about any others you may have.
The thing I like about it vs. other Q & A websites is that you can usually find your exact question or one very similar and most of them have been answered by someone who is qualified and knowledgeable in the subject such as this
Dallasguy's Avatar
I'm a long timer, never had any diseases or pras, and wonder wtf scabies are.
xlgirlxoxo's Avatar
I wondered, too. Do not however Google and click on image results... Just do not.
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved here...
I've never even heard of scabies. I thought this was going to be some bullshit thread about rabid strippers. Thats why I clicked.
Don't admit to getting it from hookers as it can be gotten from a variety of nonsexual sources.

A young family member got it, we suspect from a hotel bed at a school trip. It's taken several trips to the doc to cure it and its reappeared once.

Strangely some people are more susceptible than others.
NTXReggie's Avatar
Highly chlorinated swimming pool or bathtub with bleach/water mix for several hours over multiple days should do the trick for a cheap remedy

If you get the Rx topical, just don't smoke with that shit on your hands--you will hallucinate! Or maybe do smoke with that shit on your hands...
boomvang's Avatar
Highly chlorinated swimming pool or bathtub with bleach/water mix for several hours over multiple days should do the trick for a cheap remedy

If you get the Rx topical, just don't smoke with that shit on your hands--you will hallucinate! Or maybe do smoke with that shit on your hands... Originally Posted by NTXReggie
I learned something recently. I have a 20,000 gallon pool in my back yard. It's a saline pool and never smells of chlorine. There is chlorine in it though. The chlorine got real low a couple of weeks ago and I had read that you could use grocery store clorox instead of shock to bump chlorine. To raise the chlorine from 0 ppm to 4 ppm which is high took just over a quarter of a cup. 5 oz in 20,000 gallons. That's potent. So watch how much you add to your bath water.

For the record my experience with this subcutaneous parasite was 36 years ago. It's completely gone. You could never tell. LOL My infestation did require injections of something just under my skin. Maybe I had contracted a French super scabie. They itched like hell.
Locker Rooms are the Most prevalent local for these buggers. Went through this in high school.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Scabies are a form of lice. Common problem at some strip clubs. Beware.

Kwell shampoo may do the trick.