BBW, Spinners, and MUCHO DOLLARS CITY?????

My sarcastic font was not working when I posted...... Lol.... Just because you mispell an insult doesn't mean you won't get pointed for it...... The chances I explain how to call someone names while staying within forum guidelines are nonexsistant.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Its all good, I'm done with the insults and bitching anyways. Now to get back on topic. I thought when I started working a few months ago that I should lose a couple pounds first (to be honest), but the need to get bills paid overwhelmed me. Then when I saw the geat response from clients (as well as my great reviews), I knew there was in fact a market for BBW. Not to say I want to stay a BBW forever, but at the moment I didn't have time for a 8 week fitness challenge. It was time to get busy. So I say if the clients like me for me thats great, and I do plan on working on my weight real soon! We do what we have to do, and we work with what we got!
tracer's Avatar
My sarcastic font was not working when I posted...... Lol.... Just because you mispell an insult doesn't mean you won't get pointed for it...... The chances I explain how to call someone names while staying within forum guidelines are nonexsistant.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
No problem JaD. I can do a quick crash course for her. See Amy, you can come post right after someone else and say, for example, "this place is full of assholes". Everyone would know you are talking about the asshole above you, but you have plausible deniability. You could push on other parts of the line and say more directly; "what an asswhole". See now you have two lines of defense. First, you and your friends have never considered that misspelling to be derogatory, in fact, you all use it as a term of endearment. Second,even though you were somewhat more direct, you didn't point an arrow and say "that guy right above me named *** is an asshole" so you are still good. It really isn't that hard when you get the hang of it. It just takes thinking more like, well, like an asshole.
  • ivan
  • 07-27-2012, 02:34 PM
So let me get this straight My thread wasn't good enough because I used the word "whales" but BBW is better :-) Who really cares what word is used, they both mean fat, right? I am not pooping on you thread as you did on mine, but one must wonder
Can we please make this thread about me? I'm starting to get a complex... Originally Posted by boardman

There is NO shortage of Pussy in HTown... NEW or old.. I don't think THAT will be an issue any time soon... IJS

when I call DH an asshole it is a term of endearment.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Good looking out Tracer...... But you're wrong on the 2nd part..... We don't count off for spelling, and you get "full credit" for misspelled insults....

Great and timely topic. I think we'll see more fatties. Americuh is a fat country with fat women and fat hookers. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Now back on topic. I agree. When ends need to be met, us as women meet them. Even if we put ourselves in uncomfortable positions. I agree we will get more BBW's, because America as a whole is morsty over weight. I myself would had rather been a acceptable size 7 (still not a spinner, but curvy) when I started. Name calling and insults to make others feel bad is just wrong on all sides. I can dish it out as well, I am aware. I am comfortable the way I am for the short term, but never think that I am not aware of my weight by calling names. We are gonna start seeing more women at 300 and 400 pounds too. I get that feeling! Regardless of what you think about her, she might have 3 kids at home with needs. I give a certain respect for working mothers, even more so than 18 yr old skin and bones w/o kids. Not that I would expect many to understand.
dearhunter's Avatar
tracer's Avatar
Good looking out Tracer...... But you're wrong on the 2nd part..... We don't count off for spelling, and you get "full credit" for misspelled insults....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I stand corrected. The correct path is to do what LD did and say that you mean it as a term of endearment. Then you can use it under proper or improper spelling. Right, JaD? I mean we can't just ban the word or, heaven forbid, use common sense to make a determination as to your intent. Otherwise, you would have to tell LD that she isn't entitled to use it as a term of endearment. Just because you may believe her and not believe others shouldn't matter. That would require judgment and the standard set is that people here either can't use it by edict or aren't smart enough to know how to do so in a sensible way. I am on the right track, no?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I stand corrected. The correct path is to do what LD did and say that you mean it as a term of endearment. Then you can use it under proper or improper spelling. Right, JaD? I mean we can't just ban the word or, heaven forbid, use common sense to make a determination as to your intent. Otherwise, you would have to tell LD that she isn't entitled to use it as a term of endearment. Just because you may believe her and not believe others shouldn't matter. That would require judgment and the standard set is that people here either can't use it by edict or aren't smart enough to know how to do so in a sensible way. I am on the right track, no? Originally Posted by tracer
Close again.... But not quite...... You have to get the opposing party to agree that it is a term of endearment naturally..... Then again, we wouldn't know that Amy is just fine and dandy being called a "cumslut"..... and that in some cases NIKKI doesn't mind at all being called "FAT" (so long as it is used in the correct context)...... or that Valerie wears being called a "Cunt" with almost a sense of pride...... So the use of that commen sense gets tricky......

tracer's Avatar
Close again.... But not quite...... You have to get the opposing party to agree that it is a term of endearment naturally..... Then again, we wouldn't know that Amy is just fine and dandy being called a "cumslut"..... and that in some cases NIKKI doesn't mind at all being called "FAT" (so long as it is used in the correct context)...... or that Valerie wears being called a "Cunt" with almost a sense of pride...... So the use of that commen sense gets tricky......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude if I want to call Amy an insulting term, I have to get her to agree that she receives it from me as a term of endearment? I actually like it better the way you explain it, but you sure have a lot more policing to do!!! Get cracking skippy!
tracer's Avatar
This would be so much easier if you people would just say...."Hey, this is our playground and we like certain people enough that we are willing to let them do whatever they want. Period. If you don't like it, fuck off."

I personally would stay and respect the honesty of that. The hypocrisy of trying to defend this ridiculous standard you are setting is what is bothersome. Just man up and own it.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar if I want to call Amy an insulting term, I have to get her to agree that she receives it from me as a term of endearment? I actually like it better the way you explain it, but you sure have a lot more policing to do!!! Get cracking skippy! Originally Posted by tracer
If you want to do that, yes... that would be your best course of action..... I have pointed people in the past (Out of Bounds) to be specific for this before, only to get a PM from him AND the guy he used it on, and points were reversed..... Happens more that you'd think........ about as clear as mud yet? Yeah... same here I think......

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
This would be so much easier if you people would just say...."Hey, this is our playground and we like certain people enough that we are willing to let them do whatever they want. Period. If you don't like it, fuck off."

I personally would stay and respect the honesty of that. The hypocrisy of trying to defend this ridiculous standard you are setting is what is bothersome. Just man up and own it. Originally Posted by tracer

All I can ask from my end, is the community support to hit that little triangle... there are now 6 of us in town.... we ALL get the RTM reports.... if one doesn't think it warrents attention, there are 5 more who get a look at it.... if it is questionable we talk it over.... if it doesn't get RTM'd we may not all see it, if any see it at all..... EVERYONE gets the same rope to hang themselves here with me..... If I had motives and/or agenda's I would not attempt to explain myself each and everytime I am asked a question..... Do I fuck up? Do I make mistakes? Do I misread/misinterperate things? ALL THE TIME! I don't hold any ill will to anyone on these boards..... I try to give everyone as much clarity into my little head in regards to how the rules read and why I acted/did not act in the way I did..... If I had a better answer for you I would give it to you..... I own every move I make..... If I am wrong I will own that mistake too..... Would not be the first time.... and will not be the last.....

Ask Amy.... Ask Nikki.... in any of our conversations via PM if I have ever been anything less than forthcoming in my conversations and explainations of things.....

I am sorry if you do not like my "Style" of Moderating.... I am a work in progress.... as we all are (or at least should be)..... I have done my due diligance to read and study my ass off all the notes and hints and tips within staff areas, ask questions at every turn from nearly every mod/admin/owner on the site.... I model what I do after what they like to see..... less is more has always been the preferred mentality from the top..... The rules are written as they are on purpose, it is not an accident.... So I do my best to try and take words like "bias" "personal judgement" out of the equation...... ANY Bias is bad bias when it comes to Moderating IMHO......I will take any constructive critisism you have for me.... And I appreciate it all..... I have had many wonderful conversaions on just that matter with BlowPop and DEAR_JOHN and many others...... By all means sir! Help a dude out!