How Illegal Immigrants harm America in Ways You Never Considered

BigLouie's Avatar
I seem to recall that there was a shortage of workers a few years ago on farms out in GA, etc when harvest time came around because of all the crackdown on illegal immigrant workers.

Fruit was falling off the trees and rotting because no Americans wanted to do the jobs that illegal immigrants used to do. Originally Posted by jbravo_123

There was real worry in GA that the treasured Georgia Sweet Onion would become extinct because they could not find any workers to do the job of picking. There were plenty of stories of working applying for the jobs but quitting after a few hours. The industry is still under stress.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know about the rest of US liberals, but my comments were directed only at you and your shrill Westboro Baptist Church approach to public verbal intercourse.

I support freedom of lifestyle. But in your case, I am we'll aware that the word "faggot" is a cornerstone of your lexicon. So I figured I'd address you in terms that made you comfortable, you little queer!
jbravo_123's Avatar
There was real worry in GA that the treasured Georgia Sweet Onion would become extinct because they could not find any workers to do the job of picking. There were plenty of stories of working applying for the jobs but quitting after a few hours. The industry is still under stress. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yeah, it's backbreaking, hot, difficult physical labor. It's not surprising that people quit so soon into the job.

Again, while farmers could pay more for workers, that's going to drive up prices for the consumer, which of course the American public is going to complain about.

Also, this is an example of how our society is actually dependent upon illegal immigrants and how the crackdown on them is hurting us.

I support freedom of lifestyle. But in your case, I am we'll aware that the word "faggot" is a cornerstone of your lexicon. So I figured I'd address you in terms that made you comfortable, you little queer! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I could care less who is sleeping with whom. What goes on behind closed doors is none of my business. With that said, I did get a kick out of the above quote.

If the shoe fits........

Well, you know the rest!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
From the replies to this thread, I am again convinced that the USA is in a precipitous decline. Fat people too lazy to work a tough job, tax cheats, homosexuals who think they are witty, endless immigration of people hostile to the founders of the US, unfettered and unthinking liberalism, and dumb asses who fall for the propaganda put out by large corporate farmers who want cheap, exploitable labor.
It doesn't take an economics degree to understand "labor shortages" with 7.5% unemployment is a code word for cheap assholes who don't pay their workers a fair wage - think WTF, for example.
BigLouie's Avatar
From the replies to this thread, I am again convinced that the USA is in a precipitous decline. Fat people too lazy to work a tough job, tax cheats, homosexuals who think they are witty, endless immigration of people hostile to the founders of the US, unfettered and unthinking liberalism, and dumb asses who fall for the propaganda put out by large corporate farmers who want cheap, exploitable labor.
It doesn't take an economics degree to understand "labor shortages" with 7.5% unemployment is a code word for cheap assholes who don't pay their workers a fair wage - think WTF, for example. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
For a Jewish lawyer you're not very intelligent.
I have a problem with unfettered illegal immigration.

That said, your post is perfectly ridiculous. Even if you employ yard workers, nothing stops you from exercising - even just taking a long walk. And nothing stops you from eating smaller portions of better, less fattening food.

That's the real solution to this country's obesity problem. But there isn't much of a constituency for "exercise more, eat less, you fat slobs".

People prefer a pill or something else that's easy.

When it comes to obesity, "they" aren't fucking us over. "We" are fucking ourselves over.
Suicide by fork...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
For a Jewish lawyer you're not very intelligent. Originally Posted by BigLouie
BigFatLouie, there are ample reasons to believe you like massive amounts of cheap food, picked by someone else, served to you, and cleaned up by underpaid immigrants.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I have a problem with unfettered illegal immigration.

That said, your post is perfectly ridiculous. Even if you employ yard workers, nothing stops you from exercising - even just taking a long walk. And nothing stops you from eating smaller portions of better, less fattening food.

That's the real solution to this country's obesity problem. But there isn't much of a constituency for "exercise more, eat less, you fat slobs".

People prefer a pill or something else that's easy.

When it comes to obesity, "they" aren't fucking us over. "We" are fucking ourselves over. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ok - consider them to be enablers then. Without them, the crack cocaine of no exercise would be tougher to obtain - either the fat fuckers would have to do it themselves, or pay American born jobless fucks enough to get them off their fat, lazy, beer swilling asses.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I have a problem with unfettered illegal immigration.

That said, your post is perfectly ridiculous. Even if you employ yard workers, nothing stops you from exercising - even just taking a long walk. And nothing stops you from eating smaller portions of better, less fattening food.

That's the real solution to this country's obesity problem. But there isn't much of a constituency for "exercise more, eat less, you fat slobs".

People prefer a pill or something else that's easy.

When it comes to obesity, "they" aren't fucking us over. "We" are fucking ourselves over. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I also am not an advocate of unfettered illegal immigration, but I also recognize it's a much more difficult problem to solve than "we need to secure our borders."

While I do feel slighted that they didn't have to follow the rules to get into this country (both my parents are first generation immigrants who did follow the rules - if they could do it, why can't other people do it?), I don't think rounding them up and kicking them out is a solution either. Honestly, I'm ok with giving them a separate path to citizenship as long as the path is tougher than those who followed the rules (mandatory military service, etc. are things I'd be ok with).

Especially for those illegal immigrants who came here when they were young children and have essentially lived their entire lives here, culturally, they're just as Americanized as natural born citizens.

Oh yeah, and regarding obesity - yeah there are any number of reasons why obesity is a problem in this country. Honestly, I don't think illegal immigration is even remotely near the top 10 reasons as to why though...

Ok - consider them to be enablers then. Without them, the crack cocaine of no exercise would be tougher to obtain - either the fat fuckers would have to do it themselves, or pay American born jobless fucks enough to get them off their fat, lazy, beer swilling asses. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Poverty is a bigger problem than just people being lazy. Again, I think it's really lack of education that causes many problems we have and it's an especially tough one since it's a cycle that perpetuates itself.
Let me clear one thing up: farmers in Alabama are NOT under paying any workers. Doing harvest time you are paid by production (lbs picked) not by the hour. They all come home w/ big checks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And if farmers had to pay more, then the cost for their consumer increases, causing widescale bitching. Americans hate illegal immigrants, but love the benefits from them just like we love & demand government services, but don't want to pay for it. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
You need to re-read the OP. Right now you are paying an American to sit on his/her ass and not paying taxes while s/he burdens social services with his/her needs (educating his/her children, healthcare, unemployment insurance, food stamps, etc.). You are also paying to educate the illegal's children and pay for his/her emergency healthcare; plus, much of his/her income is off the books, untaxed and sent to another country to support his/her family in the other country. So, as you enjoy your low priced tomatoes, consider how much less you'd pay in taxes if the American were employed, supporting his/her own family with his/her own income and paying his/her fair share of taxes . . . also factor in how much less it would cost society overall if U.S. taxpayers weren't compensating and subsidizing illegals and their families here and abroad. Re-read the OP: there's no such thing as "cheap" tomatoes if the tomatoes are harvested by illegals.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You need to re-read the OP. Right now you are paying an American to sit on his/her ass and not paying taxes while s/he burdens social services with his/her needs (educating his/her children, healthcare, unemployment insurance, food stamps, etc.). You are also paying to educate the illegal's children and pay for his/her emergency healthcare; plus, much of his/her income is off the books, untaxed and sent to another country to support his/her family in the other country. So, as you enjoy your low priced tomatoes, consider how much less you'd pay in taxes if the American were employed, supporting his/her own family with his/her own income and paying his/her fair share of taxes . . . also factor in how much less it would cost society overall if U.S. taxpayers weren't compensating and subsidizing illegals and their families here and abroad. Re-read the OP: there's no such thing as "cheap" tomatoes if the tomatoes are harvested by illegals. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thank you - you said it better than I did myself.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There was real worry in GA that the treasured Georgia Sweet Onion..... Originally Posted by BigLouie
Thats the Vidalia onion
One the greatest creations ever!