The Greatest Generation storms the World War II memorial

Old T, AssUp, Eva, et al, side with the Administration in fencing off and shutting down an open park to our vets !

You disgust me !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You should know better by now.

Unless they can't have it both ways, they don't want to can't have it at all!

Whirly, where did you serve? Pandering asshole!
Defend Obama at all costs; even when it means shutting veterans out of a public open park !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you Obama worshippers !
Here we go . . .again . . . irritating facts getting in the way of hysterical bullshit.

I watched the live CNN feed and it was far from "storming" as was falsely reported. More specifically, the security on-site actually pulled the "barricades" back and assisted the vets inside -- including some impromptu tours. The live reporting showed more appreciative comments on the part of the folks "storming" than the selective reporting.

Nothing sells like hysteria and bald faced lies.
Here we go again; defend Obama at all costs...........
Eva thinks the veterans being locked out of the memorial is a comedy skit !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva is jerk; an Obama worshipper................ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

No you dumb fuck you took a good article about vets getting into the war memorial and made a Obie bashing out of it. fuck off.
Every time you post, you prove your stupidity. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Waaaa fucking pussy
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-02-2013, 09:33 AM
Old T, AssUp, Eva, et al, side with the Administration in fencing off and shutting down an open park to our vets !

You disgust me ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And you can't read. Or think intelligently. Or post a truthful post.

I defended nothing. I pointed out that you RWWs on here are selective liars.

Check out the photo ops that are readily available on line if you wanted to see them (but you don't, obviously) of the vets being escorted by a number of congressmen and staffers.

But now that you have finally seen the light, write to all your TP nuts and tell them you support opening the parks NOW. Along with the rest of the government. Tell them to just send up a continuing resolution that truly CONTINUES the status quo--and doesn't try to ramrod minority law changes--allowing time for both sides to work out something rational. But no, you want the shutdown--and you want to gripe about it at the same time. Typical Dizzyboy drivel.

By the way, I hear there will soon be a new memorial dedicated to one of YOUR heroes soon. Have you already lined up to be the first one to visit?
Deflect all you want Old make it clear you are willing to have veterans locked out of an open park public space until the GOP caves in !

There is no valid reason to NOT let these veteran's visit the open memorials which are located in open, unfenced areas. You are OK with federal workers erecting barricades, despite the "shutdown", to keep them out....and you do not support letting the veterans want to keep them out, for no reason, other than Obama says No Negotiating !

A despicable attitude against these veterans!
Federal employees working to keep wheelchair bound veterans out of our open public parks......................... ...and the Obamazombies smile with pleasure !

Even Bill Clinton wasn't this low during his shutdown.....

During the last government shutdown which lasted from December 16, 1995, to January 5, 1996, President Clinton did the right thing and signed into law – with the full support of congressional Democrats – a compromise measure to ensure the veterans’ programs were funded.........But NOT OBAMA !
No games. Just pointing out that the RW nuts on here want it both ways:

"There's no real shut down!" It's all smoke and mirrors" according to Gonad

"How could they possibly shut down all these things!" according to this thread.

By the way, yes, the memorial is open air and has no entry fee--but is security and clean-up free? Just wondering what the very selective reasoning seems to be here. "Shut it down and save money!", but at the same time, "How dare you shut it down!"

Please explain the apparent inconsistency to me. Originally Posted by Old-T
If OWS was there, the clean up fees would be huge. Same with security.

These guys did not trash the place. Whats the worst that could have happened? Empty a trash can or two. They spent a lot more erecting the barricades.
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  • Old-T
  • 10-02-2013, 11:22 AM
If OWS was there, the clean up fees would be huge. Same with security.

These guys did not trash the place. Whats the worst that could have happened? Empty a trash can or two. They spent a lot more erecting the barricades. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So tell me, by your rules who should the parks/monuments be open to? All citizens? All vets? All the federal workers in DC who now have lots of free time to enjoy the parks--thanks to the RW nuts who are holding the parks and other things hostage as they play their "we lost, but we want our way anyway" games? Just who should have privileged status? And if the answer is "All people", then have you volunteered to provide security or clean-up?

Odd how people on both sides of things are convinced that THEIR judgment should be applied to which parts of the gov't to keep open and which parts to close. If it was up to me, I bet my list would look very, very different than yours does. While I am a very big proponent of parks--and I back up my support with substantial time and money--I have a difficult time defining them as "essential". What is YOUR definition of "essential"?
The Democrats are holding the parks and other things hostage; the House GOP sent a funding bill to the Senate...........Reid said FUCK YOU !

Get your facts right Old reTard !
Demand closure of a National Park that receives NO federal funding for maintenance or operation.........
The Claude Moore Colonial Farm announced on Wednesday that NPS has ordered it to suspend operations until Congress agrees to a deal to fund the federal government.

According to Anna Eberly, managing director of the farm, NPS sent law enforcement agents to the park on Tuesday evening to remove staff and volunteers from the property.
In previous budget dramas, the Farm has always been exempted since the NPS provides no staff or resources to operate the Farm, but Obama sent his thugs to close the park...........

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-02-2013, 11:51 AM
Here we go again; defend Obama at all costs........... Originally Posted by Whirlaway