• BadMF
  • 08-13-2015, 07:15 AM
Hey Milo. Thanks for contributing. I see you worked the angle of bashing me calling me an asshole running to save your damsel in distress. no, it's not obvious to end your rant reminding Melissa to set up your "reward" session for protecting her reputation. Pussywhipped lately?
Sorry this happen to u beautiful
blasphemouse's Avatar
I got popcorn and pitch forks! Get them while supplies last!

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Pass the popcorn.
  • BadMF
  • 08-13-2015, 02:21 PM
Just wanted to follow up with a couple of points now that I've had more time to really think about this mess, and on a certain level want to make sure that a couple of things are refuted that were made up about me so I can at least publicly address the allegations. I also hope that this spurs a more general conversation about some of this stuff, so maybe these young providers actually learn how they should be handling their business. I wonder if Melissa is regretting this public blast?

1. I have a history of more than 15 reviews. Show one where I asked for, received, or referenced getting greek. I could care less about it, not for me. Who told you to make up that I asked for greek?

2. There is NO WAY IN HELL Melissa remembered this stuff, this detailed account happened to someone who was FALLING ASLEEP in the appointment. It's uncanny how your post tracks the BCD portion of my review. It's there to compare for review. I could care less if anyone gets points or kicked out of here for disclosing the private stuff, but then again, you and your white knight might be able to plan a vacation together.

3. Silence really is golden. I asked you some questions....don't worry, I won't hold my breath for your answers.

4. Did you even write that whole diatribe? It starts in the third person. "SEXYMELISSA has something to say." anyone recognize the writing style? Maybe whoever had access to the BCD portion was writing it for her....

5. I'm available via PM to clarify anything anyone wants to ask about the situation. I'm not running away and hiding.

6. You say this was so horrible and this happened a month ago. I guess it was so horrible that you forgot to "warn" everyone here about how terrible of a person I was until the day I wrote the no review. Why wait so long?

7. While you admit to not being a "junkie," you didn't deny being high and out of it in our appointment. You did admit to the falling asleep part...hmmm....

8. You claim that I asked for bareback. Do you want to produce for the audience the PM where you freaked out four hours after our appointment later asking if we didn't use protection because you still had the rubbers? That would be a little contradictory for you to send that PM to me AFTER I tried to force you to bareback. hmm.....

9. I would have let this thing go, until I got the PM where you didn't even remember wearing protection and kind of implied we barebacked. That shit is scary. I bet other people might agree with me if you don't even remember what happened in a session.

10. I would NEVER take advantage of someone, like was suggested I should've barebacked her anyway, but there's lots of people that pray on this and WOULD take advantage of it. Isn't that MILO's thing? I just hope it truly never happens, it would be sad. But, if you're sober, and more in control, it won't happen. Until then.....

11. to those of you with the real power around here, I apologize for tarnishing your crowns by Melissa assuming I have the power to actually make a difference around here. Fuck that, I don't want the responsibility.

12. To my fellow brothers, I have officially learned my lesson and will take a much less active role contributing my two cents to protecting the community. I've had several other sessions that I would've written a NO, but chose not to due to this exact situation. I felt somewhat of an obligation (yeah, stupid me) to protect the community when we have someone taking such huge risks in this lifestyle.

No harm no foul. Hobby on!
Glad you got that out of your system now let's hobby on safely
Reviews in my opinion are just what they are. Reviews. Its everyones right to do so. Some will be bad most should be good. Not everyone is going to have a great experience no matter who it is. Thats why people need to use their own judgement. Either see the provider or not. I hate to write bad reviews but i have done so. My taste is dofferent that others. Also im 40 so some of these young providers may not like me even though im sexy as hell. Lol. Just remember a bad review wont kill you. But more importanly it takes more effort to hate than to fogive. And finally you know what to do with that big fat butt. Wiggle wiggle wiggle. Lol. Have a safe one everybody.
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post your ads in the correct forum at the correct time. - VS
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Shameless off topic pandering.
Wtf? A hi-jacking Ad? Infractions given.

Keep on topic