What is this feeling?

London Rayne's Avatar
I think I might know what you're talking about. Originally Posted by acp5762
This is better....

This is better....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3IWTfcks4k Originally Posted by London Rayne
Maybe we can close the thread now. The videos are the icing on the big shit sandwich of realtionship issues. Lets go back and continue the deep and insightful topics of "is this cum", or CIM discussions, lets not forget this oldy but goody "BBFS", face fucking and more discount discussion. Im done!
  • MrGiz
  • 10-07-2011, 09:51 PM
[quote=buzzworm86;1727550. . . My coment of being week minded-I come from intelectual people, not that this means smart, only meaning that the mind should be in control at all times. . . . [/quote]

Some things have no explanation... especially when involving a female! *
I'd say it's natural. There's more situations other than this hobby where those moments can occur.
Definitely not a weak mind, either. I don't care what anyone says, emotions are uncontrollable. Some just may not be as susceptible.
I agree with Shayla.
You are a nice guy if you let yourself haves some feelings. awwwwww

Some things have no explanation... especially when involving a female! * Originally Posted by MrGiz
Thats it get your jabs in for the type'o. way to be!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Welcome to the wonderful world of the hobby Buzz. You will meet more than a few ladies that you develop various levels of feeling for. If you don't, then you are making some bad choices. You just have to keep things in perspective of what this is all about, a paid encounter & performance in which certain lines are not crossed without much discussion and mutual consent.

Sounds like you are trying to stick your toe over that line.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the hobby Buzz. You will meet more than a few ladies that you develop various levels of feeling for. If you don't, then you are making some bad choices. You just have to keep things in perspective of what this is all about, a paid encounter & performance in which certain lines are not crossed without much discussion and mutual consent.

Sounds like you are trying to stick your toe over that line. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I think it's more than his toe, just saying, lol.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I call it infatuation. It is that fleeting sense of pure enjoyment one gets from thinking of, being around and doing things with one particular individual. In other terms, some might call it the "flavor of the month" or the "flavor of the moment". I wouldn't say these are "real feelings" for a particular individual. I think it is a perfectly natural response-- cue the braniacs with all the letters behind their names. I'm sure they will say that a pleasurable experience will release certain chemicals in the brain that stimulate the feeling of euphoria. These chemicals will also produce the urge to repeat the experience in anticipation of re-achieving the high. In reality, it has nothing to do with the person you are interacting with and more with the activities that release these brain chemicals. After the encounter, transference occurs. Instead of focusing on the actions/activities that created those euphoric feelings, we tend to conceptualize/personalize the experience. This creates the appearance of feelings for the person and not the activities. As time passes, the memories fade as will the "feelings"/infatuation. No, I'm not a PhD, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.
Thank you Shayla and Cpalmson.
Buzz, I was on your side and I feel unappreciated. You didn't tell me THANK YOU...
My emotions have taken over and you have personally attacked me. We are breaking up...Joking sweetie.
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah . .. Anita is single again.

Some things have no explanation... especially when involving a female! * Originally Posted by MrGiz
On this we agree!

Best advice I can give, when feelings start surfacing do as London suggests - go see another hottie
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I have had a few dates that have lifted me to a state of euphoria. To be able to live in that state would be heaven.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I have had a few dates that have lifted me to a state of euphoria. To be able to live in that state would be heaven. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
I use to have those feelings after a date/session. However of late, I tend to pre-live the date and have wildly high levels of anticipation. This leads to creating a high level of expectations for the upcoming date. In other words, my euphoria is now happening before the date. On my last encounter, I really set the bar high. When the date happened, things did not go as anticipated or expected. Hell, 1/2 way through the date, I was already having "buyer's remorse" and trying to think of a way to get out of their as quickly as possible. I chalk this up to my penchant for wanting to plan a perfect date/appt. Maybe there is something to be said for spontaneity and just picking a provider on the spur of the moment for some fun. I guess I'm getting a bit jaded.