A Recent Ad DEMANDS some discussion... The "Charity Auction"... from Sophie, Maddie and Haley

Whispers's Avatar
I can be of help there too! I just received my Red Cross First Training Certification last week!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
sixx carries a certification to do mouth to mouth and cpr?

Everyone please take note that I carry a Do Not Resuscitate if you are SixxBach card in my wallet now!
sixx carries a certification to do mouth to mouth and cpr?

Everyone please take note that I carry a Do Not Resuscitate if you are SixxBach card in my wallet now! Originally Posted by Whispers

+fing 1

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Noticing that the ladies involved are loudly not present.

They all hardly ever post or run ads.

This is because they all provide great service, have a steady clientele, and don't need to.

I think they will do just fine in this venture.

And what a great idea. Kudos!
Whispers's Avatar
They all hardly ever post or run ads.

This is because they all provide great service, have a steady clientele, and don't need to. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
An Absolute Truth Lost on so many others..... And these three are not the only ones.....

It's great that more and more of the new girls "Get It"
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-13-2010, 09:43 PM
Noticing that the ladies involved are loudly not present. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
Being young, attractive, and smart, I'm sure all three are doing what we should be... Having fun this weekend! I'd expect a thoughtful response from one or more of them by Monday.

I guess I should submit a bid just so I can say that I did. (bragging rights, you know!)
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Hi! Sorry for the lack of response on my part. I was out of town with my extended family enjoying a camping trip.

Thanks for the questions and concerns. The idea the three of us crafted was actually to gift 100 percent of the donation to our selected non-profit anonymously, reaping absolutely no benefit beyond the fun of one another's company and the pleasure of doing a good thing. I would agree that it is best to expect that we'll run significantly over the time stated, but that is best left to chemistry and specific circumstance rather than to planning. If there is any overt concern that the money will not be allocated as stated we will do our very best to make sure the winning gentleman has all assurances we can provide.

Thank you so much to all of those who have emailed me expressing interest. We've received genrous bids. Those who have submitted bids will receive an updated "highest offer" this evening so you have ample time to raise the stakes if you're interested in doing so. All the best!
Whispers's Avatar
I would agree that it is best to expect that we'll run significantly over the time stated, but that is best left to chemistry and specific circumstance rather than to planning.

hmmm..... chemistry?.... I was never any good at that subject.......

Thank you so much to all of those who have emailed me expressing interest. We've received genrous bids. Those who have submitted bids will receive an updated "highest offer" this evening so you have ample time to raise the stakes if you're interested in doing so. All the best! Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
What a wonderful, generous idea from Sophie, Maddie and Haley. Though I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the latter two, I have complete faith in Sophie's sincerity, and don't doubt for a moment that she will allocate the donation to a charity as promised.

True, this could be viewed by some skeptics as a "marketing ploy"... but let's be honest, gentlemen. This is a place for providers to advertise, is it not? And without the opportunity to advertise this charity auction to the entire board, many gentlemen would miss out on the chance to spend a philanthropic hour with 3 beautiful women.

Is it really so difficult to believe that these providers might be interested in doing something selfless for others?

I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out, and wishing the ladies and all of the bidders the best of luck!

xoxo Natalie
I think nearly everyone who has met Sophie Bella, Haley, or I would know that we're not the type to keep the money.

Its a great charity. One that I donate money to on my own anyways. I've actually decided that until Christmas $100 from each session will be going to them as well.

To the "doubters," I personally wouldn't use any business that I didn't trust to keep their promises. I wouldn't ever suggest you to either...
I think nearly everyone who has met Sophie Bella, Haley, or I would know that we're not the type to keep the money.

Its a great charity. One that I donate money to on my own anyways. I've actually decided that until Christmas $100 from each session will be going to them as well.

To the "doubters," I personally wouldn't use any business that I didn't trust to keep their promises. I wouldn't ever suggest you to either... Originally Posted by MaddietheCoed
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Bless you all who give so generously to cherities. I wish I could be so generous with my hobby money but sadly, I am not. I shall continue to donate a dollar a time when I am at heb, walgreens, and everywhere else that says " would you like to donate a dollar to.... And I tip well, between 20-80% when the service is right. That's about all I can muster. However I do appreciate people who do give like Sophie, Haley, and Maddie. I may just want to do the same type of thing, however selfish my motives would be just to get to play with Sophie.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
I will be the first to admit that we originally came up with this idea because the three of us are dying to play together and this seemed like an amazing way to be both naughty and nice. I don't know what the boys might say to one another in private, but we have received nothing but kind, encouraging words from ladies and gentlemen alike. Just to put a final word on it, I would like to say that the suggestions of "drama" or "controversy" made earlier in this thread are silly and not based in reality. No one has been anything but polite in their inquiries.

Thank you, Natalie and Taylor! You are always so supportive of other women. Thank you, Maddie and Haley, for being such pretty, bad young ladies. And thank you, thank you, thank you to the guys who are participating in our fun game. We could never have such an incredible time and make a difference without you. And for those guys who are interested, you've still got time to get in on the action. One more day...
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I cannot believe I misspelled "charities."
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar

Ya can't just post something like this and not expect some questions be answered....

There are Haters and NonBelievers in the midst..... Hello... I'm a part of that group..... (although a couple of ladies are on a mission to destroy my rep) at least I am normally.... read on....

1) Who gets the Tax Writeoff for the Donation? Will it be in the Guys Name?

It has a lot more value to some of us if it does and could increase the size of the donation if what you are doing is truly meant to help the Victims of Domestic Abuse. Maybe one of the CPAs in the group can explain that....

2) Are you donating 100% of the Money Bid? i.e. will any of the amount be kept for personal expenses.... The answer to this question will sway a lot of haters....

3) I CAN"T IMAGINE this not going into overtime unless you three ladies start warming each other up for 2-3 hours before you start.... You are all WAY TOO INTO EACH OTHER! So OT is a possibility.... Which may yield a tip.... (unless it's someone like me that does not believe in tipping...) Will the additional funds be donated as well?.....

A Suggestion from the Hater and Non Believer Side of the fence.........

1) Allow the Winning Bidder to make the donation and bring you the receipt for the Donation as proof or one of you lovely ladies accompany him... For some of us the Tax WriteOff at the end of the year could cause us to donate MORE so long as we get the tax benefit...

2) Donate 100%... Eat the cost of supplies in good will or roll the dice that the winner will bring his own CASE of condoms and wine... (Anyone know what the cost of a Gross of Small White Man Condoms is?)

3) Allow time for OT and if tipped Donate the tip as your own Good Will Gesture....



6) I'll arrange a booth for the three of you in VIP at the upcoming dinner party for a little warm-up demonstration of your sincere interests in each other.... Just for the Doubters! No personal disbelief here (a little voyeurism maybe)

Naturally a lot of guys will think this is nothing more than a marketing ploy during tough economic times and that you intend to pocket the bulk and throw a few dollars at the charity.... IF you don't think that talk started the moment the ad was posted then... well....

I'm NORMALLY one of those guys and it should come as no surprise that I woke up to some interesting emails and a PM....... Everyone knows I like a controversial topic to discuss......

so here is the post that ANYONE would expect from me.... Take it in the sincere spirit all my suggestions are made in....

GUYS..... LADIES.......
In this particular situation...
With these particular ladies......

I happen to have seen their interests in each other in play... heard about this a couple of weeks back and I believe totally in the sincerity of the offer....

Although I DO believe they are ALWAYS looking for ANY WAY for the three of them to get together and tease the shit out of some poor sap that is along for the ride! Originally Posted by Whispers


Whispers, you never fail to crack me up sometimes, I swear! LOL!

Such thought! Dont work so hard!

Whispers's Avatar
So who won?