Please dont hate me for saying this...its has been brought up before

TheBizzer's Avatar
I'm with Bizzer. I review should stand on its own merit. If I wanted "Joe's" comments I'd read a review by Joe. By the same token if someone is reading Joe's review my comments are just taking up bandwidth.
I have actually had people ask me to "bump" a review to keep it up on the list or to increase view count. Originally Posted by slowmover
When someone asks you to do that, it usually means they've promised and/or negotiated something with the girl in exchange for the good review. You can then discount the validity of pretty much every review the guy has ever written.
Nothing wrong with what you said. That does irritate me also to see a guy posting a negative comment when he has never met the girl. Originally Posted by travelling_man
I agree 100%. I think that I am the prime example of this. whenever I get a bad review guys that have never seen me will come in and say all sorts of crap. I just don't get it. Please move on, it dose you no good to do so.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I only pay attention to the reviewer's comments.

I take the comments listed below with a grain of salt....
....and a lemon....and a shot of tequila.
CenterLock's Avatar
I only pay attention to the reviewer's comments.

I take the comments listed below with a grain of salt....
....and a lemon....and a shot of tequila. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
TEQUILA! I knew I was missing something! Thanks wanderer
People forget that reviews are ment for the guys..the side effect is that it "helps" the ladies..

reviews..the banter about them is merely ment for the education of fellow hobbyiest and shouldn't

#1 be written to help any girl

#2 should be truthful, tactful and the PAYING customers opinion of his experience

If fellow hobbyiest don't like the banter..perhaps they should take it up with their friendly mods..

if providers don't like negative comments after their positive reviews because then they can't use them for advertising purposes..

well..just goes back to.. the reviews aren't written to help a ladies business..therefore the fact one can't use them to advertise isn't really a good it frustrating..aggravating to look at when a guy that a girl has never met has something negative to say? perhaps.. but like assholes..everyone has an opinion and to some degree can share it on this board..(i just kinda proved that didn't i)..

if a guy whom a girl has never met thinks the review is a fake..based on observations..or picstures..or wants to call a WK a WK..i think thats acceptable..if it fucks up a girls chance to use that b.s review for advertising..even better.. is it hard to weed out legit review and WK ones..i have no doubt it is..

but once again..thankfully..and I mean that soooo sincerely..the reviews are suppose to be about a guys experience and written for the guys..NOT FOR THE me..thats a bigger deal then bullshit post after them..
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-02-2010, 08:04 PM
I know it isn't a solution... but what about trying this?

In the first post of every thread, there is a #1 in the upper right of the post. Right click- open in new tab- and save THAT url as the "review" link you share. It will only show the review, but the guy can still search, and see the comments.


Review with responses.

Turns into-

Post #1

Not a cure for the common nut job... but a work around.

Travelling_man is right... it is not nice to write something negative about a person you have never met.
That does irritate me also to see a guy posting a negative comment when he has never met the girl. Originally Posted by travelling_man
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is that comments should be disabled on all reviews. A review should stand as one person's experience, and it is tiresome to see the negative comments on good reviews as well as the WK's jumping in on the negative reviews.

For what it's worth, Lisa, most guys I know put far more stock in the actual review than the chatter beneath it. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
I also respect your perspective, but disagree.

When a positive review is posted and others who are known and respected here support the review with a 'thumbs up' type of comment, that helps a lot of us to make our decisions on who to see.

When a negative review is posted, the comments are even more important. If the comments are mostly dissenting, the provider is protected by her established positive reputation. If the comments are mostly in agreement, that is useful information for the hobbyist. Trend information is always better than instance information and comments make it easier to understand the trends.

I agree that people who haven't seen a provider should just shut up unless they have something of value to add, like a link to previous reviews or something that is useful to other hobbyists. An uninformed opinion is not what I consider useful.
dodger's Avatar
My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is that comments should be disabled on all reviews. <snip> Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Disagree ... comments allow for follow up comments and follow up questions, clarifications, etc. These can have value of adding relevant information, validating, or contradicting the review or comments. It's up to the reader ... so ...

For what it's worth, Lisa, most guys I know put far more stock in the actual review than the chatter beneath it. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
And this is the point. Most guys read the review because they are interested in the lady. They are certainly capable of sorting through the chaff and getting the wheat. They will disregard comments which are not apropos to their tastes or situations, eg, comments about incall if they plan to request outcall, or height, weight, etc ... woldt.

I do believe that reading an ignorant, negative remark posted must be more than a bit annoying, particularly for the person being reviewed. Probably isn't skin thick enough to endure the sound and fury.

But have some confidence in the readers, too.
I agree that people who haven't seen a provider should just shut up unless they have something of value to add, like a link to previous reviews or something that is useful to other hobbyists. An uninformed opinion is not what I consider useful.

I agree with you 100%
Randall Creed's Avatar

I equate this topic to.......just saying bad things about anyone on a public board and causing opinions of that person to be formed by others, despite the fact that those forming the opinions never having met or seen that person themselves.

Yeah. Funny how that works. Reviews or threads with the context described by the OP do the same things, the way I see it. People just have to read what's written and determine for themselves what kind of person they think they're reading about, without letting others do the forming for them.
IMHO, Comments under Reviews should be LIMITED to 2 Options. If you did not see the lady of this review and have NO review of your own on file of her, you are only allowed to comment in the Locker room. With the New feature of finding reviews on ANYONE, it will be easy to see if you do. Then ONLY your review should reflect ANY Negative Comments. If it is so bad, maybe it should be in the ALERT section. 30-Day no Bumping rule applies. These 2 options is all i ever look for in the comments section. any other comments are just the hobbyists opinion. I can make my own opinion and draw my own conculsion. I know WALDT and YMMV depending on how you treat her or how she treats you but, why fill up 5 pages of junk in a REVIEW?

check box 1 or 2

1) ___ My Experience Matched Yours when i seen her.

2) ___ My Experience did NOT Match yours when i seen her.

Lisa I completely agree with you. Postings to a review by someone who has not even seen the lady should not be allowed.
If the posting has a negative overtone.
I have always said that, once a review is posted, that should be the end of it. A review section is for reviews only, follow up comments like she is wonderful or whatever is the most useless commets on this board, if somebody else thinks shes wonderful write a review. I am guilty of this to, but what value does somebody saying she is wonderful after another persons review help this board.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Yep it's a fuckin drama board.
Randall Creed's Avatar
It shouldn't matter what's said after the review...IF the provider is better than the negative comments. If she's an outstanding provider, and others know this, then Mr. Negativity should just roll right off. People would know he's just blowing smoke and would mostly overlook his comments.

If you're a hot shit provider and everyone loves you, who cares what one or two negative schmucks have to say. If you're SUSPECT as a provider, I guess you need all the positive reinforcements you can get. If negative things are said (ESPECIALLY IF TRUE) about you, lol...then you should worry. If negative truth bothers you, then work on your services. Get better. Be good. If negative bullshit that ISN'T true bothers you, perhaps you're insecure. It should only bother you if it's PERCEIVED to be correct.

Does this make sense??