Provders-Medical Tests

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 05-15-2010, 08:49 AM
afterdark, read the edited posts above.....
TallGirlLover's Avatar
Chances are, most providers on this website cannot show a valid HIV test, i have found most, do not even know what one looks like. Its a risk issue, many ladies involved in this business are natural born risk takers, by taking a test, they may have to wake up to reality. HIV is not as prevelent in the sport as other things such as HPV and HEP, while The clap is still the most prevelant although there is a cure. The answer this question will get from most providers is "oh yea i get tested every month" and that is complete BS, as it takes 6wks or longer just to get results. Originally Posted by XXXX
The fact you do not have any reviews is the sole reason for you to make such an outrageous remark about Contractors. Do you really believe they have any less fear of getting a STD than we Clients?? The clients aren't the ones who are normally expected to provide a current health status regarding any and all STDs. As Babee wrote, "MOST don't test every 30 but at the least every 90 and (correcting her grammar) test results do come back much quicker - you just have to pay for that. ALL my results come back in 7 working days - and I test for all communicables including not just ST's. It's for nobody but me and my peace of mind." This is because the incubation period for HIV must be accounted for and can't be ignored. Testing immediately after possilbe contact and getting a negative result may give a moment of peace of mind. However, retesting after 90 days would be best to provide a better confirmation of a true or false result. The only curable STDs, that I'm aware, are Gohnorrea and Siphilus.
Happy Tongue's Avatar
Once again, Mr. Giz, the voice of reason, inserts some sound info into the discussion.

The beauty of the internet and sites like this, is access to info, which also helps you to decide about DATY as well. Nothing is guaranteed, but you can often get a feel for a provider & her approach from her posts on this site & others. Trying to pick wisely for your personal comfort zone is what it's about.

Humans are humans remember. Some providers hate the business, others like the adventure and freedom and sometimes the edginess, others see it as a way to survive in a lifestyle they'd like to have, often just for awhile. Others have that pimp thing going on which I don't understand or support. Often the physical health, psychology and the hygiene are part of the overall picture. So it's all about choice.

After a lifetime of research, Ol' Happy Tongue has to agree with Babee, and say that certain women who recognize what's in their best interests in the situation, or shall we say run their business very well, are probably health conscious, and generally better groomed, tastier, and one supposes cleaner than the average amateur that one might find, say, bar-hopping?! Of course, the encounters are less random and therefore the better prepared for.
As always, as a certain Super Bowl winning team has proven, doing your homework is the name of the game and your chances of getting the result you want better. Or in another way of putting it, it's a fertile field out there and while fertilizing and rotating the crop is good policy, perhaps, you're always going to go for the juiciest fruit! and don't be afraid to eat it straight from nature...mmmmm.
gimme_that's Avatar
I agree with your post. I think we are all ware of the risks associated with this hobby in general. Especially when real names or provider names are being used in regard to unsafe instances.

The thing I have noticed though on board....and there are instances of this NOT ON THIS BOARD MIND YOU.....when info like this is passed on the actually people infected sometimes.......its kinda hushed and deleted. it happened on aspd when certain providers and the reviews they had were deleted after controversial threads of guys warning people. No of course on the whole it will probably be just people being malicious.....but there is no real good alert system for instances like this beside backchannel info. And hopefully by then it not too late. Its looked down upon, but their are to many liabilities and legalities to consider if the info is wrong. So its a touchy subject...but man it would be good to know.

I bet if anyone was thinking of seeing either of the 2 parties they are a lil hesitant now huh.
TallGirlLover's Avatar
I know the real names of two Contractors and will never reveal their names to anyone.
gimme_that's Avatar
I know the real names of two Contractors and will never reveal their names to anyone. Originally Posted by TallGirlLover
2 hiv and aids contractors who are providers or clients? Well I guess thats convient for them huh. Wow.
TallGirlLover's Avatar
2 hiv and aids contractors? Well I guess thats convient for them huh. Wow. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I NEVER said they were infected with anything. Both of them are in perfect health! Don't read anything into what I what said. I only know their real names from circumstances between each of them and me that required that knowledge.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Your odds improve if she has had a recent test, but they're not 100%. Even if someone IS infected with HIV, the tests may not be positive for up to 6 months.

I'm mostly pointing out that the idea of a lady showing you her "clean" STD test results is ripe for fraud, apart from any technical questions of test accuracy or time windows.

Gneissguy, You could see a lady that had the test results from a few days ago and she could still be infected with something you could catch. You have a better chance of getting sick from going to the hospital for a simple operation, or even visiting a friend.

Trainwreck: way to tell THE TRUTH. Originally Posted by rpmsouth
KristianAndAshley's Avatar
What about DATY, you dawgs feel comfortable performing DATY. What are your thoughts, what can a DAWG catch from DATY, is is easy to catch something from DATY, if so what. Originally Posted by Snapper6057

There are other diseases besides HIV, there's also herpes ppl! This is EXACTLY why there is no DATY and only CBJ with us! And we are looked downed upon because of this and we are keeping MAINLY ourselves and also you guys safe.
gimme_that's Avatar
There are other diseases besides HIV, there's also herpes ppl! This is EXACTLY why there is no DATY and only CBJ with us! And we are looked downed upon because of this and we are keeping MAINLY ourselves and also you guys safe. Originally Posted by KristianAndAshley
Is kissing, touching (cuddling) , and digits off your menu as well? Herpes can be contracted those ways potentially as well through contact even with condoms.

Nobody would really look down upon you due to your preferences here, they just would see ladies who catered to their preference. Since GfE and other terms are subjective people might say you are not, while others are perfectly contect with a GFE experience that requires no bodily fluid kissing, cbj, and touching.

Even if you wanted all clients to wear gloves or a trojan bodysuit, it your preference. We just gotta align it with our own if applicable.
  • XXXX
  • 05-17-2010, 04:17 PM
There are other diseases besides HIV, there's also herpes ppl! This is EXACTLY why there is no DATY and only CBJ with us! And we are looked downed upon because of this and we are keeping MAINLY ourselves and also you guys safe. Originally Posted by KristianAndAshley

do you cover ur mans penis when you give him a bj too? Then it doesnt really matter does it? We are supposed to "trust" that ur man isnt banging half ur friends and coming back bare on you, then you can "trust" that our wives arent hoes either right?

BTW, CDC says that over 60% of people ages 16-50 have some form of herpes. So chances are out of the 2 of you... one already has it. Is that what you mean by heeping us safe? keeping us from catching what you have? If so, we all thank you very much! One problem with your plan.. Herpes can actually be contracted from ANY skin to skin contact not covered by Latex.. sooo i guess now you will become providers who dont actually provide any sort of contact?

Heres the CDC's info on that so you dont think im full of it..

"Genital ulcer diseases can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. Correct and consistent use of latex condoms can reduce the risk of genital herpes"

A doctor earns about 125/hr and knows he runs the risk of contracting diseases, but he sees the trade of high income for the risk. A provider wants high income and no risk then she needs to go and become a psychiatrist and get the hell out of the business.In every job there are risks, oil rig guys have to risk death to feed their families, soldiers, same thing, now certain you can do what you can to LESSEN the risk, but saying, "i wont provider services that define my job" is the same as a soldier saying "oh ill sit at base, the rest of you guys go fight the enemy" OR A Dr saying "Hey you guys go deal with the patients and let me know whats wrong and ill collect the paycheck" the reply will always be the same.. FIND ANOTHER JOB.

Oh and BTW, you can catch chlamydia from a toilet seat.. so do you just Hover? Should we ask all providers if they Hover so we know if they are safe?
I have officially never EVER met a man in a bar and hooked up with him. Why would I give it away for free to someone I'll likely never see again? I'd rather give it up for money to men I'll likely never see again, haha. From what I understand, it's pretty hard to contract HIV, unless you're doing bareback greek or sharing needles. I don't take it in the butt or do drugs of any kind, so pheewww.

That statistic does NOT account for the different types of herpes. HSV-2 is genital herpes... and it RARELY affects face or mouth area. Infants usually get HSV-1 from kissing or touching a relative.

I can get my results in 7-14 days, not 6 weeks. Where is that figure coming from? I'm honest with the doc on what I do for the extra cash, so he's prompt about getting my results. He's not a cop, so why not? He doesn't commit those words to my file or record, just something we share.

As for doctors not providing some service-- there are plenty of docs that are selective about what they will or won't due based on their ethical and moral values.

If those girls want to do CBJ, that's perfectly fine. Some guys prefer CBJ. I don't prefer those guys. Ew latex.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I can get my results in 7-14 days, not 6 weeks. Where is that figure coming from? Originally Posted by Jacquie
Assume you were exposed to HIV/AIDS and became infected on January 1.

If you get tested for HIV on March 1, your test may not show that you have HIV. The test checks for antibodies your body makes in response to HIV. The antibodies may not show up for 6 months.

That doesn't mean the test is worthless. The longer it's been since you were infected, the better your chance of testing positive.
Yeah...I don't want to sound like a broken record, but...

Who waits 6 weeks for test results?!?! Hell, even DNA comes back faster than that! I can and do get tested for all manner of things with my regular physician, and in addition, I make sure to test for anything communicable every 60 days at my local clinic (keeps costs down). Now, I don't BBFS, but I know that some harmful things can be transmitted through other avenues (i.e. kissing, shaking hands, etc). STI's are bad. We all agree. But there are other ailments that are just as rough (E-coli, cold sores, encephalitis). I mean...sheesh.

In my experience (meaning, what's gone down with ME), the ladies I've met and even done doubles with have been on the ball to a greater extent than the gents I've seen as far as testing and precaution. I can't tell you how many gents inquire as to whether I do BBFS! The answer is emphatically "NO". I don't deal in volume, and I'm sure that helps too. But for some reason, a lot of gents think that because they are "monogamous" (i.e. they have an SO), they are clean. Nope. What's your wife doing when you're with me? Do you do CBJ with her? Do you use covers when you two get it on? Prolly not. Toilet seats, hand shakes, sneezes, sex with your wife or anyone else, eating/drinking after others....there are tons of ways you get sick. HIV is not the only disease I don't want.

I do my best to keep my "lady" in the best of health b/c she's MINE, not because of my hobbies. Everyone should do the same. Skeerd of getting some disease? Then take precautions. Its not that hard.
  • XXXX
  • 05-19-2010, 03:41 PM
Still missin the point... how would anyone know if u tested positive and how many providers would quit after testing positive? so either way IT DOESNT MATTER! If you are going to try and tell me that NONE of the providers on eccie have at least some sort of STD, i would say that the odds of that being true are longer than the odds of Santa being white.