Something is missing here

lilylivered's Avatar
So, we'd trust the guy that fulfilled basically zero campaign promises, stole more money IN office than he did beforehand, and has at least 7 felonies including tampering and inciting a riot... to stop what Russia's been planning for years?

Denial's a hell of a drug. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70
Enjoy your liberal paradise
Im not going to...
Willie Wanker's Avatar
You’re dead wrong. If Trump was in power,
he would say “why stop with Ukraine? Let’s go on to Poland!

$7 gas…where? You know if Hillary became President, there would of been no pandemic Originally Posted by Presj22
Like the proposed drone strike that was being pushed by war monger generals, most politicians, and praised by the media that Trump called off to avoid human casualties?
You may be experiencing TDS selective memory. Get a few more Fauci jabs, maybe that will help.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So, we'd trust the guy that fulfilled basically zero campaign promises, stole more money IN office than he did beforehand, and has at least 7 felonies including tampering and inciting a riot... to stop what Russia's been planning for years?

Joe's a hell of a drug. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70
Next Best Thing's Avatar
woody's curious speculation no more infantile and odd than his vice president's inane summary of the situation at large.

bigger, smaller, basically wrong.

Dementia Joe may have been coerced into picking this buffoon as his running mate, but he picked her nonetheless.

Now let's make sure the most essential characteristics of this embarrassment's selection for the Supreme Court is that it must be both black and female.
elghund's Avatar

The parade of retards you were trying to provoke all showed up, on cue.

Next Best Thing's Avatar

The parade of retards you were trying to provoke all showed up, on cue.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
elg takes his place as per always.

Would actually have been an improvement if woody wasn't serious.

Outstanding misinterpretation again big guy.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
You’re dead wrong. If Trump was in power,
he would say “why stop with Ukraine? Let’s go on to Poland!

$7 gas…where? You know if Hillary became President, there would of been no pandemic Originally Posted by Presj22
elg,the post quoted above is trolling.

Try to root out the difference.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Only one "moderate" commenter in this thread? 🤔😂
Plastic Man's Avatar
Where are all the threads and/or comments in support of and sheering for putin and the murder spree he’s on? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
fixed it yer ...ya

...btw that ...tds sures cans be ...a bitch
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So, we'd trust the guy that fulfilled basically zero campaign promises, stole more money IN office than he did beforehand, and has at least 7 felonies including tampering and inciting a riot... to stop what Russia's been planning for years?

Denial's a hell of a drug. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70

Trump fulfilled every promise he made. he made the US energy independent for the first time since the 1940's. prove me wrong.

he secured the border and stopped the flow of illegals by forcing Mexico to stop them at their border not ours. prove me wrong.

he called out NATO for being pussies and not paying their share. prove me wrong.

he stopped Putin from invading Ukraine by exporting so much oil it cut off Russia's main revenue. prove me wrong.

he bitch slapped the Chicoms for unfair trade. prove me wrong.

Very good points but some don't get it
Lib globalist warmonger


The parade of retards you were trying to provoke all showed up, on cue.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Some in multiples!

I guess the moral to the story is that it's okay for putin to kill innocent civilians, including children, because the US is still getting some crude from Russia.

I understand. It makes sense now!
Pull your mask up son
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Some in multiples!

I guess the moral to the story is that it's okay for putin to kill innocent civilians, including children, because the US is still getting some crude from Russia.

I understand. It makes sense now! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
??? 😂