So.. I'm getting very annoyed at all the people I hear who start sentences with "so"..

So, like you know uh about the thing you know? Right?!

Let me be perfectly clear that I got what you need just have to uptalk to y’all about the uh the thing everyone is talking about!

😂 JK
Laura Lynn's Avatar
So, true story.....

I am guilty of this.
Almost as annoying as "I got what you need" Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Well done!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sooooo, I've got a highly educated step daughter who does this at the start of any conversation. Doesn't necessarily drive me crazy, but It makes me wonder what happened to the ability to initiate and participate in intelligent conversations without these "tics".
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I was talking to my friend who does the you know you know part yesterday to see where he wanted to go grab a drink and find some women and by the 4th time he said you know and we still haven't decided where to go, I told him: I think I'll just stay home. I didn't stay home of course. I just was not in the mood to any more you know.
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Not enough to complain about ....SO , we reach for “ So “ . Wow . Slow news day
PussySnob's Avatar
“ with that being said “