Krauthammer To Embassy Mob: 'Go To Hell'

wellendowed1911's Avatar
He's right and so is the poster that said the attack was made because they knew we'd do nothing. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
ok so what is the U.S going to do? Air strikes? What about the thousand of pakistanian innocent children and families who have been killed over the years by U.S drone raids? I am pretty sure they would want their country to do something? I know the fact that we kill innocent muslims is acceptable all we have to do is say sorry because Americans lives are so much more important- get a life!
Our number one enemy OBL- the father or Al-queada was given a safe haven by Bush- Bush said he didn't know where he was nor did he think much about OBL.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
bloehardly, can't you gen up anything original other than bleating COsFb's "briefingless" presidency gahr-baghe?

wellendowed1911, no, the appropriate US response is to have somewhere the TPunk Parrotriots can post while the adults actually figure out what happened and who to do in 2-3 months after all of this has blown over. We'll probably never know but the sidekicks of the newly ordained virgin-phuck*rs will. The sad part is that the Libyan government was more hand-picked and pro-western than the Egyptian government. Both situations are not too bueno for us, but "our guys" evidently generate a more aggressive, trained and tactically with it breed of insurgent.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Really? Thousands of innocent women and children, Pakistani no less killed by Obama. I would be willing to let you make a stupid statement like that about Obama but it wouldn't be the truth. We have not killed thousands of anything in Pakistan. Anyway, this is about Libya, Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood. They hate us and fortunately they are not shy about bragging about it. So...anytime we find them in a place where they are not supposed to be like inside our embassy we send them all to hell like the Duke says. In fact I'm inspired...
joe bloe's Avatar
ok so what is the U.S going to do? Air strikes? What about the thousand of pakistanian innocent children and families who have been killed over the years by U.S drone raids? I am pretty sure they would want their country to do something? I know the fact that we kill innocent muslims is acceptable all we have to do is say sorry because Americans lives are so much more important- get a life!
Our number one enemy OBL- the father or Al-queada was given a safe haven by Bush- Bush said he didn't know where he was nor did he think much about OBL. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Bull shit. The search for OBL was underway in W's administration. We finally caught up with him when Odumbo was in office, and he took credit for it.

American lives are more important than the lives of the citizens of any country that threatens us. American lives were more important than German and Japanese lives in WWII and they are more important than the Iranians or Pakistanis or the citizens of any other third world shit hole that threatens us.

We need a commander in chief that sees himself as a loyal American and not a citizen of the world. America first.
I'd like to see what Kraphammer would have to say if he was actually at the embassy. But, I suppose the firepower used by those who attacked the embassy was gathered up from spare parts lying around in mere minutes, too. Really smacks of "spontaniety," doesn't it? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Well if you were there what would you say CandyAssRandy?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-13-2012, 02:57 AM
Bull shit. The search for OBL was underway in W's administration. We finally caught up with him when Odumbo was in office, and he took credit for it.

American lives are more important than the lives of the citizens of any country that threatens us. American lives were more important than German and Japanese lives in WWII and they are more important than the Iranians or Pakistanis or the citizens of any other third world shit hole that threatens us.

We need a commander in chief that sees himself as a loyal American and not a citizen of the world. America first. Originally Posted by joe bloe

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

ok so what is the U.S going to do? Air strikes? What about the thousand of pakistanian innocent children and families who have been killed over the years by U.S drone raids? I am pretty sure they would want their country to do something? I know the fact that we kill innocent muslims is acceptable all we have to do is say sorry because Americans lives are so much more important- get a life! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Well, if you do some CAREFUL study, you will find that the Koran explicitly forbids making war on women, children, and noncombatants.

However, collateral damage from weapons of mass destruction is perfectly OK under accepted mainstream Islamic doctrine, and has been ever since The Prophet Muhammad employed catapults against a walled city in one of his wars. The basic principle is that Allah determines where the missile will stirke, and Allah will keep the innocents out of the blast radius.

My source on this was, so help me God, a jihadist who was working to recruit suicide bombers, on the now-defunct website I got kicked off of the site for being Christian and asking questions that jihadis don't like asked, citing well-known Islamic doctrine and various modern fataawa (Arabic plural of fatwa, as I recall).

I'd heard about the site from someone else. I wanted to see if it really was the cesspool he'd described. As it turned out, he'd understated the case.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Since the Democrats have basically insisted that we become a Godless society. They tend to forget that the people in the Middle East are fanatics, zealots, and just plain crazy. Instilling our type of democracy where we insure that government has absolutely notyhing to do with religion makes people forget that these animals will not set up their democracy in the same way that we do wich is actually a republic.
If you can successfully brainwash a majority of the populice and have a democracy, then you cna control all of the masses.

I believe that the current administration is the one that is in favor of democracy in the Middle East.
Me, I am in favor of getting our asses out of all of those =ehell holes and let them kill each other and live in the dark ages. They choose to follow a false pgophet who may as well have been the Hubbard guy that created his own religion.
Democracy does not work when it is in facxt a Theocracy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-13-2012, 06:17 AM
Mubarak was a tried and true, loyal U.S. ally., and Mubarak was overthrown on whose watch? And it has nothing to do with the Tea Party which post dates 9-11 and Iraq. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You Tea Nuts now cheer for that idiot Charles Krauthammer? . He brought you Iraq and the purple thumbs. Basically the cause of Arab Spring. This is exactly what he and Bush wanted. Free elections! You got'em and Mubarak is gone. Obama is just an extension of Bush. Just like the movie reviewer said on that stupid movie 2016.

That is my point. Tea Nuts back the same neo cons that got us to this point.

Be like hiring Kim Kardashian to find you a good husband.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-13-2012, 06:21 AM

I believe that the current administration is the one that is in favor of democracy in the Middle East.
. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Bush was not in favor of this.

That is what neo cons believed.

Remember when I made fun of you purple thumb SOB's on aspd.

How much those God Damn purple thumbs cost in money and blood. That they were not worth it?

I sure remember all you Tea Nuts to be defending that stupid shit.
joe bloe's Avatar
Well, if you do some CAREFUL study, you will find that the Koran explicitly forbids making war on women, children, and noncombatants.

However, collateral damage from weapons of mass destruction is perfectly OK under accepted mainstream Islamic doctrine, and has been ever since The Prophet Muhammad employed catapults against a walled city in one of his wars. The basic principle is that Allah determines where the missile will stirke, and Allah will keep the innocents out of the blast radius.

My source on this was, so help me God, a jihadist who was working to recruit suicide bombers, on the now-defunct website I got kicked off of the site for being Christian and asking questions that jihadis don't like asked, citing well-known Islamic doctrine and various modern fataawa (Arabic plural of fatwa, as I recall).

I'd heard about the site from someone else. I wanted to see if it really was the cesspool he'd described. As it turned out, he'd understated the case. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Some of the suras (verses) in the Koran sound peaceful and loving and some of the suras are very hateful and urge violence; they are contradictory. These contradictions are resolved with the priciple of abrogation.

The principle of abrogation simply means that whenever there are contradictory suras in the Koran, the one that was written more recently, abrogates the prior sura. Unfortunately, the violent suras are the more recent suras.

The apologists for Islam, always quote the peaceful loving suras in order to make Islam sound like a peaceful religion. The Jihadists are functioning based on the violent suras. They give no consideration to the peaceful suras; they are moot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You Tea Nuts now cheer for that idiot Charles Krauthammer? . He brought you Iraq and the purple thumbs. Basically the cause of Arab Spring. This is exactly what he and Bush wanted. Free elections! You got'em and Mubarak is gone. Obama is just an extension of Bush. Just like the movie reviewer said on that stupid movie 2016.

That is my point. Tea Nuts back the same neo cons that got us to this point.

Be like hiring Kim Kardashian to find you a good husband. Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo sowed the seed for the Arab Spring with his apology speech in Cairo. Odumbo's pro-Palestine and anti-Israel stance -- his failure to support Mubarak and his decision to assassinate Gaddafi -- cultivated the current risings. Odumbo is harvesting the fruit of his failed foreign policy.
joe bloe's Avatar
Odumbo sowed the seed for the Arab Spring with his apology speech in Cairo. Odumbo's pro-Palestine and anti-Israel stance -- his failure to support Mubarak and his decision to assassinate Gaddafi -- cultivated the current risings. Odumbo is harvesting the fruit of his failed foreign policy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Obama doesn't see the spread of fundamentalist Islam as a failure of his foreign policy. He sees it as one of his biggest successes.

Obama's dream is to see Israel destroyed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Obama doesn't see the spread of fundamentalist Islam as a failure of his foreign policy. He sees it as one of his biggest successes.

Obama's dream is to see Israel destroyed. Originally Posted by joe bloe
isn't that also his fathers' dream???
joe bloe's Avatar
isn't that also his fathers' dream??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm