Why do providers not take blocked calls

can you have more than 1 google voice number per phone I use one for my biz also what type of app is that the first poster said.I always answer blocked calls I have to know who it is and I can always hang up at anytime. I can understand that you would want to google the number and to find out who it is and thats why I want to block mine because my number is all over the intenet because of my biz. I guess a burn phone is the best I just dont have a good place to keep it because I drive multi cars and sometimes Im across town and would like to have some fun but my burn phone is in another car and if my so found it she would never believe I just found it and hid it real good in one of my cars. the best way is to email or pm but providers dont want to give out their address which I understand also Originally Posted by mikecross
Only one GV account per phone number. However you can move them around quite easily if you can create multiple GV accounts.

Do you ever drive clients around? You could say someone left the phone in your car rather than just finding it. Lock the phone and she won't be able to say that it doesn't belong to Bud or Lou.
I can come up with some lame excuse that might work, but if everyone is getting burn phones that they can throw away and get a new number or call from a google number its the same as taking a blocked number. You cant search a burn number or the google voice so the providers dont know who they are talking to anyway. The providers that save numbers in their phone are hurting us all if they ever get in any trouble. Its probably best to pm or email then call from a blocked number that way no one has anyones info
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Use talkatone. You can have an extra number there.
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 01-08-2015, 04:55 AM
I don't answer blocked calls and would not expect an provider or anyone else to. You can always send a pm on here or P411. leave a voice message. But the ladies use your phone number in there screening process. I feel much more comfortable with a lady that takes time to make sure she and her incall is safe.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Is this a serious thread?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think that it's a serious question.

I'll sometimes answer a blocked call. And I've gotten some good appointments from doing so.

But one of the main reasons why I don't like to answer blocked calls is because often, they're time wasters.

Maybe the OP doesn't do this, but a lot of men wish to call to "chat" and not really make an appointment. You'd be surprised but a lot of men think that it's kindof sexy to talk to someone like ... well ... "us."

And then, they'll take a lot of time to ask questions, or say nasty things and get their cocks all hard, and then? We never hear from them again.

And that happens, also, with men who call with numbers showing. But at least with THOSE guys, I can do something like put the word "Wanker" by his number and not answer his call in the future.

It's a time management thing if you wish to get right down to it.

Our time is as valuable as yours is. But there are a lot of guys who think that we just sit around, eating bonbons, drinking flutes of champagne while lounging around in pretty lingerie waiting for your calls.

And it's more complicated than that.

THAT is why you're getting some one liner answers and being asked if you're asking a serious question. So many men calling from blocked numbers are just jerking off or wanting to shop around. And they're just not being serious about making an appointment.


My take on your question.

You can currently buy a $14 tracphone at 7-11 with $7 to sign up. Just use the phone once, while you're hobbying and throw it in the trash on the way home.
TexTushHog's Avatar
can you have more than 1 google voice number per phone I use one for my biz also what type of app is that the first poster said.I always answer blocked calls I have to know who it is and I can always hang up at anytime. I can understand that you would want to google the number and to find out who it is and thats why I want to block mine because my number is all over the intenet because of my biz. I guess a burn phone is the best I just dont have a good place to keep it because I drive multi cars and sometimes Im across town and would like to have some fun but my burn phone is in another car and if my so found it she would never believe I just found it and hid it real good in one of my cars. the best way is to email or pm but providers dont want to give out their address which I understand also Originally Posted by mikecross
When I had a SO, this was the reason I never fooled with a second phone. I wasn't married, and I controled phone statements through a business, so that provided some protection. But I thought the risk of a hobby phone exceeded it's benefit. Especially true now with Google voice, though you do have the problem of explaining why you have a weird second number separate from your normal number if you SO snoops on your phone.
Many ladies who screen, cannot do so properly without a number.
TinMan's Avatar
When I had a SO, this was the reason I never fooled with a second phone. I wasn't married, and I controled phone statements through a business, so that provided some protection. But I thought the risk of a hobby phone exceeded it's benefit. Especially true now with Google voice, though you do have the problem of explaining why you have a weird second number separate from your normal number if you SO snoops on your phone. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You can reduce the risk of the latter by just accessing GV thru your web browser on private settings. It's not perfect anonymity (only a burner phone can accomplish that), but it won't raise red flags to the casual viewer.

It seems like a no-brainer to me for the guy who already uses GV for business. One of the downsides to GV is that a phone number does show up on the phone statement, but he can explain the non-local GV "proxy" a lot easier than the hooker's phone number that likely shows up even with a blocked call.
TinMan's Avatar
You can currently buy a $14 tracphone at 7-11 with $7 to sign up. Just use the phone once, while you're hobbying and throw it in the trash on the way home. Originally Posted by Maggie_May
$21 is certainly cheaper than a divorce attorney, isn't it?
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
You can reduce the risk of the latter by just accessing GV thru your web browser on private settings. It's not perfect anonymity (only a burner phone can accomplish that), but it won't raise red flags to the casual viewer.

It seems like a no-brainer to me for the guy who already uses GV for business. One of the downsides to GV is that a phone number does show up on the phone statement, but he can explain the non-local GV "proxy" a lot easier than the hooker's phone number that likely shows up even with a blocked call. Originally Posted by TinMan
If he already has GV for his business on his phone, he can have an additional number using talkatone
billw1032's Avatar
I would suspect that most ladies have a Do Not See list, and they would probably just as soon not talk to guys on that list. Also, they probably get a number of abusive or just time-wasting calls (as Elisabeth pointed out above) that they would prefer to avoid. They need to see the number to have a chance of screening out these calls.

And add me to the list of folks who don't answer blocked calls. If the number is blocked, it's probably not someone I want to talk to on the other end.
TinMan's Avatar
If he already has GV for his business on his phone, he can have an additional number using talkatone Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Yeah, it's even more compelling in his case. Can he turn off just one of his numbers when he doesn't want to receive calls? I have my setting to "off" most of the time, and only turn it on when I'm expecting a call. I don't have a second number, though, so I don't know if that is a global or individual setting.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Yeah, it's even more compelling in his case. Can he turn off just one of his numbers when he doesn't want to receive calls? I have my setting to "off" most of the time, and only turn it on when I'm expecting a call. I don't have a second number, though, so I don't know if that is a global or individual setting. Originally Posted by TinMan
Yes he can turn it off. I prefer talkatone much more than GV. GV leaves too many bread crums, the larger of which is having to have the gmail account associated with that GV number registered in the phone if you're using android, only an android issue. But there are many other privacy issues with GV. I still use GV, but on a burner hobby phone. More of lazyness to change the number, but when I get over that lazyness, I'm switching to talkatone. Talkatone is true VOIP, GV is not VOIP, there will be a record that you called or received calls from a certain number - which is a number owned by google.

Don't even get me started on google's invasive tactics. One small mistake and (for example), you may be sending an invite from your hobby gmail account to all your true life contacts. ouch.