Racist Republican South Carolina Lawmaker Accused of Beating His Wife Resigns

Awwwww, c'mon, Weezy....surely you can do better. Little girls hit back harder than that... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Weezy is Sleezy...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
shitistan mosque, the uni-party 0zombie baby killer... I'll show you a REAL Democrat! ain't many around these days...

Ohhh, it's good. Read the whole story. You got to click---> https://theconservativetreehouse.com...rist-enablers/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
gabbard is something different
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
3 things.

1.) This is politics its the political forum the Subject is a politician

2.) The subject is a racist politician at that

3.) If the black subject fits the same critieria then we can have that discussion.

Think before you challenge me. OK my friend Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
on point #2, defending the confederate flag does not make him racist.
LexusLover's Avatar

Think before you challenge me. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ok. I did. You are a waste of time and bandwidth.

"Petty" fits you just fine. Your "social engineering" efforts would be better served by focusing on the "husbands" ... "boyfriends" ... "fiancees" .... "fathers" .... the Black community who refuse to support their families and assist in the raising of their children in a socially acceptable manner, but hide in their houses while they sop up on the welfare the mother of their children obtain claiming he's long gone and not around.

So, until you start DOING something worthwhile .. FUCK OFF!
Ok. I did. You are a waste of time and bandwidth.

"Petty" fits you just fine. Your "social engineering" efforts would be better served by focusing on the "husbands" ... "boyfriends" ... "fiancees" .... "fathers" .... the Black community who refuse to support their families and assist in the raising of their children in a socially acceptable manner, but hide in their houses while they sop up on the welfare the mother of their children obtain claiming he's long gone and not around.

So, until you start DOING something worthwhile .. FUCK OFF! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And don't forget how well the black communities in Detroit and Chicago did at running those cities into the ground !
Ok Shitstain (BTW is your name one word or two? Shit Stain or Shitstain) I want to address you properly...

All us conservatives think the guy is an asshole for beating his wife, he does not get a pass.

If he were liberal, BLM or some other fucked up liberal cause would come to his rescue.
Jjsunday's Avatar
what else is new with these clowns.Welcome to Trump's America

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017...bexchange&_r=0 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You know this is about the most Stupid thing I think I have seen you post. There is nothing racist about this. I think you just like trying to make us think you are just some kind of racist expert. Just so you can see just how many Dumb Asses well go along with you.

This whole thing is just about domestic violence nothing more nothing less.

The flag you hate means a lot of things but It's just the flag of the south states during the war of the states. Most all the southern state hung that flag over their capitals for the History of it nothing else.Most took it down just because they did want to hear the BS about it. and to eases some racist like yourself.You know in that war a lot of White and Black men Died.

It's not hung there to keep the Black man down. Hell it's just a flag. Sure the KKK did pick up the flag for their cause.Same as they picked up sheets. Next You well be tell me the Bed sheet are racist Too ???
LexusLover's Avatar
Next You well be tell me the Bed sheet are racist Too ??? Originally Posted by Jjsunday
She sees anything as being "racist" that deflects from the miserable life SHE has particularly if the failure of the Black community to take care of their own people and protect their own families gets any light shined on it ..... She'd rather rant about "White People" to refocus the attention drawn to the Black communities in this country.

It's the same reason countries all over this World trash-talk about the U.S. and burn our flag, while their people risk drowning in boats to get here ..... it covers up their shortcomings and they have someone they can vilify and blame for their own failures ..... not taking responsibility for themselves.