Mods - Taylor Love

bluffcityguy's Avatar
ive met a few girls who have a "relationship" outside the hobby, and it seems there is no level of exploitation going on Originally Posted by MsTaylorLove
That's something that can't be generalized. Those higher class providers that I've known who have relationships outside their business seem to be in relationships that aren't exploitative, but they have all been ladies who are obviously independent.

To the extent that the "boyfriend" starts acting more like "pimp" and less like "significant other", of course the relationship gets more exploitative. And then at the opposite end of the spectrum, you get the classic, pimped streetwalker. Those relationships are almost entirely exploitative.

From the POV if the client, it's hard to tell the difference as long as the "boyfriend" is in the background, and pretty much invisible to the client. And that's the way I'd prefer it.


This thread explains why she stopped providing our area...sigh
Sigh. I guess the mods decided that Taylor didn't violate any rules.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Sigh. I guess the mods decided that Taylor didn't violate any rules. Originally Posted by Tumbling Dice
I feel your pain; I'm often disappointed when I don't get what I want. But that's the time that My Great And Good Friend shrugs her shoulders and says, "Learn to live with it, or die with it on your mind."

Time to move on.

