A few of you gentlemen don't deserve the "gentle".

Hawkeye9's Avatar
Anyways from what you describe her physically as, she sounds good
swwaustin's Avatar
IBJ, It is always nice to see a lady share her experience to help those that aren't quite as experienced. It is people like you that make it safer and easier for new talent to make the transition, and as a hobbyist I appreciate that.

advice to the male members here to please fuck with your dick but not act like one. Word does get around to the ladies. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
However, these type of posts tend to confuse me. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to not request that the gents be on good behavior? It would seem to me that those scenarios would be the easiest way for me if I were a provider to screen...If a client acts like a dick during screening, I don't see him...as opposed to a client not acting like a dick, and I see him, but he is actually a dick. Does that make sense?
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
IBJ, Congratulations on handling this in a professional manor. Your post got your point across without causing any drama and I think was effective. Without knowing for sure if the handles were for real or some impostor there was no way you could justly expose these guys and be sure your were exposing the right ones. I'm sorry that you women have to put up with some of this crap.
TAHGorch's Avatar
These scumbags that prey upon the ladies should be ashamed of themselves. But they are pigs and there is not much chance of them having any shame. I say expose their sorry asses, and teach them some manners. Sorry for the outburst, but the ladies of Dallas are the best and deserve our respect.
There's no shortage of two-legged maggots in this world and BJ's story is a good example of how they try to get something for nothing. Good to hear that there's someone out there looking out for this woman and to give her some guidance along the way. Experience can sometimes be an awfully cruel teacher and BJ might be able to make her entry into the Dallas field of Providers a pleasant experience. It's a frustrating situtation for the Hobbyist too, since the aforementioned maggots' actions will make this woman look at everyone else with a suspicious eye.
ugh that pisses me off that some people have the nerve to try and take advantage of someone like that!!

I back you up on this one BJ
good post

yaddayadda's Avatar
Wow! We post about how women become "Jaded" to the business and here is a good example of why. BJ tell your friend to hang in there and not judge us all by a few "bottom feeders" who happen to be associated with this board. I am sure the word gets out on these guys pretty quick and hopefully she will build her business up without anymore problems.

daddyo67's Avatar
these dudes need to be set up. lead them on and when they go to collect have a 270 lb gorilla waiting behind the door. I'll volunteer to be that gorilla!
BJ, I hope you expose these scum suckers and publicly post their handles. They do every guy who plays by the rules a disservice by driving gals out of the hobby and making them distrust all guys. I understand you do not want to cause drama, but if there are no consequences to this sort of behavior, then it will surely be repeated. At a minimum, post their phone numbers and usernames in the ladies sections and in the national blacklists.
Precision45's Avatar
Unless names are mentioned, then what is the point? If you want guys to stop harassing you, the ONLY way to solve the problem is to name names.

I'm with BJ 100% in that these guys are predators, but let's solve the problem, not rant about it. The only reason CF and WS got booted last year was because someone stepped up and outted them with proof to back it up.
I agree.I appreciate Bj coming forward but just posting this rant does very little to solve the problem .Communicating their info to the admins of this site is what should be done.Also the drama that was wanted to avoid is taking place now because of the Op's thread.Lets deal with the bad apples not just discuss them. Good luck to Bj's friend and she shouldn't let a couple dirtbags dissuade her.
cookie man's Avatar
Quote BJ

"She is the cutest, sweetest, shortest thing I have ever seen. She is an absolute sweetheart. If she does decide to stick with, I hope the great guys come out and show her a good time and the assholes fuck off."

I'm in! My kinda girl!
LazurusLong's Avatar
First off, I am NOT trying to defend any of the actions by those calling and txting.


A long time ago on another board, it was posted by Staff that "offering a service for a service" was fine.

So what if a member offers to take photos in exchange for a session? Does anyone honestly think everyone who takes photos does it for cash in hand? You're joking and insane if you think photos for a session is NOT pretty common.

I've seen ads for providers offering discounts for their first reviews. Or for continued reviews The only problem mentioned by staff on the other site was if there was some sort of "pressure" implied. PC offers a review discount, so does Southern Comfort Studio.

Apparently the offer of a review for a free session offends? How about if they had offered her a half price session? Offered to pay for her hotel room? $25 and a box of condoms?

Is the bottom line that he didn't offer ANY cash? If yes, then it is simply a price point discussion and NOT that he offered to barter a review for the session because if that is a bad thing, then I hope ECCIE prohibits the providers from posting ads offering discounts for reviews.

What really IS the problem? Have you ever had a girl tell you about a friend and give you a good deal to see an unknown quantity but tell you that you have to write an honest review? Review bartering happens every single day around any message board.

How about when a private group of clients "finds a new girl" and that inner circle gets one price but then helps her get on here for a much higher one? Is that fair?

As for ad posting. As long as the staff of any review board is aware of the situation, what's wrong with that? Posting ads take time and as busy and forgetful as many providers happen to be, knowing they have ads up on ECCIE and maybe the other review sites SHOULD have a price.

Same for screening help isn't it? There are screeners around who happen to be male. Guess what? You will never know unless YOU are the one doing it. It is why I hate email screening because I never know who is really getting my info and why I love P411 so much but even that is not foolproof to keep guys away from my data but at least with P411 all they get is my code.

Bottom line?

Other than the WKs posting here, I'm not even sure why BJ got upset given that what happened did not happen here on the board but off site AND unless you are really new to this world, this shit happens every day. Multiple times. If BJ helps her screen and turns her onto some of her nice clients, would it offend anyone if BJ got paid some amount for helping and screening?
....Communicating their info to the admins of this site is what should be done. Originally Posted by looiecypher
BJ stated they did not use a handle and that this happened off the board. So unless ECCIE staff is going to act like off board hobby police and make a determination as to just what "horrible" thing happened off site, I really don't think ECCIE staff should be involved at all.
Shackleton - Let me ask you this. Ever go look at the photo album of the guy who takes all those photos of the Southern Comfort girls? And an awful lot of the girls who post ads on this site?

Ask yourself whether it is ANY of your business whether he gets a session (or two) or cash for his hard work in providing photos for the escort to use in her ads before you get so fired up and call them a bad person.

As I said, I'm playing Devil's Advocate here but let be real about what happened and keep your eyes open.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-24-2010, 06:24 PM
...However... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I don't know who you "used to be" on that other board, but I like the way you think.

P.S. I like the way BJ thinks, too.
Now maybe it is because Jazz was verified rather quickly or because her name has been intersected with mine on the board in a review or whatever the reason; she hasn't encountered any problems. Her girlfriend on the other hand has. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
I am very happy to hear that Jazz has not encountered any problems, and i think you are RIGHT about the above statement. BJ, you are Well Respected and well Loved by MANY clients on ECCIE and many boards, and NO client wants to upset BJ. As far as Jazz's Girlfriend, i am very sorry to hear this happened to her. BJ, you are a GREAT friend to all these ladies and i know they value your friendship as i do.

However, whenever there is opportunity + opportunists = GREED
If you allow those BAD apples to stay in the Barrel, they will make the rest go ROTTEN. I think there are enough GENTLEMAN on this board that your lady friends need not waste their time with Garbage like that.

LazurusLong Playing Devils Advocate has some good points for discussion and makes you think is Bartering even worth the Headache? FREE or TRADING is NOT always the best Route to achieve your Goal. Is it even worth it? The young, the weak, the innocent newbie will always be easy Prey, unless they have a friend like you BJ.

My 2 cents,