Contact List Abandoned Due to Trolls

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-26-2018, 12:54 PM
Looks like this thread has also been abandoned by contributors to the list.
NordicJag's Avatar
Katie - I know you are frustrated. You have put a lot of effort into this and you are tired and feeling underappreciated. However, most of us really appreciate what you were doing. Take a step back form it a day or so and get some rest. And remember, if you ignore them and don't give them attention, they will eventually get bored and go away.
stiffwood7's Avatar
Yes.yes..lots of luv for katie.hug and kiss and a big thx u
I agreed witb N.J
This is why Houston can't have nice things.
jojodancer15's Avatar
That's why I asked if the ladies would put their list together of who is okay to see.

Eccie will always be trollsville
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's a shame it had over 80 ladies and I included the lists that are being created in SA and Austin as well, so it was basically a 3 city list.

And for some reason people can act and behave as adults and the lists are being created in other cities, but Houston is over run with dipshit immature loser trolls that have nothing better to do than harass women. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Just hire an Asian or Indian dude to create a database for you..that's what I do when I have a complex technical issue requiring extreme brain power ....I go for one of them races. They know that shit left and right
Is thecutepapi available?
Bigjohnson1's Avatar
Sorry a few assholes pissed you off Katie. I thought this was a good idea and I was and am still interested. Please don’t let a few dipshits in Houston label all of us
stiffwood7's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If it's not too much to ask, please out the trolls.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
CurvyKatie stop sending me messages and asking me questions about certain providers! Originally Posted by SanMarcosGuy
You've been around for about 1 month, what the fuck do you know? Obvious old member with a new username. You can read right through this shit.

That's why you don't have a regular job. Originally Posted by telephoneman
You've been around for about 2 months, what the fuck do you know? Obvious old member with a new username. You can read right through this shit.

I hate fucktards who get an alternate username and think they're being slick.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Just hire an Asian or Indian dude to create a database for you..that's what I do when I have a complex technical issue requiring extreme brain power .. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's about right. I never figured you were smart enough to handle complex technical issues. Thanks for your verification in your own words.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Find someone else to be Eccie's bitch.

Fuck you trolls. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
You did good and meant well, plus you gave an effort with your own time.
OK, so say you make 80 ladies happy and 80 guys happy, and you had say....5 trolls. You still have a great batting average, plus people will remember you for your efforts.

Since 1999 I've been around 4-5 hobby sites that closed down and I had a few threads I wanted saved, but couldn't, so I know what it's like to lose communications with friends in the hobby and lose some special postings.
HoustonDan's Avatar
Sorry this has happened.

Might I recommend that you still compile the list but but only send it to people who verify their legit ECCIE status (verified profile with at least several legit reviews) via PM here and an email to your proton acct?

Trolls suck, I’m sorry they’ve gotten bad.
I hope you get to feeling better about this Katie. I, along with SO MANY others, truly appreciate the work you have done.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.