Top Military Officers Unload on Trump

LexusLover's Avatar
.... The Generals who are so naive as to think that we can change thousands of years of ingrained hatred possess a unique combination of stupidity and naïveté that we have not seen since President Obama’s tenure as Commander in Chief. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Trump is the CIC ... and he was elected as such. I listened to his Secretary discussing events in the Middle East and Trump's awareness of current status of affairs ... Trump seems to have a handle on the realities on the ground there with the backdrop of centuries of tribal conflict. The current reality is:

The U.S. ought not to go to war with a NATO member against the Kurds who have moved beyond the territory the have been inhabiting for the past 1,000 + years. They did a good job for the U.S. et al in the early 1990's through the early 2000's. they were good partners with the ISIS ...

... THE REALITY is in world conflicts: today your enemy is your ally and tomorrow your ally is your enemy.

Here is partial list:

Germany, England, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Mexico.

As for "current events" and all this stupid "collusion" talk:

Wonder why the SocialistLiberalAntiTumpers don't want to persecute the Liberal Democrat sitting in the middle for "colluding" with a MassMurderingSocialistCommie on the LEFT?

"Kurds"???????? You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!! A bunch of whining bitches running around with their asses kicked off trying to "Trump Up" some more bullshit. You all are embarrassing yourselves and are too stupid to realize it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wars have been fought for thousands upon thousands of years for less reasons than are in today's news.
For any pacifists, simply thank your parents for birthing you in the US.
But, reality is that war can not be negotiated into fairytale land.
matchingmole's Avatar
President Trump has said that if ISIS does return, the U.S. will come back to obliterate the group. But, it’s uncertain who would work alongside them in that case. In the future, what message would this send to other groups with whom the U.S. would seek to work?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
President Trump has said that if ISIS does return, the U.S. will come back to obliterate the group. But, it’s uncertain who would work alongside them in that case. In the future, what message would this send to other groups with whom the U.S. would seek to work? Originally Posted by matchingmole

what message would it send our allies if we attacked Turkey?

inquiring posters want to know!
matchingmole's Avatar
what message would it send our allies if we attacked Turkey?

inquiring posters want to know! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump has tried to attack turkey before

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump has tried to attack turkey before

Originally Posted by matchingmole

so did Obama.

"learning how to gobble without really saying anything" - Obama.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
gobble gobble??? isn't gobbling a bit early???
President Trump has said that if ISIS does return, the U.S. will come back to obliterate the group. But, it’s uncertain who would work alongside them in that case. In the future, what message would this send to other groups with whom the U.S. would seek to work? Originally Posted by matchingmole
Then let the sorry Muslim bastards live under the glorious rule of ISIS.

If Islam disappeared tomorrow, think how much better off the planet would be.
what message would it send our allies if we attacked Turkey?

inquiring posters want to know! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What a shameful disgrace to the honor of the U.S. Armed Forces!

What a fucking message would you like to send to Erdogan if our Turkish "allies" attacked our military posts in northern Syria?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What a shameful disgrace to the honor of the U.S. Armed Forces!

What a fucking message would you like to send to Erdogan if our Turkish "allies" attacked our military posts in northern Syria? Originally Posted by andymarksman

they won't and you know it little Nazi. they know that Trump would not allow that. you would have Trump sacrifice 1,200 soldiers to stop an entire Turkish division?

you would put the safety of US troops in jeopardy over a bunch of Islamic assholes who would turn on the US in a second if it served their purpose.

it's clear you never served in the military.

"Earlier Monday, senior Army officials told reporters that the safety of U.S. troops in Syria prompted the decision to withdraw."

"The primary threats to U.S. forces are Turkish-supported paramilitary forces and the potential for an accident in which Americans are targeted by mistake or caught between warring factions, according to the official who was not authorized to discuss such matters."
LexusLover's Avatar
It was Obaminable who abandoned our allies in Europe by withholding the missile defense system .... no outrage by his fans here!!!!!!! or in the media .... remember the "more flexible" remark as he lovingly squeezed the Russian's upper thigh?

Another Democrat loved by all .....

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It was Obaminable who abandoned our allies in Europe by withholding the missile defense system .... no outrage by his fans here!!!!!!! or in the media .... remember the "more flexible" remark as he lovingly squeezed the Russian's upper thigh?

Originally Posted by LexusLover

did Obama flirt????
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-15-2019, 10:53 AM
Here is a fucking name...

Former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis warned that if the United States does not keep pressure on ISIS in Syria, the terror group will “resurge,” in an interview set to air on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday.

Originally Posted by WTF
Now Mad Dog is a pussy according to our resident Trump lovers!

LexusLover's Avatar
did Obama flirt???? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He colluded. He also turned his back on an ally in Europe when he agreed with the Russians to wait until after his 2nd election so he could be more "flexible" in dealing with them. If I recall correctly a topic, if not the topic, was a missile defense system for the Ukraine.

Apparently the Russians were opposed to U.S. assistance with their missile defense.
they won't and you know it little Nazi. they know that Trump would not allow that. you would have Trump sacrifice 1,200 soldiers to stop an entire Turkish division? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Then why even pulling out our military personnel in disgrace? Haven't you just "guaranteed" that Erdogan wouldn't dare to hurt them?

So the truth is that the only "sacrifice" our service members ever endured in Syria is their honor, thanks for pointing that out...