Houston we have a problem!!!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
If a popular guy ncns/cancels a girl then he should be named as well. One cancel is one thing but multiple times puts him right up there with the rest if not worse. IMO those are the ones that use their weight to silence a provider. If you stay silent and keep allowing it then it will continue t happen to not only you but others as well.....
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Oilfield I am started to wonder about the pimp situation. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
You don't have to wonder about the pimps Ms. Pleasures. I don't know how many times I heard from a recently moved to Houston provider about how this city has more pimps than any other place they have been.

Hell some of them are lurkers here and Maybe even some are frequent posters.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Put these asshats on blast!!! We like a good witch hunt around here.
Jack Flash's Avatar
If a popular guy ncns/cancels a girl then he should be named as well. One cancel is one thing but multiple times puts him right up there with the rest if not worse. IMO those are the ones that use their weight to silence a provider. If you stay silent and keep allowing it then it will continue t happen to not only you but others as well..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Save your fingers.. These girls are gonna just whine and complain about it and not do anything to fix it. Personally this thread has "win" written all over it if names are named. But if it is a just a thread where we all try and convince them to do something they don't want to do, then just a waste of time.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 11-07-2011, 03:59 PM
Ladies you create all this drama, and then turn right around and complain about it. Just be blunt honest and name these fucking lowlifes, if they are frequent posters, I say fuck em, fuck em right in the ass. There is no gray area here, just fucking do it, and quit your bitchin.
Chicken shit.....
ZedX79's Avatar
The complaining women are chicken shits who are hesitant. Out them or stop your complaining and go back home.
Mojojo's Avatar
I have never done any of the above, but I do have a rule.... I do NOT see out-of-town visiting ladies. Sorry to hear about the jerks in Houston. Maybe it's something in the water. Originally Posted by GentlemanTexan

I'm actually the opposite of you, I try to only see out of town ladies only so the issue affects me.
dearhunter's Avatar
What Zed said.............ijs.
Chicken shit..... Originally Posted by BDS

Well said BDS!.......................... .............................. .............................. ...

Here we go again with the "Houston Guy's " Bashing.
It occurs to me that ,allthough it sucks to have NCNS and cancellation problems, whining about it on here is probably not going to go well!
If it's that big of a problem then why not call out the handles involved?
Give them a chance to defend the behavior out in the open.
Or why not stop visiting?
Just my $31.26 (that's $.02 adjusted for inflation.)

Oh and you need to add an answer to your poll.....
I am a client who doesn't give a shit.
Hell some of them are lurkers here and Maybe even some are frequent posters. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
you make me feel bad for lurking....

Ladies... I dont actually participate in the "hobby" so much as day dream about it when I am bored so take my opnion for what it is worth, but it seems to me if you stop referring to it as a hobby and start referring to it as business you might get better response from a borderline asshole. If you name names, you might get a few valid explanations from some who meant well and the ones that don't you might figure out who the pimps are.
You guys say we are chickens.... but.. i have mentioned one name before about a ncns.. and to this day i am stalked and harassed and even had to change my cell number only for him to obtain it and continue. So to make mention of another name... NOT worth it. I simply put him on a DNS ever list.. and move on.
My comment earlier was actually in defense of Houston men. I have been to houston 3 times. My first time i had only 1 cancellation (an hour before), the 2nd time was a ncns and the 3rd.. a cancellation (an hour before). Ironically it was the same guy ALL 3 times... but i take full blame as i should had DNS listed him the first time.

Again, my comment earlier was in defense of the guys... I have been there 3 times and only encountered ONE person that has done this... and the other gentlemen I saw.. well They are GREAT!! Spoiled me, treated me like a lady and have become some of my favorite men in the hobby. So my experience- there is always at least one bad apple in each city... whether its Houston, Dallas, or OKC. I like to focus and give attention to the good ones... and to the traveling ladies- I have NEVER left Houston with regret... just the need to go into boink recovery mode... something in that Houston water that gives these boys stamina galore!!!
Pica Flor's Avatar
If Houston is so bad, then why keep coming back? The OP states that the last 5 trips have been terrible. FIVE TRIPS, so how many trips does it take to realize maybe Houston is not a good business destination? I know If I was a provider and had that experience I would had given up on Houston long ago and stick to places that work, it surely would not take FIVE trips to give up. Something does not add up, so in MY opinion, the OP has something else in her agenda.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well she could just as easily visit here for pleasure, family, friends ect ect along with providing. Doesn't matter how many times she's visited, doesn't change the fact that she's encountered what she has.
  • LynnT
  • 11-07-2011, 07:08 PM