Perry vs Palin

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I'd like to see Palin take it in the ass. In fact, I'd pay to watch! Wakka wakka wakka!
  • Booth
  • 05-29-2011, 11:18 AM
Actually, I'd like to see Palin take it in the ass. In fact, I'd pay to watch! Wakka wakka wakka! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm probably in the minority here but going purely on hotness factor, I'd take Bachmann over Palin. Everything about Palin is disingenuous and fake. Bachmann may be bat shit crazy but she believes every word that comes out of her mouth and I find that kind of hot.
I'm probably in the minority here but going purely on hotness factor, I'd take Bachmann over Palin. Everything about Palin is disingenuous and fake. Bachmann may be bat shit crazy but she believes every word that comes out of her mouth and I find that kind of hot. Originally Posted by Booth
I'd totally have a threesome with Michelle Bachmann and Christine O'Donnell dressed in a witch costume.

"I am NOT a witch! I might be a vampire, a unicorn, a leprechaun or the tooth fairy, but DEFINITELY NOT a witch!"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK -- so a quick update.

Perry is preferred more than two to one over Palin.

A creosote pole up the poop chute is preferred more than two to one over Perry.

Perhaps we should have asked who'd be more likely to take a creosote pole up the ass...

(Excuse me folks, I'm feeling silly today!)
Oh, how I love reader comments...

"If Obama is not careful, Sarah will visit all 57 states before he does."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I like Perry over Palin. But, then again, I like anyone over Palin. Wouldn't vote for Perry either. Can't the red party do any better?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
CNN reports tonight that Palin is "kind of contemplating" a run for President. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Say no more!

Rudy Giuliani is now considered by some to be the front-runner for 2012. Maybe he'll get a new dress for his trip to Iowa!

I'm guessing "Obama and the Seven Dwarves" isn't a bad name for the 2012 field as we know it.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Grim choices.

I could do S. Palin.
I could TOFTT and do Rick.
The thought of either becoming..........

After reflecting for a few minutes, I wouldn't be afraid if the Governor (our's) got the nomination. Disappointed, but not scared.

I would be scared shitless by the other white meat, aka 5 years to get a communication degree-elected office resignator=personal grudge carrying-husband working out of the governor's office-can't name a newspaper or magazine ex-governor S. Palin.

Since I have passed the age that by my wildest dreams and imagination, by a series of fluke accidents staggering to a sane mind, and by odds that border on winning Mega ball twice in one month, I accept the fact I will never pitch in the 9th inning of game 7 of the World Series.

Sarah must accept she can never be President. And it has nothing to do with a 53 mph fastball.

How long does creosote burn?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In case you didn't see the local news yesterday, Rick Perry wore a bright pink tie while announcing the "call" for the special session.

Today, I questioned a veteran lawmaker on his choice of clothing, thinking it might be some kind of "month," -- like fire the teachers month, or something like that -- and the answer was, "Well, Perry's GAY!"

I said, "do you really believe that?"

He/she/it said, "Absolutely."

I CHIT YOU NOT! This wasn't a staffer or an intern, or even a Teabagger freshman, but a senior member of the Legislature who's known Perry for "a while." If you remember, he called a press conference several years ago to deny his homosexuality, even though nobody had "accused" him of it. A prophylactic dose of "I'm not gay," if you will.

If those who know him believe it, what are the God-fearing people of Rock Ridge going to think when "Mofo the Clown" hits the road for 2012?

I am beginning to think this goes beyond simply being stupid. Anyone else think she might actually be mildly retarded?
budman33's Avatar
I'd go Palin. The world isnt ready for another governor from texas yet.

and the Taliban and all the 'women are less than dirt' societies would all shit their pants. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did anybody see highlights of Palin's trip to Massachusetts?


If you didn't hear here account of Paul Revere's midnight ride, here it is from an arguably conservative media source, USA Today:

Now if that wasn't enough, she wore a huge cross the other day when she rallied with the bikers. The next day, in New York, she wore a big Star of David.

Good thing she wasn't visiting the Log Cabin Republicans. She'd have worn a big COCK around her neck!


Tonight, Bill Maher said he thought she could win. In fact, he thought "anybody could be President of this stupid fucking country."
  • Booth
  • 06-03-2011, 11:28 PM
So far 5 people prefer a laughingstock to Rick Perry.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's like preferring crabs over scabies.
  • Booth
  • 06-06-2011, 04:49 PM
Instead of admitting she was wrong, her supporters are attempting to rewrite history.